
The Enchanted Curse: The wolf/banshee inside me
The Enchanted Curse: The wolf/banshee inside me
Author: Blu Sky

Chapter 1

Wow is all I can say….

I guess I should start from the beginning, so you'll know what I’m talking about.

Hello, I’m Sky Bloodworth. I am a month away before I turn eighteen and can escape this hellhole. Let me give you a little background about myself.

I am the only child of two successful parents. I know...boring…hit the snooze button on to the next story. But I promise if you hold on to the story it will get better.

My dad was a doctor for adults and kids. I figured he had to be important because everyone addressed him as Dr. or Sir and never his first name, which is Jason. I thought it was weird to never hear people call him by his first name. What did I know I was twelve at that time. But I know I saw people coming and going from his office when I would come to visit every week to get my allergy shot.

Mom was a scientist, which I thought was cool. Her name was Joy. When people call her by her last name, that would aggravate her. She always tells them to call her Joy. Mom was friendlier than Dad. She thought hearing Mrs. Bloodworth was so strict and right to the point.

I loved my mom because she would make time to be silly with me even though she was busy working. I remember when she would let me into her office so we could spend some kind of time together. I would see all kinds of equipment and thought it would be okay to touch it. When she had enough of me in her space, she would rush me out of her office and tell me to go straight home and not go wonder around outside.

Because of that, it caused me to be a loner because I was always by myself and it caused me to mature a lot faster than others. I tried to stay out of my parents’ way to not cause any problems for them. I knew I didn’t have any family members because Mom and Dad would always say we were in this alone in tgis world and all we had was each other.

Never really grasped what they meant by this. But one thing I did know was my parents worked hard and stayed focused on their work even after hours because anytime their phones rang they would always jump to answer, and they had to leave the house right away. Me being little, I paid it no mind, but now that I am older, that wasn’t right. It was very strange.

Some nights when I was left alone, I would get scared because of the shadows I would see outside my window. When I talked to my parents, they would say I had a wild imagination. They thought I didn't notice when they would look at each other like a deer stuck in headlights fears. They thought I didn't notice but I did they would always change the subject saying that a twelve-year-old should not believe in seeing things and that I should leave that for little kids.

In times like this, I wish I had family members I could call and talk to; I would even settle for a good friend. All I had was my stuffed animals, and the TV to talk to. Pretty lame, I know, but hell I was little and closed off.

Shortly after that conversation about seeing shadows, my parents were killed in a freak car accident. The weirdest thing was I could remember myself sitting in the back seat talking to my parents, and then the next thing I knew, the car was flipping over. When it finally stopped sitting upside down, I noticed several paws walking around the car. I could hear my parents screaming at the four-legged creature to get away from the car as they struggled to free themselves.

As I was losing consciousness, I could hear my mom say she's not ready, she hadn't turned yet. We don’t know if she has powers or her wolf, you must wait until she is eighteen. Trying to fight to stay awake; I could hear my parents screaming, please don’t hurt us, we have done everything you asked us to. I guess I passed out because when I woke up, I could feel something pulling me from the car.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t fight or scream for help. I no longer heard my parents talking and screaming by the time I was pulled to safety. I looked around for them but never found them. Now the crazy part is people were saying I was thrown from the car, but I knew something pulled me free.

Doctors tried to figure out how I had no physical bruises, no broken bones, not even a scratch. I explained to them, that I never get hurt and not even a cold. Being that I was twelve, I knew something bad had happened to Mom and Dad, and no one wanted to tell me, so they tried to keep my attention by having me do different fun kid stuff. I stayed quiet, thinking that my parents would come back to me, but after a few months passed, I knew that they weren’t, that maybe they were dead.

I had no family members. I was sent to live with this man and woman who I knew nothing of. It finally came out they said they were my aunt and uncle on my dad’s side of the family. I never felt right about them because I was always told by Mom and Dad that we didn’t have any family members. What made things worse was they would always look at me strangely and leave the room when I entered or stop talking when I approached.

The mystery surrounding my parents’ death and my newfound guardians weighed heavily on my young shoulders. I played along with the charade until I could find my own answers. Which would finally come around when I turned fourteen because the guardians pulled me out of school.

When I asked them why was I being pulled from school they would say it's for the best. Struggling to understand why but ultimately I let it go. Because I was being bullied by Ericka. I don't understand why because I never did anything to her.

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