
Chapter 10

The tension was heavy among them. Sky, who heard the voice, felt a chill running down his spine. What she said was true; with her skills, an accident on her side was something impossible, which means that one of his friends must have pushed her away. But when he tried to guess, there were two that came to his mind: Weber, the brown one, had a fierce sense of competition but would not stoop low to the point of committing these types of mishaps.

That left him with the red one, Jack, since he has a difficult personality to deal with and is also a bad loser. It can only be him since he must have felt threatened by both girls’ talent and decided to take care of the black one since she appeared to be the smallest and easiest to bully, but he must not have expected her to come back in such a way. He was still processing what happened when Vicky signaled him that they continue. He approached and asked, still surprised by what she said.

"How heartless can you be? You still want to continue the race even though your friend can be wounded?" Vicky stared at him, comfortably seated on her bike. "Don't speak carelessly. She’s angry because she is the one who asked for the race to continue. It seems your dear friend touched her on the wrong side," she pointed out.

Sky flinched, nodded in understanding, and asked his friends to come and position themselves near Aurora. This time, Sky positioned himself between Aurora and Vicky, while the red one was at another far end. At the count of three, the race continued. Neither Aurora nor Vicky played the game of beginners; they showcased their true talent by speeding faster than they did at the beginning of the race. Sky and his friends, who saw this, were left speechless, with all of them almost having the same thought in mind: ‘They were playing with us from the beginning’.

It didn’t take long for both girls to reach the finish line since they arrived at the same time. They were both equal, and ten minutes later, Sky and the others followed. When they arrived, both girls had already gotten down from their bikes and were now leaning against them. Until the last one appeared, the group of men all removed their helmets and walked towards the girls. Admiration was the first feeling they felt from the boys, except the red one.

The green one was the first to talk with visible admiration. "That was awesome! What you both did was as if you were just playing with us. Why didn’t you show us that talent of yours from the beginning?" he asked. This made all eyes fall on them with visible curiosity. Aurora, who didn’t talk to them from the beginning until now, answered, "We needed to determine your level before deciding on how we were going to race. But we’re short of time, we won’t stay for long." Her voice was low and smooth, giving the others the impression of how innocent she was. They started to estimate her age in their minds, but this filled them with shame since a girl like her was able to beat them in a race.

The navy-blue guy, who was silent and almost transparent, spoke, “Since with your level of skills it was impossible for you to have this type of accident, right?” It was more of an affirmation than a question, but Aurora still answered, her gaze turning towards Jack. But since she still wore a helmet, it was impossible for the others to know where her gaze was headed. “You are right. I didn’t really want to continue the race anymore, so I decided to reduce my speed, but I didn’t expect that it would give the opportunity to a certain dumbass to attack me.” The brown guy then asked, “Do you at least know who pushed you?” Aurora nodded, and she responded, “hmmm I know… he is the one on your left.”

Jack was the one on the left, and all eyes fell on him. But compared to shock and disgust, he felt a chill running down his spine. Amidst them, he felt a pair of angry eyes on him. He first looked at the girls, but both of them were still wearing their helmets, so it wasn’t them. He turned his head to his right and made eye contact with a pair of green eyes staring at him with no emotions.

This made Jack tremble. Now, he is finished. He forgot that Sky had a strong sense of responsibility. The fact that he caused Aurora to have an accident because of his stupid pride must have irked him since he was the one that invited them.

What was he to tell his parents? His father was boasting more about the fact that he was friends with one of the members of this prominent family. He started biting his nails in anxiety, thinking, "What must I do? Must I ask for forgiveness? No, I can't. Sky is my friend; he will understand that I didn't have a choice. But he seems really angry." He picked up his helmet, climbed on his bike, and fled away. Wrong choice.

All the rest watched this scene with disappointment except for Vicky and Aurora. Did he really have to leave? Accepting that he made a mistake and asking for forgiveness, was that too much for his pride to bear? They let out a sigh and all regarded Sky, but he was back to his smiling face as he walked towards the girls, especially the black one.

He extended his hand for a handshake, to which she accepted, and he brought it to his mouth to place a chaste kiss on the back of her hand, offering her a charming smile. His voice came out low and husky, “Can you please give me the pleasure of seeing your face?” he asked. But she removed her hand. “Is it important to see my face?” she asked back but didn’t make any move to remove her helmet.

He smiled more broadly and replied, "Hmm, just because I want to see your face." She gawked at him before turning to Vicky, saying, "It's already late; we must get going." Without sparing him a glance, she started her bike. But before she could leave, he spoke, "I called the ambulance; wait at least until they run a check-up." She looked at him and declined, "No need, but thank you." And like that, they left.

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