
Chapter 4


                                                                                     ~KILLIAN’S POV~

“There you are.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, and a sigh almost left my lips as my brother and the beta of my pack stood before Regina with anger and hate brewing in his eyes. 



“Why is she still here? If you aren't going to kill her, then at least she should be in the dungeon.” 

I stared at Callum with an intensity that could send an average wolf to insanity, but he wasn't an ordinary wolf. He was my brother. My right-hand man, my best friend, and my splitting image if it hadn't been for his shoulder-length hair, lip piercing, and emerald-colored eyes.

“I was about to kill her.”

“Then why didn't you?”

“I was waiting for you.” 

A statement that wasn't exactly the truth but not entirely a lie. I was waiting for my brother, but I was waiting for him to burst his bubble and crumble his thoughts about the woman I would be with for the rest of my life. 

The woman we are destined to spend the rest of our life with.

His eyes softened, and the anger that followed him here like a dark cloud faded into vapor. That was until that damned woman opened her mouth to speak.

“Do you two need a minute?”

The glass that protected us from the outside world shattered to the floor, and Callum turned to her with hate bleeding from his green eyes.

“Stay where you are, Vermin.”

The air was thick with tension, and if looks could kill, then the queen of war would be dead by now. 

She took confident steps towards Callum. Her head held high, and her blue eyes burned with a hatred that would make men quiver in fear. But this wasn't just anyone. This is Callum. The one person who doesn't back down from any challenge. He is the kind that would punch you in the face just for getting too close to him. And that's what I'm most afraid of.

She stopped when she was just inches away from his chest. 

“I moved. What are you going to do about that?”

A smirk plastered itself on Callum's lips, and just as I feared, he punched her in the face; although I wanted to intervene, I couldn't help but give in to the sick part of me that wanted to see how things unfold.

Confusion morphed into pure rage, and I almost didn't recognize the anger that oozed from her pores in waves. Her blonde hair stood on end, and her blue eyes were red.

Her wolf is out, and the beast wants to play.

She circles my brother like a predator would its prey, but little did she know that she's the one being haunted. She pounced on him with a speed I hadn't seen on any female, and if my brother hadn't been a beta, then I doubt even he would have seen it. She pounced on him again, but this time, he wasn't so lucky. Scarlet liquid spilled from my brother's wound, and just as his emerald eyes turned gold, I knew I had to stop this madness before it got out of hand.

“Callum, stop.”

He ignored me and approached Regina, who growled at him, daring him to come to her. “Callum, stop!”

“Why?” “Because…she's our mate.”   


                                                                                         ~REGINA’S POV~

I sat at the far end of the room while Killian sat behind a desk and Callum leaned against the wall. When Callum found out that I was their mate, he refused to believe it, but when he touched me, and the same surge of electricity ran through our bodies as it did with Killian and me, He banged his head against a mirror and punched the table till a fist-sized hole was formed.

And I thought Killian's reaction was terrible. Callum makes me feel worse than I have ever felt before. Worse than Micheal, it made me think about my past life.

“What are you doing here?”

I turned to Callum with widened eyes. I was surprised he was the first to initiate a conversation with me despite being the most shocked about what I meant to them. “What are you doing in our pack?”

I turned away from him and gazed at the palm of my hands. The weight of the words I was about to utter felt heavy on my tongue, and just as they thought I wouldn't speak, I proved them wrong.

“I was trying to get away.”

“From who?”This time, it was Killian who spoke, not even giving me the chance to form my next thought.“From my pack.”

“Do you expect us to believe that?”

“It's the truth.”

“Sure, and a pig flew over my head yesterday. Tell us the truth for once.”

I looked away from his gray eyes. The clouds of emotions that swam in his orbs suffocated me till I couldn't breathe.

“The truth?... Here's the truth. I was told that I was destined to be mated to Alpha Micheal six months after the 20th raid we made on your pack, and then I would be Luna of the Blue Lily pack. But then…yesterday, I found out that Micheal is going to mate with another woman and make her his Luna while he is going to have me executed under the false accusation that I was a spy for the Moon Crescent pack.”

They looked at me intently. They neither dared to say a word in the hope that I could continue speaking.

“My world was shattered when I found out. I gave him everything. My body, my mind, my gift, and my soul. I gave him all of it…and he still betrayed me…”

“So I'm going to take everything away from him. I will make him so miserable that he will wish he didn't betray me.”

I turned to Killian, then to Callum. Both brothers remained quiet as they watched me speak with so much passion. 

“But I can't do this alone. I have no right to ask you anything, but I am not just doing this for me. This can also be an opportunity for you. You could take back what was yours and get a fresh start for your people. This could be an opportunity to rebuild the Moon Crescent pack to what it was before the raids.” “This is the truth. Would you help me make it a reality?”



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