
A Choice

A bright bonfire is burning brightly in the middle of the dark room. Several figures in dark hoods are standing around the fire, waiting for someone to arrive. The whole room has an eeriness to it because a bloodlust is visible among the people standing there. Their eyes are dark, filled with hatred for the world which has wronged them. They are ruthless, their hands smeared with blood of innocent people.

A thin girl steps forward, impatient at the delay.

“Where is he?” Nine scowls. “We are already late! I need to head for Faika!”

“Be patient, Nine,” an elderly man says. He is nicknamed Three and he is one of the oldest members of the guild. His hawk-like eyes are calm and he is the only one who is more tame compared to the others.

“I can’t be patient!” Nine snaps at him. “Ace is mated to that Crown Prince and now, she’s on the run after destroying half the castle! Her clan is dead and now we are stuck with hunting her down. It’s not gonna be easy at all!”

“Ace is merely suffering the
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