
The Meeting


I was deep in paperwork when she called me asking to come get them from school, I was shocked that she would leave early and what was more shocking was that they had a bloody wolf with them, and from the smell coming of her, she was one of us. Sensing that whatever happened was still fresh within them, I didn't ask any questions I drove us to the packhouse in silence.

While I have a mountain of questions for the three women for now I have to respect that they won't tell me anything truthful If I ask. We took The Injured Wolf to the infirmary where I found out it was Faith, Faitb had been a very outgoing person but after her parents were killed on the second attack of Rogue she shut down and nobody knows why and nobody couldn't get through to her. Now I'm even more curious as to what happened. To have all three of them together.

Seeing that something was troubling Aisha I left to make some hot chocolate for her, hoping that she would drink it and not throw it in my face
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