
Chapter 3

Jade's pov

“Jade, dear you must awaken so I can get you hidden in the trailer,” Monica beseeched.

Cracking open my swollen eyes I felt like crap.

“I'm sort of awake and feeling awful,” I murmured.

Feeling her hand on my forehead she exhaled sharply and said, “You have a fever. I have medicine that will help but first I need you in the trailer.”

Deliriously, I nodded and when I opened the door I tumbled to the ground. My injuries screamed painfully.

“Do you need me to carry you,” Monica asked me as she hung out of the passenger side.

Shaking my head I told her that I was fine and just needed to get my bearings.

Getting to my feet I stood there with my hand braced against the side of the truck.

Monica came around to my side and suggested that I allow her to lift me into the open trailer.

“Sit down in the middle so I can cover you with the items. Go ahead and get some sleep, it's going to take several hours to get there,” she instructed.

Not having the strength to question why I had to hide I did what she asked while soft parcels were placed around me. Soon a green tarp was spread out over the entire load and the sunlight was gone from my eyes.

Hearing the sound of engines approaching and Monica greeting whoever had arrived I shrank further into the pile. My movement was noticed and one of the men made note of it.

“What stray did you find this time Red? You know your son said not to bring anything more after that bear cub fiasco,” he growled.

“This one's special besides he won't know if you don't tell him,” she answered back, causing me to grin slightly even though I was feeling apprehensive.

The trailer soon started to move along the uneven ground nulling me to sleep once again which gave my body a chance to heal more.

Several hours later I was awoken by the voice of an angry man asking Monica what she thought she was doing.

“You're not supposed to be venturing out to get supplies by yourself! You know that,” the stranger asserted.

“Nonsense Conri, I am perfectly capable of driving and finding my way home,” Monica answered and I shifted myself to try and see where we had arrived.

“What stray have you brought home this time?”

I gritted my teeth and remained still while feeling a hand patting me from above the tarp.

“It's something special dear son and nothing to worry your stubborn self over. I plan on caring for her,’’ Monica's chipper voice asserted.

“I smell blood. Get it healed and released back into the wild,” the man huffed and I could hear him stride away.

Peeking out from under the tarp Monica laughed.

“You look much better than before, Jade, you must have good wolf-healing genes,” she stated with admiration.

Nodding my head my eyes scanned the ginormous resort-style structure and the other smaller buildings.

“This place is huge!”

Chuckling, Monica nodded.

“So are the male Lycan which is why I have hidden you. I didn't want you to scurry aware in fear,” she said sympathetically.

“Thanks, I am very leery of the opposite sex,” I admitted but knew that she was already well aware.

Glancing around Monica lifted the tarp and asked me to climb out and follow her.

“I'm going to bring you to my room so you can get cleaned up. I'm sure that I can find you something to wear from the pup's used clothes shelves.

“Thank you, I would appreciate that,” I said softly as I scurried behind her through the thawing snow that covered the gravel.

As we stepped up onto the patio of the largest structure Monica turned and told me to be sure to wipe off my feet on the rug at the entrance.

“Certainly, I have manners,” I muttered and heard her chuckle.

Standing in the doorway my eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

The interior was breathtaking in a rustic fashion. My arm hairs rose in recognition.

I glanced at the inside and back at Monica in confusion.

“This is a Royal household. I thought you said that you weren't royalty?” I stated my concern.

Monica shrugged and said, “Lycans don't care about titles. They care about loyalty dear but honestly, I swear to you that I'm not royalty.”

“Mother, who is that?” The man's stern voice from earlier filled the air and I was quickly collected by her as she tucked me behind herself.

“She's a friend that I met during my drive. I'm going to care for her and get her a job in the pack pub,” she asserted.

Peeking around her back I looked up at the breathtaking man whose bare tanned chest was covered in tattoos. My mouth went dry as my heartbeat increased.

“Well, do the proper thing and introduce your pet project,” he sighed.

I shrank back and started to shiver, from fear or something else I didn't know but was thankful that Monica picked up on it and covered for me.

“Not at this time Conri, wait until she's had a chance to get well first. You know first impressions are important,” she stated firmly and to my shock, the man answered.

“Very well, Mother, but she's wearing my shirt.”

Glancing down at the flannel I gritted my teeth and quickly removed it and stuck my arm around Monica with it dangling from my hand.

Feeling it get plucked from my fingers I closed my fist and tucked it back close to my body.

“If you will excuse us, I will be going to my room,” Monica declared and turned to me with a big smile on her face.

“Come along, let's go get you cleaned up, Jade,” she chimed as she escorted me up a flight of stairs.

Glancing back I saw Conri watching us curiously as he sniffed the shirt I'd been wearing.

“That male is your son,” I asked her.

“Yes, he is also the Lycan King and Alpha of this area,” she said casually and I almost choked.

“But you said that you weren't royalty?”

“I'm not, just my son and his late father were,” she explained and I eyed her incredulously and sighed as she brought me to her actual suite.

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