
Chapter 36: Ripped Letter


Slamming the door behind me, I stormed up to the bed and threw myself over it. I hit my pillow off of my bed. He knew! He knew about the secret war! Why wouldn't he tell me? What's so bad that he won't tell me?!

Why would he tell me to forget about it? Why was mom telling me to forget about it? Why was that mysterious elder telling me to forget it? Why! Why!

Sitting up in bed, I inhaled to calm myself down a little bit. Something is really off here in this pack. I could feel it, but I just couldn't place what it was.

What if I just go to Nightfang and ask the elders, or perhaps the council, about it? For two seconds, it seems like the best idea. But then I quickly shut it down. What a stupid idea that would be. I couldn't risk my life for that.

Everything was just... so overwhelming. I reached out to take my pillow and remembered I had thrown it off the bed. Standing up to get it, I stubbed my toe in the corner of my bed's frame.

The pain went straight to my brain, causin
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