
Chapter Fifty One

Her heart raced. What the hell was Mel doing, she walked to her, taking her hands and leading her hurriedly to a more private location some distance away.

She hugged her, she had really missed her friend, but it felt very strange.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked, finally examining her friend.

No this wasn’t the Mel she knew. Mel was looking all tattered, with slightly busy hair and wrinkled clothes.

“What is happening to you, are you alright?”

“I lost Jacob… we had an argument, he hit me and he got drunk and he got an accident”


Amelia could taste the lies, the question was ‘why the hell was Mel lying and why was she here?’, they made a plan and this could spoil it all.

“Amelia I can’t anymore, we have to do what is right” Mel said, tears falling down her eyes but Amelia was just more confused.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying that I want my husband back”

It was like a dream, what the hell was Mel saying, what did she mean that she wanted her husband back?
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