
Chapter 108

Mia’s pov

The song softly playing through the house was soothing and melodious and I kept humming it underneath my breath as I moved around the kitchen.

It had been one of the biggest shocks of mine when I discoverers that Lorenzo knew how to cook. It had shocked me so much because it was something I hadn’t anticipated at all.

Since the night Lorenzo drove us over here and decleared that we’d both be staying over here until the person behind that raid got caught, Lorenzo had been preparing the meals we had most of the time. Whenever he wasn’t cooking, we were ordering in.

He had left the house about an hour ago when it stuck me that I should probably whip up something for him before he returned. And so I found myself in the kitchen, preparing something that isn’t too basic but also not too complex because despite all the lessons I’ve been getting, I was no Chef.

The kitchen was fully stocked, which was one of the things that had prompted me into asking Lorenzo if someone used t
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