
Chapter 4

In the past, it had never occurred to Avery that she would be a victim of her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend.

She'd always thought it was a ridiculous plot script writers had cooked up to add drama to TV shows. It was only when it had happened to her that she realized how true to life those things were.

To this day, she could remember how deeply the betrayal had stabbed her when she'd opened the door to her college dorm to see Harry Lavigne and Wendy Sawyer in bed together.

One had been her best friend, while the other had been the person she had relied on the most, aside from Jessica.

Yet they'd betrayed her in the dirtiest, most disgusting way possible. It had torn Avery's heart to pieces.

"Aves?" Wendy was taken aback.

Avery had already looked away from them. She moved deeper into the elevator, pulling her luggage with her.

She had no intention of making small talk with them. The past was in the past—she and Harry had broken up, and she'd put an end to her friendship with Wendy.

From the moment she'd caught them red-handed, she hadn't wanted to have anything to do with them anymore.

Wendy kept her arm around Harry's as they walked into the elevator. As the doors slid shut, she turned to Avery and said, "I heard you found a job. Are you going on a business trip?"

Avery kept her head lowered as she made a sound of agreement. Wendy didn't say anything else at that.

Avery walked out of the elevator when they reached the first floor. Unfortunately, one of the wheels of her suitcase became lodged in the gap between the elevator and the floor.

She tried to tug it out, and her face turned red from the effort. The suitcase didn't budge, though.

Just as she was at a loss for what to do, Harry helped her. He tugged on the suitcase and freed it.

"Thanks." Avery fled the scene.

The elevator doors slid shut and continued downward. Wendy glanced at Harry and said pointedly, "Aves has changed so much. Do you think it's because she's still mad at us? Should I invite her out and give her a proper apology?"

"Is that necessary?" Harry said indifferently. "Would an apology change anything now that things have ended up like this?"

She pursed her lips, sounding aggrieved as she said, "Are you blaming me for this, Harry?"

He didn't respond. She pulled her arm out of his. "If you still have feelings for Aves, I'll go explain everything to her. This was all my fault to begin with, so I'm willing to bear the consequences. You know how easily placated Aves is—I'm sure she'll forgive you."

The elevators slid open to reveal the bright lights of the basement parking lot. Wendy ran out in tears.

Just then, a car came speeding at her as the driver blasted the horn. She stood there, looking like she'd lost the ability to react. She threw her hands up to shield herself, but forgot to run.

Fortunately, Harry ran after her and pulled her back in the nick of time. The car's brakes screeched as it skidded to a stop and brushed past them. The driver stuck their head out the window and cursed at them before leaving.

"Were you out of your mind?" Harry held Wendy's wrist tightly. His voice was shaky.

Things had been so dangerous. Wendy would've been sent flying if he'd been just a second later.

She was pale with fright; tears streamed down her face. She trembled while weeping as she threw herself into Harry's arms, unable to utter a word.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, saying gently, "That's enough. Stop crying…"

Avery took a cab back to college. Her dorm was the only place she could stay after leaving Jessica's apartment.

There were supposed to be four of them in a dorm, but everyone had moved out after finding internships since they were already in the last semester of their senior year.

Avery didn't usually stay there, but her bed was still available. Before the cheating incident, Wendy had stayed there alone because she was from out of town and had yet to get a job.

That night, Avery had returned to the dorm because she'd heard the electricity had gone out. Worried that Wendy would've been scared on her own, Avery had decided to return to accompany her.

Yet as soon as she opened the door, she'd stumbled upon…

Either way, Wendy no longer stayed in the dorm. Avery had heard that Harry had rented an apartment for her.

Avery had been busy since she'd started work at Lavigne Corp., so running into Harry and Wendy at Jessica's apartment building had truly been a surprise.

She hadn't expected Harry to rent Wendy a place in Jessica's neighborhood and even in the same building. She didn't want to think about whether it was a coincidence or something intentional.

All she knew was that she'd made the right decision to move out. It wouldn't be pleasant for her to occasionally run into them, after all.

Avery's phone rang just as she was done making the bed. It was Jessica.

As soon as the call connected, Jessica cried, "What happened, Aves? Why'd you leave without even letting me know? Where are you? I'll come get you right now."

She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. Avery leaned against her bed and said, "I'm on campus, Jess. Once I've passed my probation, I can apply to move into the employees' dorm—"

"Why do you need to stay at the dorm when there's space for you here? Wait there, okay? I'll be right there to pick you—"

"Jess!" Avery cut her off.

Jessica fell silent. Avery swallowed her woes and stared at the ceiling, feigning light-heartedness as she said, "I'm an adult now. I don't want to be your burden anymore—I want to be someone you can rely on."

Jessica was seated on a chair in the foyer as she listened to Avery speak. Tears rolled down her face.

She dried them and said, "I don't need anyone to rely on. All I need is for you to be by my side. I don't care how old you are—you'll always be my baby sister."

"Thanks, Jess. But this time, I genuinely want to be independent. I know you'll support me."

Jessica said hoarsely, "What if I refuse to? Will you pack your things and come home?"

"You won't." Avery chuckled as she cried silently. "Since we were kids, you've supported me in everything I've done. You're the best sister anyone could ask for."

Jessica didn't say anything for a long time. She was trying her best to hold back her sobs, but Avery still heard them.

She continued, "I'll buy you a huge mansion once I make it big, Jess. I'll open up a store for you, too. That way, you and Eugene won't have to work so hard."

Only then did Jessica laugh. "Oh, you. I don't want a mansion or a store. Eugene and I are ordinary people; we don't dream of living a rich life.

"All you need to remember is that I want you to be well. I'll be satisfied knowing that you're happy."

"Got it. I'll make sure to be happy!" With that, Avery hung up and started crying in earnest.

After a while, she dried her tears and headed to the hospital to get her IV drip for the viral infection.

While in the hospital room, she suddenly heard a knock on the door. When she opened it, the lights outside went dark. Eason showed up before her.

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