
Chapter 5

Conri Rex’s pov

Taking my mom directly to my office to avoid any interruptions when we arrived I was shocked to see her looking worried.

“What is going on and why do you look distressed,” I asked her as she sat down and rubbed her eyes.

“I'm worried about that young lady. She was injured more than I had realized yet refuses to drink the medicine I offered,” she muttered softly.

Shaking my head I pulled up a chair to sit beside her and watched her wipe away a tear that had fallen from her eyes. She had always been a caring person and had been all my life.

“I should have gotten her before the incident,” she groaned sadly.

Confused about what she was talking about I asked, “What is going on Mother? Did you get another one of your visions or has the Goddess herself been putting ideas in your head?”

Giving me a glare my mom pffted at me.

“She was beaten by her father and his guards and then tossed onto a secluded gravel road, that is terrible!”

“Why did they do that? If you know, tell me,” I asked firmly.

Glancing up she exhaled deeply.

“I want her to tell you, son. It is her tragedy to tell but I can say that she was mistreated for her entire life and doesn't trust men. She also tells me that she doesn't have a wolf but I sense a strong one deeply within her that just needs a reason to burst forth,” she stated in exasperation.

Rubbing my forehead I cursed catching my mom's side-eyed.

“I entered your suite when she exited the bathroom after showering and frightened her. I tried explaining that she was safe but I could hear the fear in her voice as she hid behind the bathroom door after she rushed inside to block me. Also, I have received word that a group of werewolves were searching for a missing female pack member. That was the reason I was looking for you. I believe that it was Jade they were looking for. So maybe there's more to her story,” I snapped.

My mom's eyes widened as she covered her open mouth.

“They can't find her, son! They will surely kill her. The abuse that she's already endured is horrendous,” she exclaimed.

Nodding, I told her that I agreed with her.

“What are you going to do with her?” I asked curiously because we were strictly Lycans in this area and the only wolves that came here were to visit the bar I had on my lands. It was shared by all, humans and wolves alike.

“Due to her conscience, she will want to work off her debt. Perhaps she can be a server at the pub?”

Gritting my teeth I sighed.

“I want her close, so the pub is a good idea if she's insistent on repaying her supposed debt BUT not until she is healed completely and she remains in your room. I want her under my roof,” I stated sternly.

Grinning at me my mom said, “Certainly Conri but is there a reason why she needs to stay under your roof?”

Looking at my mom's hope-filled eyes I chewed on my lips and shook my head.

“She intrigues me, nothing more,” I lied, causing her to pinch her lips into a straight line.

“She's leery of males and won't give you the time of day unless you learn to be compassionate. I told her that you were the one who changed the dining rooms due to the servants,” she said softly.

Gasping I growled, “You did that because you didn't want to shout across the room at me!”

Looking disappointed at me my mother said, “Gain her trust first. I feel that she is as stubborn as you in that area.”

“I will do my best, for your sake and hers. I will find out all I can about her and visit the pub often to have her serve me,” I said with a smirk and my mom glared at me.

“Don't be an imbecile! That female is special. I know it because the Goddess told me where to find her in a dream!”

Raising my hands in surrender I nodded.

“I agree with you Geesh calm yourself you old witch dog,” I snickered, making her chuckle.

“We better get back to the dining table,” she suggested as I watched her stand and grab the door handle.

Before she opened it I told her to wait.

Seeing her eyes narrow at me I grinned slightly.

“She makes my senses go haywire and her scent is lovely,” I admitted.

Smiling brightly she nodded and said, “She is wolfless and won't know that you're her mate. You will have to woo her to fall in love with you.”

Ares, my Lycan was growling bitterly in my mind and I knew he wanted to simply take the female and have his way with her.

“Is she innocent? Did she say anything?”

“Jade isn't a whore like you are so good luck trying to lure her into your bed, Mister,” my mother scolded.

I wasn't a whore just a needy man and without the fear of impregnating a female, I took complete advantage of my position.

“I will sustain until I can be with her,” I stated hearing her chuckle.

“Let's go Don Juan before Lawrence and Jade start to worry about us," she added, gesturing for me to walk ahead of her.

We arrived back at the dinner table both in good spirits and my lip curled at seeing Jade watching my mom and searching for any indication of what we had discussed.

“She's a curious one,” my Lycan Ares growled in my head.

“She's very lovely as well but needs to heal. Her back has deep purple blotches all over it,” I murmured.

“I think you should speak to the guards about the ones searching for her to get more information about her,’’ Ares suggested and I grinned slightly, finding it to be an excellent idea.

After informing the individuals I was excusing myself I hurried quickly outside and called out for the guard who had relayed the information to me earlier.

After asking him he stated, “An Alpha called Jax Pinkerton and a young wolf called Barron were looking for a female but they didn't mention her name which caused me to question their motives. I told them that no female wolves had come this way but they said that their trackers sniffed out her scent heading this way.”

Furrowing my brow I thanked him for what information he could provide and went to my office to search for the man's name on the Moon Council members’ Website. It listed every known werewolf in the world.

Trying several different spellings of the last name and dwindling the location I found him listed.

“The Waning Moon pack, damn that sounds depressing,” I muttered as I clicked on the added information about the pack members and settled myself down for a load of reading.

Reaching the end I had not seen Jade's name listed anywhere on the site and grew confused.

“She wasn't even listed as the Alpha's offspring, Ares. Why do you suppose she's not listed?” I asked my Lycan.

“He could have banished her and disowned her all in one go in his anger and now is having regrets about it and that is why he's searching for her,” he huffed in irritation.

Leaning back in my chair flabbergasted, I concluded that Jade was a mystery that I had to solve and vowed to myself and Ares that I would succeed in every way needed to secure my mate and make her my lovely queen.

“You better search for advice columns because I don't think your looks are going to make Jade swoon at your paws,” Ares chuckled and I frowned as I typed a search for gaining a female's love.

Reading several articles I shook my head at the advice.

“This is all for humans and unrelatable for my circumstances,” I snapped and turned to the knock on my door.

“It's your Mom, I wish to speak with you!”

Opening the door I glanced at her.

“It's late and you should be in bed, Mother,” I asserted. She waved me off and shoved herself past me to come inside of my office.

“What is it?”

“Just wanted you to know that Jade thinks that you are handsome and was curious about what your ink meant. So maybe you can tell her about it whenever you get a chance to be alone together,” she said while wiggling her brows.

“Maybe I can ask her out for a picnic?”

Rolling her eyes my Mom shook her head.

“She's leery of men AND Lycan's. You will have to be more creative than that dear boy,’’ she smirked and I groaned.

“Take it slow and whatever you do don't frighten her and lose any progress you make…just be kind. I think she admires a kind-hearted person.”

Rolling my eyes I growled sourly.

“I'm a Lycan king and the Lycan Kings are aggressive and cruel, Mother!”

Crossing her arms she gave me a sympathetic look.

“Then you will learn how to be kind and passionate or lose your mate,” she stated simply causing me to furrow my brow at her being so blunt.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Juicy Miss 🥰
Very interesting so far.

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