
Strong bonds!

Whatever it was, Serena felt the same way too. For a split second, she wished that they were back to normal too. That was the thing that she had realised the most throughout all these years that she had spent being miserable.

They weren't normal anymore. Their situation might no longer be normal, but that didn't change anything.

Things between them weren't perfect, but it didn't mean that they couldn't still try to make each other happy. After all, she still loved him.

No matter how messed up things had become between them since they last spoke to each other, she still loved him.

The moment she woke up this morning, she had immediately sensed that something had changed between them, she had noticed the lack of passion.

She had noticed his silence and the distance he had kept, she had noticed that he seemed nervous, that he avoided looking directly at her when he spoke. And she had seen the disappointment in his eyes.

She could tell that he regretted what had happened between them
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