
Jade's request


"What?" Conan asked, looking utterly shocked by my request, which angered me.

Why is he so shocked? Did he think I would not care?

"Why do you look so shocked by my request? Did you think I would not care?" I voiced out my questions, leaning back against the chair I was seated on and crossing my arms.

"What?" He asked again.

"What is wrong with you, Conan? I said that I want to go with you."

"Absolutely not," he finally replied…

“This is part of my duty as the Beta of the pack, Jade. I’m to protect every member of the pack and not to endanger anyone,” he added.

His refusal hit me like an unexpected gust of cold wind. I glared at him, the frustration simmering beneath the surface now bubbling forth.

"Absolutely not?" I repeated incredulously, "Conan, I have a right to know what's going on. You can't just shut me out."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair, an agitated look on his face. "Jade, it's too dangerous. I can't put you in harm's way."

I scoffed, the irritation escal
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