

Scott opened his eyes weakly and stared at the unfamiliar surrounding. Where was he? And why does he feel so weak.

"Are you back?" Scott heard a voice asked him. He turned his focus to where the voice had come from and saw Arden standing close to him.

"Hungry." He croaked out.

Without a word, Arden stretched out his arm toward Scott and he fed hungrily. After he was done, Scott felt his powers coming back and he sat up. He saw that Arden wasn't standing alone, Lucas was with him.

"What happened?" Scott asked them after.

Lucas took his time to explain everything that had happened. At least, what they thought had happened. When Scott confirmed their thoughts that he had indeed fed from her, Lucas continued in his tale. He also explained what he thought might have been the reason for Scott's unconscious state. After he was done, Scott sighed audibly.

"Are you saying that her blood could be poisonous to vampires?" He asked Lucas.

"I don't know yet. It could be only to you. But, we will soon find out," Lucas answered.

Scott was about to ask how they would find out when Arden brought out three injections of blood. If Scott was right, the blood belonged to that girl. And, he was about to be a test subject without volunteering himself. Scott groaned and the two men with him chuckled. He doesn't want to experience that sort of feeling again. But, he still needed to know if Luca's assumption was right, just in case.

Her blood. How did they get it? He thought as his mind seemed to just remember that little fact.

"Where did you get that?" Scott asked the two men.

"Arden went to the hospital to get it." Lucas said. At his confused expression, Lucas explained some more. "You were a bit talkative in your unconscious state." He said with a dismissive shrug.

Scott watched as Lucas came near him and injected him with one of the blood injections. He watched as Lucas turned and he injected another one into Arden. Scott became afraid. If Lucas thinks something is wrong or right, then it is usually that way.

He hadn't finished the thought when Arden threw up some blood. Scott watched as he threw up some more. Scott didn't fail to see that Arden was already looking weak from just throwing up some blood.

Why wasn't he throwing up though? Scott thought to himself just as the urge to puke sets in. He didn't bother to fight the urge, since he knew it was useless. He kept puking until he felt his intestines would come out too.

Lucas was already giving Arden something to drink. And soon enough, Arden's ashen color returned back to normal. Scott on the other hand felt like death could win over him in the game of survival they were playing. Lucas came over to him, and he gave him whatever he gave to Arden earlier to drink also. After a minute, he felt his body settled down.

"Just as I guessed. Her blood is poisonous to vampires," Lucas said.

"Maybe it's because our blood is tainted. We don't know with true blood, their system may be able to fight it," Arden said.

Lucas raised the third injection containing the blood up, to indicate that he also thought the same thing.

"If I turned like you, just give me what's in that blue bowl. If I turned out worst, give me the yellow one. If I turned out milder than you, then give me the purple one." Lucas told Arden and I as he injected himself.

For over a minute, nothing happened. As Scott breathed a loud sigh of relief, Lucas spit out some blood. In a matter of seconds, he turned gray. His fingers nails elongated, his fangs nore define than usual. And, he was writhing about in his blood vomit.

Scott quickly picked up the yellow bowl and made him drink whatever was in it. In a minute, he was calmer. His nails had retracted, his fangs were back to their normal size and the blood throwing up had stopped, but, he was still in pain, tossing about. Scott picked up the purple bowl and gave it to him which he drank. About five minutes later, he was calmer and better.

"How on earth is this possible? How could a human blood be so poisonous, even the true bloods can't resist it?" Scott asked Lucas and Arden.

"I don't know man. But, one thing I know is the hunters should never find this out, or we are dead," Arden answered, looking worried.

Arden was right. If the hunters knows about this, the vampires all over the world would be in danger. The human herself would be in danger.

The hunters have been after the vampires for centuries, for a reason the vampires know nothing about. But one thing Scott knows about the hunters was that they were out to wipe out the existence of the vampires. How the hunters knew that vampires exists was still a mystery none of them could figure out. Another baffling thing was no one knew who the leader of the hunters was.

"What do you think she is?" Arden asked Lucas, who shooked his head to say he doesn't know.

Scott had thought nothing could move him anymore, until this. A mere human being? What could be in her blood to make it poisonous to vampires? And he was mated to that very same human? How on earth was he supposed to claim her then?

Not that he had any urge to fulfill that part. Thank you very much, he thought.

"We need to keep an eye on her," Lucas said.

"True. Arden can do that," Scott answered.

"I'm out on a mission for our laird. I'm taking the earliest flight to London by tomorrow," Arden said.

Laird to vampires is what lord or king to humans mean.

"Let Kevin keep an eye on her then," Scott suggested again.

"Kevin is going with me, Scott," Arden told Scott in an apologetic manner.

What mission was the laird after exactly, for him to send two powerful vampires together? Not just any vampires, he was sending two tainted bloods. A vampire with a fey blood, and a vampire with a wolf blood. It must be a very dangerous mission.

"Who can now keep an eye on her?" Scott asked the duo before him.

When he didn't get any answer, he looked up. Only to find the two of them staring right at him in resignation.

"I am not going anywhere near that human. I hate humans and you both know that," Scott said, looking from one vampire to the other.

"You are the only vampire powerful enough that is available. And, you know a little about her. Besides, you are the only vampire who can alter his entire look," Arden said.

"Besides, the secret can't be let out to everyone. It's a dangerous thing for the vampires. So, the fewer people who know about it, the safer we can be," Lucas supported what Arden had said.

Scott hated to admit they were right, but there was nothing he could say. The secret has to be guarded. And if it was to be guarded, it has to remain between the three of them.

"Alright. I'll go. But, I need that mating bond broken first." Scott finally said.

"I can break the bond and you will be free from her. But, the next time the bond gets activated, you will be stucked with whoever the bond chooses. You won't be able to break the bond anymore," Lucas told Scott.

Any other thing is acceptable to activate his bond again, compared to being stucked to that human.

Scott thought to himself.

"Then, let's get to work, shall we?" Scott said out loud.

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