
Forty Five.


Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up!

Anika’s practically singing in my head, but as my eyelids peel open, I see that it’s still dark and roll over, trying to ignore her enthusiasm.

Jaxon isn’t here!

Sitting up. I see the pull out sofa empty. His bathroom door was closed too and the gap beneath the door showed the light was off.

‘I’m sure it’s nothing.’

We should investigate. I hear the joy in her voice and climb out of the bed.

It still smells heavily of Jaxon and brought me alot of comfort when I went to sleep at night. I knew he was waiting for me to say he could sleep next to me, but for now, I still needed space.

The hallway light was on and Xander’s door was wide open. From the top of the stairs I could see that there was a light on in the office. Why were they in the office at this time?

“Hey, you’re awake.” Jaxon comes from the direction of the kitchen.

“What’s going on?” I mutter, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Come on,” He waves for me to come down the stai
Taylor West

Hey everyone, thank you for reading. Have any of you figured out what the secrets might be? Just to let you all know there will be no update tomorrow (11th June). My internet will be down and the last time that happened it posted the same chapter twice and I don't need or want that to happen. Also, could someone please confirm if Anika's speech is coming up in Italics as that is how I'm writing it. Thanks, hope you all have a fab weekend x

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Daphney Philip
Hopefully Xander will have his true mate
goodnovel comment avatar
No italics, and dang I wish I could guess the secrets, but I have not a clue!!! I’d love to hear theories! The only thing I keep thinking of is that Jaxon has gold flecks in his eyes and Xander doesn’t and I feel like that somehow might be important
goodnovel comment avatar
Lori Ramsdell
No italics here either for Anika ! Also loving the story! Can’t wait for more!

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