
The girl and the wolf

***Felicia POV 

Nate had made his decision since he got out of jail. He wouldn't work for them anymore. However, he asked for some time to gather the money he owed them, looking straight at him.

Ryan exclaimed, "Oh, listen to this, guys! Robin Hood here has decided to be a better person."

His men laughed and surrounded Nate, with the biggest and strongest one holding him down.

Ryan approached him slowly, and Nate tried to struggle but failed. When he tried to scream for help, he received a violent punch that broke his nose.

Ryan said, "Sorry, man, but the boss's orders are clear. If you refuse to work for him, you die."

"Boss, let's finish this and get out of here," one of his men said.

"Don't give me orders!" Ryan replied, taking out his Swiss knife and plunging it into Nate's abdomen without hesitation.

Before pulling it out, he made sure to inflict intense agony by twisting the knife in his stomach, as if he were playing with a screwdriver.

Nate's mouth was covered so his screams wouldn't escape. Ryan whispered in his ear, "Don't worry. Your little sister will take care of paying for your debt," while chuckling.

They left him there to die and made sure no one saw them before leaving.


Meanwhile, in Alicia's room, I was unconscious and lost in another reality.

Jade said, "Oh, shit, she's not breathing! What happened inside?"

He unbuttoned my shirt and prepared to give me a chest massage.

"I don't know!" Alicia cried.

"I'll call an ambulance!" Jules said.

"No...Don't do that, or my parents will find out about the party, and they'll never forgive me!" Alicia replied.

"What? Are you serious, Alicia? Your best friend is about to die, and all you care about is saving your own ass?" Jules exclaimed.

"Call a damn ambulance!" Jade growled.

Alicia had a moment of silence and realized her mistake. She took out her phone from her bag and dialed the emergency number.

She watched Jade give me a massage, waiting for someone to answer the phone.

As for me, I felt like I was sinking into the deep night. I couldn't see anything around me, but I could hear heartbeats.

At first, I thought they were footsteps, but they weren't. I could clearly hear someone's heart beating.

"Is anyone there?" I asked curiously.

The only answer I got was the echo of my voice.

I walked towards a dark tunnel that led to a beautiful clearing. The moonlight spread majestically over the river.

I looked ahead and saw a dark cage. The moon didn't shine on it because of the clouds that covered half of it. But the sound of the heartbeats came from there.

Curious, I approached the prison and asked again in a trembling voice, "Is anyone there?"

"Call an ambulance! No, my parents will never forgive me!" Alicia's voice replied.

"Jade, Alicia?" I could hear their voices in the distance, and I looked up at the sky.

"Jade, Alicia, can you hear me? Where are you?" I asked.

Then I heard the purring of an animal from inside the cage and the sound of the lock opening.

When I turned towards the cage, I saw the same wolf from the other night standing in front of me. The same thing happened with his eyes. They went from black to golden when they landed on mine.

I took a few steps back, frightened, and fell on my butt.

"No, help!" I covered my face with my hand.

To my surprise, the animal didn't harm me and stared at me for several seconds. Then, he approached and stopped when he felt my panic.

But if he wanted to attack me, he would have done it already. And those eyes, it's like they're trying to talk to me.

I slowly stretched my hand towards his face while looking at him. Fear overwhelmed me, but I could perceive his intentions in his gaze.

When my skin touched his fur, he closed his eyes and lowered his head to allow me to stroke him better. He wanted me to take care of him.

"How did you end up here? What are you?" he asked, turning towards the cage and looking at me as if he wanted to show me something inside.

The clouds were slowly clearing in the sky, and I saw the silhouette of a man inside. The moonlight shone on a part of his body, and I saw his hand covered in blood. He was injured.

I realized then that the wolf wanted me to help this person. But suddenly I heard my friends' voices again.

"Mi Amor, wake up!"

"Jade? Where are you? Jade!!! Someone is injured and I need help!"

The wolf at the entrance of the cage started to roar.

"What's going on? Calm down," I said, but he kept roaring and I felt a force pulling me from inside the tunnel I had come from. I couldn't resist and I was completely drawn in.

That's how I woke up, like a shipwrecked person pulled out of the water.

"Felicia!!!" Alicia hung up

"Mi amor!"

"What happened? Where am I?"

"Here, drink some water."

"Thank you, Jules."

"We were going down when you fell in the palms."

"You should rest. You must have worked too hard today," Jade said.

"Probably. Sorry for worrying you."

"We'll go home."

"No, I'm fine. Let's stay a little longer, please."


"Isn't it almost time for cake cutting?"

"Yes, everyone is gathered in the courtyard. The stage has already been set up," Jules said.

Alicia squatted next to me and hugged me.

"Hey, you scared me," she said.

"Sorry. Let's go down now, okay? They've already waited too long for you."

"Are you sure? Because we can..."

"No, let's go." I said

In the courtyard, Alicia saw Daniel and Tasha arm in arm.

"It's your day! Forget that jerk, okay?"

"You're right," Alicia said, smiling.

She climbed onto the stage like a princess, and everyone cheered.

"For an archery champion, I find her very feminine," Jade said.

"Are you saying I'm not feminine enough for you?" I asked.

"You're the most beautiful."

As he kissed me, Oliver arrived and interrupted us.


"Oliver: Have you seen Nate?"

"Nate? No."

I knew I had forgotten something since I woke up.

"Your friend. He went to meet some people he seemed to know, but maybe they've already gone back," Jade said.

"Who? But Nate doesn't have any friends here except me," He asked, confused.

"I don't know. He talked about a Ryan. My love, do you remember? You were there at the same time."

Suddenly, my dream came back to me, and I realized that before I passed out, I had seen Nate being stabbed.

"Have you tried to reach him?"

"It rings, but he's not picking up. Maybe he came back without telling me. The coward!" Oliver said as he walked away.

"Babe, I'm going to the bathroom," I said.

"Okay. Don't take too long," Jade said.

I left him to search for Nate inside.

I searched the bathrooms, the Jacuzzi, and the rooms without bothering to knock.

"If we can't have sex in peace anymore," a couple exclaimed as I caught them in the act.

"Oops! Sorry," I said, closing the door.

If he was in danger, he had to be in a place where no one could see him.

I'm already going crazy.

"No, Felicia, think!" I said to me

That's when the idea came to me like a revelation. 

"The back of the house!" I exclaimed

I hurried down the stairs and went through the kitchen that led directly to the back. 

I fell into this vast, poorly lit and undeveloped courtyard. I had never liked this place at night. But I decided to go there anyway. 

"Is anyone there? Nate?" I asked, scared

There was radio silence, no one answered me. 

As fear gripped me and I wanted to turn back, I heard a cell phone ringing and it wasn't mine. 

I walked towards the sound and saw that someone was behind the tree in the courtyard. 

I recognized his pair of sneakers and hurried to join him. 

"Nate? Who did this to you? Your wound is serious!"

I started shouting for help and tried to prevent him from losing too much blood. 

"It's going to be okay, Nate! Focus on my voice."

As I tore his t-shirt, he took my hand to stop me, "Don't call anyone and please leave here!" His voice heavy.

"What? But you'll die if we don't do anything. Let me help you..."

"No, don't call anyone. I'm fine!" Squeezing my hand

It was taking my calm that made me realize what was happening. 

I was stunned to see this. 

"Nate! Your wound... it's healing right before my eyes!? How is..."

I looked up and when our eyes met, I had the same sensation as in my dream. 

His black gaze had turned golden. 

I hadn't dreamed... 

Those eyes... they're the same...


It was Jade calling me from the back kitchen. 

"No one must see me. Don't answer" Said Nate

Jade entered the courtyard and continued to look for me. 

He was getting too close to us and was going to end up finding us there together. 

I decided to come out of my hiding place, and Nate insisted by squeezing my wrist. 

"Felicia, no one must see me. Please."

I stood up and went to meet Jade, "Hey?" All embarrassed

"Baby, what are you doing here? I was worried!" Jade said

"Oh, I... I wanted to get some fresh air and get away from all the noise after coming out of the bathroom. Let's go."

"Are you okay? You look pale."

"Yes, I'm a little cold." I answered 

"I'll lend you my jacket" He said, putting it on my shoulders 

Suddenly Nate's phone started ringing again and it caught Jade's attention. 

Nate cut the call but it was too late. 

"Were you with someone?"

"Someone?!" I asked

 "Yes, didn't you hear?"

"What are you talking about Jade ?" 

He approached the tree slowly, "Who's there?"

"Baby, we better leave here." 

"No, I heard a cell phone ringing."

Shit, what's going to happen if he finds Nate? ...

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