
Chapter 11

Sky watched as the girls disappeared from his view before taking out his phone and making a call. "Find Jack Thomson and bring him to me," his voice as cold as ice, different from when he was talking to both girls. That was all him; he can smile and laugh with you, but when you step on his bad side, then he will become merciless, especially because he is from that family.

As both girls left the Magnolia Corporation in haste, they reached the milk shop. It was already forty-five minutes past three, and the butler was already present, waiting for them. They parked right in front of him, got down from their bike, placed the helmet on the back of their bike, and walked towards the butler with a contented smile hanging on their lips.

The butler bowed and smiled, “Welcome, Miss Vicky and Miss Aurora. Was the outing fruitful?” Vicky answered and started narrating what happened, except for the part where Aurora got into a little mishap. The butler nodded while listening attentively with great interest and sometimes smiling at her because of her exaggerated tone, while Aurora stood on the side listening with a smile dancing on her dainty lips. But when she checked the time, "It is getting late, I must leave."

She bid farewell to her friend before hiring a taxi and left. As the taxi was moving, she leaned against the taxi’s door and let herself be submerged in her thoughts. As she stared aimlessly out the window, her eyes reflected unhidden sadness, a few hairs stuck to her forehead, and a lone tear rolled down her cheek. Even if she is surrounded by someone like Vicky, that doesn’t erase the loneliness she feels by being the outcast in her family.

A few minutes later, she looked out the window and saw that she wasn’t far from the house. She decided to pay the driver and walk home, hoping that the gentle breeze would help her put things in order in her head. As she walked down the street, it was not even 6 pm yet, but the street was already empty; almost no one was seen walking down the street.

While taking a stroll and kicking the pebbles, she felt her scalp tingle, which made her believe that she was being followed. However, she could not determine how many of them were there, so she entered a dimly lit alley. She went deeper into the alley only to meet a dead end. The girl stood in the center of the dimly lit alley, her back against a brick wall. Three men approached her, their lewd gaze running across her body.

"Who would go first?" asked the man on the left, eyeing her with excitement. The man in the middle responded with a chuckle, "Of course, it's me. What a question," he said righteously, which earned him a whine from the man on the right, "But when you're the first, you make it last for long, and we have to wait." The first man answered, his eyes not leaving the girl in front of him, "Next time, but for now, I'll be first." This discussion made Aurora roll her eyes in annoyance. (Of all days, it had to be today.) She sighed to herself and then spoke, her voice filled with irritation.

“Why are you talking as if I’m not present?” Her voice attracted their attention, and the first one approached slowly while saying, “Don’t worry, babe. I will be the first to take care of you.” He continued to walk slowly, and she snickered, “And then why don’t the three of you come together?” This earned a broad grin, and he turned towards his friends and shouted, “Hey, you two, come and join!” And so they joined. Then the man with whom she was discussing talked, “Then let me have a sweet taste of you lady,” and he pounced on her.

Their intentions are clear. She tenses, her eyes scanning her surroundings as she calculates her next move. With a swift, calculated motion, she sidesteps the first man's lunge, using his momentum against him as she sends him crashing into a nearby dumpster.

As the second man charges toward her, she ducks under his swing and delivers a series of quick, precise strikes to his midsection, leaving him winded and struggling to regain his composure. Meanwhile, the third man hesitates, momentarily taken aback by her skill and determination.

The girl seizes the opportunity, using her surroundings to her advantage. She kicks a loose crate towards the third man, and he falls on the floor. Seeing that she was done with them, she wiped off her hands. She looked at the men on the floor moaning with pain. She stood there merely looking at them as if they were bugs, but nothing can mask the murderous intent in her eyes that was cold and sinister, without a trace of pity nor warmth.

What scared them the most was the fact of bloodlust oozing away from her; it was as if they were in front of an executioner. She merely stood there doing nothing and just smiled at them, but the men lying on the floor felt like they would be better drenched with hot water than having to suffer in her hands. She retracted her murderous intent but still smiled , feeling quite satisfied with what she did. With that, she turned to leave, and this made the men lying on the floor breathe a sigh of relief, but she suddenly stopped.

And she walked back to them while murmuring, “It will be troublesome if I let you all like that, right?” They stared at her as she came back to them; even breathing felt difficult for them, and the place where they felt pain hurt again. She approached the nearest man, lifted her leg, and it came down crashing heavily against the man’s 'baby producer.'

The man let out a painful shrill as he clutched his genitals, letting out some painful sobs. He looked at her as she looked at her second victim, who started retreating while begging for his pride. He started begging for him to be spared, but she didn’t even care, and so she repeated the action for the other two, and as always, they all cried.

She then yawned and eyed them as if they were disgusting bugs. "Now you feel the pain. I'm sure your previous victims must have begged you to spare them like you all did now, but you didn't. So why must I?" She smiled, and her voice was sunny as if she was discussing the latest trend. (And it would be troublesome if I have to encounter them again. At least they won't be able to use that thing of theirs again.) But before leaving, she turned towards them and said with a smile, "Don't forget to use weapons the next time we meet." She winked at them and left, but the men behind just shivered. "Don't talk about next time. Even if we want, we can't," that was their thought.

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