
An unusual vision

**Felicia POV 

Finally, it was Saturday. At least that's what Alicia would have said, but with much more enthusiasm.

"The day of my incredible birthday!" I exclaimed. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm the weird one. Do you think I'm strange?" I asked Jade while searching for jeans in the closet.

Jade replied, "Of course not," as he playfully slapped my butt.

"Ouch! You pervert!" I exclaimed, turning around to kiss him tenderly.

I had just come out of the shower and was only wearing a bra and panties. I felt his hands wandering over my body, and desire rose with each touch.

He closed the closet with one hand and pressed me against it, sliding his leg between my thighs. I let out a slight moan and quickly removed his t-shirt. My hands roamed his back, scratching him with each spike of pleasure.

His breath quickened, and I could feel his erection behind his pants, eager to come out and ravage me. I moved my hands down to his jeans and undid his belt. The next second, my bra had come off, and he took my breast in his mouth.

I felt my nipples harden. He lifted me by the thighs, and I clung to his neck, feeling his erection swelling between my legs.

There was nothing better than a good sex session to start the day, and I was about to be served.

Or so I hoped until the sound of the apartment doorbell rang out. We continued to ignore it until my phone started ringing too.


Lost in our passionate kisses, I glanced at my phone and saw it was Alicia calling.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked, kissing my neck.

Suddenly, someone started banging on the door. We had no choice but to postpone our moment.

"Felicia Springs! I know you're in there. I can hear your phone ringing from here, so you better open up!" Alicia shouted.

She didn't even finish her sentence before the door opened, and she stumbled into Jade.

"Oh, Jade. I didn't think you'd still be here at this hour. Aren't you at work yet?" Alicia asked, embarrassed.

"Alicia... Buon compleanno," Jade replied, wishing her a happy birthday.

He let her in, and she joined me in the kitchen as I made myself a coffee.

"Are you two...?" Alicia trailed off.

"Mmm-hmm," I confirmed.

"And I interrupted you?" she asked, mortified.

"Mmm-hmm," I replied.

"Oops... Sorry," she apologized.

"It's fine. So, what's the plan for today?" I asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"You're going to help me with the party preparations. I don't trust Julie. She's pretty clumsy," Alicia said.

"Okay, let's go," I said, smiling.

The day could still be salvaged. We couldn't ruin her majesty's incredible birthday.

I left in the afternoon to go to Mrs. Grey's office. I assisted her with another patient this time.

Everything went well, but I couldn't stop worrying about Nate. Once the session was over, I approached my mentor and expressed my concern.

"Well, for Nathaniel Sullivan's case, I'll take care of him alone. Especially if, as you say, he's enrolled in university. It would make him uncomfortable to have to confide in one of his classmates," Mrs. Grey said.

"Okay, and it's possible that he and I will be in contact sometimes. Is that a problem?" I asked.

"What kind of contact?" she asked, her tone sharp.

"Well, we could be good friends, I suppose," I replied.

She sighed and smirked. "That's not a good idea," she said.

"Why? Because I'll stop following him?" I asked.

"When you gain experience as a psychologist, you will understand why it's not a good idea." Mrs Grey said

"Because he could get ideas and become hesitant towards you!?"

"Among other things."

"I see."

"Miss Springs, I understand your desire to help him in your own way, but let me reassure you now. Don't do anything that could compromise his progress, okay?" She insisted

"I'm not trying to help him, I just want to be his... 'friend'."

"Do you know about the hero syndrome?" She asked calmly without expecting my answer

I eventually resigned myself to her advice. "Okay, Mrs. Grey," I said as I left her office.

Deep down, I knew her advice would be difficult to follow. This man intrigued me too much.

My phone vibrated in my bag.


"No, Jules, Alicia hates pink. Light blue will do. I'll take care of the cake. Did the beers arrive?"

"Okay, that's the most important thing. She's at the spa. Nobody should disturb her, so you'll go through me, okay? I'm on my way."

I hung up and headed to the cake caterer. I also stopped at a jewelry store to pick up the gift I had chosen for her.


Night fell and Alicia's parents' house began to fill up.

Luckily, they were on a trip, otherwise this party wouldn't have been possible.

Everything was going as planned, music, alcohol, and boys having fun all around.

I was in the kitchen when Alicia joined me in her prom dress.

"So, has he arrived yet?" Alicia asked

"Jade? He must still be at work."

"No, silly. I'm talking about Jacobs."

"Ah! No, I haven't seen him yet. Neither him nor his gang. But your cheerleader friends are on time."

"Don't pay attention to those vipers! How do I look?" She asked a little stressed

"If Rebel was real, she'd be jealous of how you shine." I replied with smile

"Thank you. But we agree that I'm a better shooter than her, right?!"

"Yes, definitely! Come on, your brother is calling you."

I parted ways with her to arrive in the large courtyard, sipping my whiskey cup.

"Someone feels a bit lonely, it seems." Jade said, in front of me

"Hey, you took so long," I said, thrilled to see him, and kissed him, but when I opened my eyes, I saw Nate's gaze.

He was several meters behind, accompanied by Oliver.

I felt embarrassed and had a hard time holding his gaze.

"You'll never guess what happened to me at work today. Where's Alicia?" Jade asked

"She's... inside."

"Shall we go?"

"No... I... I came out to check a few things, I'll join you."

"I can accompany you if you want." He proposed

"No, it's not necessary..."

"Okay, don't take too long, okay?" He said kindly

"Don't worry babe"

He went inside, and I stood at the entrance of the courtyard, waiting for Nate.

But why was I waiting for him? I had no obligation to him.

I'd better join Jade instead.

"Good evening!" Oliver greeted

"Oh um... Good evening, Oliver... Nate?"

"Good evening," He replied coldly, and I felt a sense of guilt inside me.

But why, when it was about my boyfriend?

I was within my rights.

"I'm glad you could come."

"I had to go to great lengths to bring him here. And the atmosphere looks great, even a hot tub!" Oliver said with joy

"I'm not interested," Nate said and turned to leave.

But I didn't want him to go. Without control, the words slipped from my tongue."No, stay."

He turned around and looked at me with confusion.

"I mean... You just arrived. Can't you wait a little longer?" I said.

"I don't feel very comfortable in the midst of all this noise," he replied.

"I know. Me neither, so we'll be two bored people if you want."

"I don't want your boyfriend to see me in a bad light if we hang out too much."

Oliver apologized and said, "I'll get us some drinks."

"I'm sorry for putting us in this situation," I said.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong," he replied.

"Oh, right. What was I thinking?"

Why was I so nervous around him?

"Fancy going inside?" I asked.

He didn't answer and walked towards the house. I followed him.

We joined Oliver, who handed Nate a cup.

"So where's the party queen?" Oliver asked.

"She's not far. Do you want to say hi?" I replied.

Oliver started to stress and chugged his drink before heading towards the hot tub.

I asked Nate, "What's wrong with him all of a sudden?" 

Jade said to Felicia, "I was looking for you. Where have you been?" 

"Oh, I was with... 'them'," Felicia replied. 

Nate looked away and took a sip of his drink. 

"I'd like you to meet Oliver and Nate," Felicia said. 

"Your friends, I presume?" Jade asked, shaking their hands. 

"Yes," Felicia replied. 

Suddenly, Nate's face twisted when he saw some guys he seemed to recognize, "Ryan!? What is he doing here?" he exclaimed. 

"Who is Ryan?" I asked curiously. 

Meanwhile, Oliver had disappeared into the crowd. 

Nate didn't answer me and walked towards Ryan, as if he was being called. 

"Nate, wait!" I called out. 

"Well, it's not all, your friend isn't doing well," Jade said, holding my arm as I tried to hold Nate back. 

"What's wrong with her?" I asked. 

"I think you might know," Jade said. 

He led me to his room upstairs, and I stopped in front of Jules, who was already panicking. 

"What's wrong with her?" I asked. 

"I don't know. I wanted to talk to her about the cake when I saw her enter her room and lock the door. She's been crying ever since," Jules said. 

"Alicia? It's me, open up, please," I said. 

A few seconds later, the lock on the door lifted, and I entered. 

"Give me a few minutes, okay?" 

"Okay," They accepted 

I found Alicia sitting on the edge of the bed, looking sad. 

"My dear, what's wrong? We're waiting for you downstairs," I said. 

"I saw them," Alicia said. 

"Who are you talking about?" 

"Daniel Jacobs. He was kissing Tasha." 

"Tasha? From the cheerleading team?" 

"Yes," Alicia said. 

"Oh, my love," I said, hugging her to comfort her. Although I still didn't understand what she saw in that arrogant football player. 

"You'll find someone better," I added to comfort her

"You're right. Sorry for bothering you with my problems," Alicia said. 

"No, don't worry. It's my job, isn't it?" 

She smiled at me and hugged me again. 

"Shall we go back to the party? I'm afraid Jules might do something crazy. You know her," she said, laughing and wiping away her tears. 

As we were getting up to leave her room, I felt a deep unease. 

I was dizzy, I could hear voices, and I had flashes of Nate being stabbed by this supposed Ryan he had seen downstairs. 

"I don't feel well," I said, putting my hand on my face. 

"Felicia?" Alicia said, worried. 

"I... " 

"What's wrong? Felicia..." 

"Nate... What... " 

The discomfort was so strong that I ended up fainting. 

"Help! Help!" Alicia shouted. 

Jade forced the door and found us inside. 

"What happened?" he asked. 

"I don't know. Everything was fine, and then... she fell... I don't know... Oh, shit! What do we do?" Alicia said. 

"Felicia! Felicia, please wake up!" Jade said. 

What was happening to me? What did this discomfort and these visions mean? 


Meanwhile, Ryan said to Nate, "Nate, my old friend!" in a mocking tone. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Oh, I had clients to supply. So, have you decided yet?" he asked, pulling out his Swiss Army knife.

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