
Chapter 4

Jade's pov

I'd been taught by my pack and parents that Lycans were a breed apart from us but we both followed the Moon Goddess and her council so perhaps my old pack was wrong I thought as I listened to Monica explaining to me about her ensuite.

She was telling me which bedroom I would use, where the bathroom was, and the necessities for a bath or shower.

“Thank you, I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't driven past me,” I said sincerely, causing her to laugh.

Coming toward me she sighed.

“I may have had ulterior motives, don't hate me Jade but I love my son and since his father's passing I worry about him and his future,” she said reluctantly.

“Finding you is an answer to a prayer I've made to the Goddess, for several decades,” she added.

Raising my brow I exhaled deeply and said, “I am the last person that you would want to have for your son. First, you know nothing about me and secondly, I was raised to be untrusting of others, especially men. Not to mention that I was taught that Lycans were a horrible species.”

Seeing her still smiling after what I said I scrunched my mouth and told her that I was sorry for being blunt.

Feeling her hand cupping my cheek I peeked at her.

“Go shower or have a nice bath while I bring some clothes for you to try on, okay? Nothing you have said has insulted me and frankly, I enjoy having someone that is as truthful as you. Now I must hurry up before dinner. Chip chop and clean up,” she asserted as my stomach rumbled making her chuckle as she left me standing there in the middle of her huge luxurious room.

“Well, guess I will shower,” I muttered and headed into the bathroom. Shocked by the size of the room I grabbed a couple of towels and turned on the hot water of the multi-headed shower. When the water started spraying out of all the sprayers I giggled and quickly peeled off the soiled dress I still wore. Getting under the water I sampled the provided bottles and finding one with a pleasant fragrance began scrubbing my body.

I winced slightly when I touched my ribcage and saw the multiple bruises that covered my torso and legs. Disturbed about the bruises that I was certain covered my back as well I finished washing and laid one towel around my head and used the other to wrap loosely around myself.

Hearing the main room door open I figured I would ask Monica if she had a hairbrush after not seeing one on the counter.

Opening the steamy bathroom door I wasn't paying attention as I stepped out towel drying my hair and when I glanced up after saying Monica's name I froze.

Conri was standing there with wide blue eyes and his mouth hanging open. I panicked and rushed back into the bathroom and shut the door.

“I'm sorry for barging in on you Miss. I'm looking for my mom. Who did that to you,” he stated sternly from the other side of the closed door.

Experiencing a panic attack I answered shakily, “She's gone to find some clean clothes for me and some bad men hurt me.”

“You're safe here with her and there is nothing that you need to fear. Anyway, I will be leaving, sorry once again for not knocking first,” Conri explained brutishly. After a brief moment, I listened to the door close firmly after he left.

“He saw my bruised back,” I surmised and shuddered as I leaned against the door and waited for Monica to return.

The door opened again and I heard my name getting called out. Relaxing, I left the bathroom thankful for Monica returning with a stack of folded items in her hands.

“I wasn't sure about your sizes so I brought you several items,” she explained.

While I rummaged through the stacks Monica cleared her throat. I glanced at her and saw she looked troubled.

“Jade, what exactly happened for you to end up beaten and dumped?”

Swallowing uncomfortably I exhaled deeply about her wanting the details.

“It was a betrothal that turned sour,” I mumbled.

Looking at me with narrowed eyes she huffed.

“Were you wed,” she asked me in concern.

Shaking my head, I explained that my groom discovered that I was without a wolf and caused a big scene that infuriated my father who did the beatings with his guards along with the guards of the man I was to marry.

“Terrible! If you're still experiencing pain I have a tonic that will help,” she offered.

Shaking my head I told her that I would heal on my own.

“Well alright but if you don't heal completely in a few days I will force you to drink it,’’ she teased then added, “Do you want to eat at the dining table?”

Putting on a pair of blue jeans I side-eyed her in concern.

“Will Conri be there?”

Pinching her lips she slowly nodded.

“My son and his advisor will be there with just you and I.”

Seeing the look of hope shining brightly in her blue eyes I nodded slightly.

“I can do that,” I murmured, causing her to smile brightly.

“We should fix your hair then. Let me braid it for you dear,” she suggested joyfully.

“What about my bruises? Won't they be inappropriate for the dinner table?”

Monica bit her lip, gave me a once over, and shook her head.

“The bruises on your face have healed and you look lovely. Other than that cut on your lip your outward appearance is perfect. Unless it's because you were taught that Lycans are savages and don't know proper table manners,” she teased

“No ma'am,” I giggled. I had but didn't want her to know it.

Monica guided me over to a vanity in her bedroom and started brushing my long hair.

“So your dad demanded that you marry a male that wasn't your mate? But for what purpose?” She questioned me curiously.

“Barron was my father's friend's eldest son and they both agreed to marry us over a loan my father's pack needed,” I explained.

“Wowsers, that sounds medieval,” she snickered, causing me to laugh with a shrug.

“My father Alpha Jax is very old-fashioned and adheres to the old beliefs. My old pack still uses silver for punishment,” I muttered as my eyes stared at the scars on my wrist from one of those punishments.

Finishing with my braid Monica placed both her hands on either side of my shoulders and smiled at our reflection in the vanity mirror.

“The only silver in this area is the kind that sprouts upon us older Lycans,” she asserted then said that it was time to head down for supper.

Standing up I inhaled deeply awaiting Monica to direct me to the area.

She hooked my arm in hers and began heading out of her suite and going back down the stairs.

“My son will try to ask me questions about you and I will give him vague answers since I feel that it's your words to tell,’’ she explained and I gave her a panicked glance only to see her grinning at me.

“You will be fine Jade. If he gets too aggressive I will step in,” she said softly.

I felt my arm hairs rising once again indicating that we were close to the king and my heart began thumping wildly.

Seeing the small dining table I furrowed my brow expecting a grand table that could seat hundreds.

Giving Monica a confused look she laughed.

“We use this room for casual dining. The king's dining room is ridiculously large and our paid staff can't stand having to walk around the entire thing to serve only us,” she chuckled.

“Makes sense and it is thoughtful of you to consider their feelings,” I replied and she told me it was her son's decision.

That son looked up and stared directly at me with a grin on his handsome face causing me to lower my eyes and follow Monica to my seat.

“Mother, will you introduce your new friend to me and my advisor now,” he asked with a stern growl.

“This young lady is called Jade, Your Highness,” Monica said curtly.

I peered over at her then curtsied to Conri who stood up and said, “Please Jade, you don't need to do that here.”

Surprised, I peeked up at him and nodded as I sat down next to him and looked over at the older man across from me.

“This is Lawrence and he is my steward or advisor,” he explained to me.

“Pleasure to meet you both,” I said softly as my stomach growled.

Embarrassed, I hid my reddening cheeks while the others found humor.

“We are ready,” Conri called out and a door opened to staff bringing out several dishes. All of it smelled delicious and my mouth salivated.

“You must try the salmon, it's the best I've ever had,” the king said to me as he placed a piece onto my plate.

Giving him an uncomfortable smile I thanked him as more items were served.

Feeling Monica poking my sore ribs I winced audibly and caught everyone's attention.

“I'm sorry dear, I thought you were healed more,” she apologized but her son glared at her and demanded that she leave the room to speak with him immediately.

Watching the pair leave together through the side door I shrank in my seat. I glanced over at the advisor and he said, “They do that all the time, don't sweat it.”

Lowering my eyes from his I breathed out my unease and continued picking at the food on my plate.

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