
Chapter 5


                                                                                          ~REGINA’S POV~

I sat on the cold concrete floor of the dungeon. Silver shackles decorated my hands and legs, making it difficult to think of anything other than the freedom of not wearing them.

The heat of my anger sat more profound in my bones than the cold from the broken window 8 feet above the ground. I turned my head and glared at the two bastards who put me here in the first place.

“We will release you when you're ready to tell the truth.”

“But that was the truth! Why do you find it so hard to believe me?!”

“Because you are the queen of War, and deception is your middle name.” 

I groaned in frustration and pulled my legs to my chin.

“I didn't lie. That was the truth; everything I said was the truth.”

“Sure thing, princess.”

Killian patted my head like a dog, and it took all the willpower in my body not to bite off the fingers on his hand. 

The metal door was banged shut, and it was only until the heavy silence echoed against the walls of my cell that I realized that the only thing I had to keep me company were the rats that hid behind the mystery of my shadow and the spiders that are too busy surviving to care about silly old me.


I trimmed the ends of my hair with the end of my nails. I hung my head low as I cleaned my nails when a gentle voice spoke in front of me.


I looked up and stared into the mystery of long brown hair and her gray and green eyes. The different color of eyes looked like a mystery to me, but I wasn't going to tell this girl I was intrigued by her.

“My name is Sophia Crescent. Sister to the Alpha and beta of this pack, and I feel we will be amazing friends.”

I gave her the blankest expression I have ever given anyone. The look must have knocked the smile off her face because all she could do was ask.

“Did I say something wrong?”

I didn't say anything. I just looked at her with intensity until she spoke again.”

You don't like me.”

“Gee. How did you figure it out?” I spoke with sarcasm lacing words, and a scowl appeared on my face when a smile lined her lips.

“Well, then. It seems I have some work cut out for me.”

Anger brewed in my spirit due to the woman standing before me, and if she didn't leave in the next 20 minutes, I would find a way out of her myself.

She eventually left to do some critical shit when I got another unexpected visitor today.

Can't I just be left alone?

I lifted my head and stared at a man with long blonde hair and gray eyes. He held a tray in his hand, and he maintained a distant look within those orbs, and the realization of it hit me to the core. He’s blind and human.


I didn't look at him. If there's one thing I know about blind people, it is that when they are ignored, they always make themselves scarce. 

But he wasn't like any blind person I know. 

“My name is Reginald.” 

I looked at him, expecting to hear more about himself, but when he didn't say anything else, a sigh left my lips, and I chose to ask.

“No last name?”

“I don't have a last name.”

“And why is that?”

“I don't know.” 

A blanket of silence fell over us, and just when it got too much for the blind boy to handle, he picked up the tray and walked closer to my cell before handing it to me. 

“I thought you might be hungry.”

I was starving, and he knew it, but I would be damned if I accepted food from him of the woman that came before him.

“I'm not hungry.”

“You don't have to lie to me. Anyone can see that you are…”

I pushed the tray out of his hands till everything fell to the floor in slow motion. The ceramic plates that served me shattered, and I stared at his face even when he couldn't see me.

“Listen, blind boy. Just because you have been treated like a liability doesn't mean you can do the same with others. So I advise you to…”

I stopped when an ominously low laughter spilled from his lips. The sound bounced off the walls, and I almost shivered from the sound it made.

“I'm laughing because of what you said. You should consider being a comedian.” 

He squatted to the floor and ran his fingers against the ground, searching for only goddess knows what. Once he found what he was looking for, he stood to his full height and held the item to the light. 

A piece of glass.

“Tell me, do you think anyone sees me as a liability?”

I didn't even get to reply to his question before he spoke again, and what he did next drained all the blood from my face. 

“How dare you sit there like a prisoner and tell me that I'm a liability because I was trying to provide care for someone who is hated by so many?”

He held the glass to his arm and made deep and long slashes against his flesh. My eyes widened like saucers just as I was about to ask him why he did this. The metal door burst open, and Killian, Callum, and the woman I talked to strolled in with worried looks. 

The woman was the first to react as she immediately rushed to Reginald and pulled him to her.

“Reggie, what happened?”

“I was trying to give her food when she…attacked me.”

“That's a lie. I didn't…”

Before finishing my speech, Killian grabbed my hair and pulled me to the silver bars. My face was burned with every second I was there, and I almost lost my marbles.

“I don't want to hear any more of your lies. For what you have done, you will rot in this cell till I say otherwise.”

He released me and walked to

the rest of his family, and as they all made their exit, Reginald turned to me and winked in my direction.

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