
Arjun is the Prince

Yashvardhan Pov

“ Dad” All the heads turned to the source of the voice. Jai entered, and he bowed to touch my feet.

“ Jai, what is going on? Care to explain.” I was unable to control the anger that was surging in me. I wanted to keep my voice low as Anaira was a patient and she needed rest, but the anger in me forced me to increase the pace of my voice.

“ Dad, Anaira needs rest. Can we come out and talk.” Jai came near me and hugged me. It is his way of pacifying me, which he knows always works.

“ No need to. Even I want to know the truth. I think I have the right to.” Anaira spoke to us, simultaneously glaring at Jai. Jai’s head was downcasted, which was quite unusual. Jai always speaks with eye-to-eye contact. Something is weird, but I can't pinpoint it. Hearing my loud voice, other family members joined us.

“ Is there something wrong? Please don't mind Anaira; she is like that only. Doesn't know when and what to speak. I am sorry from her side.” Reema Ji was blabbering, which w
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