
2. Playing with Fire


I stood under the cold water, trying to cool down my raging emotions. I was a little panicked. What the hell was I doing being so forward with the Crowned Prince. Eoin and I had a tendency to irk each other over the years. My father has always made sure the older kids in the Palace watched over me and protected me. Tonight was not the first night I had been carried home on Prince Eoin's shoulder, but it was the first night I had fought it. It was also the first time it caused a dull warmth and ache in the apex of my tighs. I slid my hands down my body to where the ache was at its worest and allowed my fingers to brush and strum over the sensitive little bundle of nerves. A moan left my mouth as I thought of Prince Eoin grabbing my neck so roughly almost possessively, but he hadn't hurt me. I closed my eyes and imagined him carrying out the threat and spanking me, and this pushed me to my release. I was no innocent little shifter waiting for her Alpha mate to claim her I had previous boyfriends and had sex. Alpha males whored around with no regard for their future mates and it was totally exceptable. I didn't treat my sexuality with complete disregard but if I dated a boy and liked him why couldn't I be with him. If it were up to my father I would be one of those pure princesses patently waiting to be courted out to some suitable Alpha under a watchful ladies maid who would preserve my virtue. My mother thankfully shared my freer views on a females virtue and what was considered proper lady like behaviour. She simply thought us to be respectful, careful, comfortable and always willing to come to her with any problems. However I was not naturally a submissive person I liked to be in charge so clashing with Prince Eoin wasn't the smartest idea I ever had. I wasn't sure why I enjoyed pushing his buttons but I did. He was right I did like playing with fire and I had a moment of complete madness when I forced him to train me. I had asked my father to ask the King and Prince to give me lessons but I had now forced Eoin's hand. I knew he was not happy about it but it did make sense when I was in the heat of a spar or highly emotional I tended to lose control of my fire and Eoin being an elemental wolf with fire power wouldn't be hurt and burnt like the others. Turning off my cold shower I sighed as I wrapped myself in a towel and dried off. I pulled on a pair of pyjama shorts and loose t shirt pausing briefly to admire my new tattoo a silhouette of a wolf with a small flame on the side of my breast. Positioned somewhere I knew my father would never catch sight of as wolves we often shifted around each other so nudity wasn't a big deal but a tattoo would be to him. My step sister Sage was a little bit of a rebellious woman herself which people attributed to her mother my dad's first mate who by all accounts was a hard talking no nonsense free spirit she was also a witch who had tragically passed away. My mother was my fathers second chance mate and after a rocky start they settled into life together. It seems my quite reserved, loyal, by the book militant father had a panache for wild smart mouthed feck the rules petite women and had been blessed with daughters of a similar cut. My mother was currently pregnant again having had my baby sister nearly four years ago and I knew he prayed for a son even though he often said

"Blessed is the man surrounded by women". I'm not sure my dad's nerves could take another daughter. I chuckled to myself brushing my hair which was my fathers dark chestnut brown colour i was most like him, both my sisters were blonde but we were all tiny in stature. I wore it long so I quickly braided it into a tight French braid that I knew would hold overnight for my early morning training session. I plugged my phone in and went to bed early no way was I letting Mr Smug Prince get a jump on me because I was tired.

My alarm rung at 5 am and I got out of bed pulling on a silver blue lyrcra training shorts and a black sports bra, I zipped myself into a white hooded zip top for the walk to the training area. I went to the pack breakfast hall finding my father and some of the elite Fianna warriors there getting ready to do their own training. Grabbing a bowl of fruit and adding a scoop of natural yougart I went to grab the honey when my hand was beaten to it by someone who had come up along side me. His aura and the scent of cedar wood and mint told me it was the Prince himself.

"Excuse me." he smugly said as we both held the honey bottle

"I think you will find its ladies first." I quipped.

"I think you will find its Prince Alpha first." he responded as I raised an eyebrow.

"Wow exactly I thought a Royal would have impeccable manners and etiquette." I smiled.

"Fine." he relented letting the bottle go as I placed it down on the table.

"Nah I changed my mind." I smirked taking my yougart covered spoon and licking it deliberately allowing my tongue swirl seductively over it.

"I think you will find I taste sweet enough already if you ever wanted a lick." I said low enough for only him to hear i watched his wolf flash in his eyes and a low grumbling growl in his core before I turned with a toss of my long braid and sat myself between my father and a young warrior. I watched his tense shoulders with his back to me before he regained control and used the honey on his pancakes before grabbing bacon and toast and lumbering over to sit across from my dad.

"Morning Prince Eoin." My father acknowledged him as the other wolves bowed I just smirked chewing a strawberry.

"Shit I forgot my coffee." I grumbled but before I stood the young warrior jumped up.

"I'll grab it for you Miss Kayda." he smiled as he dashed away I flashed Eoin a smug smile. I knew the warrior liked me and under normal circumstances I was happy to engage in the flirtation but my sole goal in life lately was to get under Eoin's skin. The warrior whose name was Nick returned with my usual a cup of black coffee I took a big sip allowing the caffeine run through me. I gave a small moan which I knew both Nick and Eoin picked up on as seductive.

"I love coffee." I mumbled. Eoin glared at me before suddenly standing.

"Come on Kayda we haven't got all bloody day." he grumbled.

"I just got my coffee." I argued.

"I have a lot to do Kayda so move it." he snapped my father raised his eyebrows slightly but knowing I didn't like him fighting my corner and after years of finding this out he remained silent. I was impressed turning eighteen must of loosened my fathers hold on me. Eoin stomped away from the table but paused to wait for me to follow. I stood and noted the slight disappointment in Nicks eyes and I leaned down placing a soft peck on his cheek.

"Payment for the coffee run. Thanks." I smiled.

"Kayda." Eoin growled clearly not happy I was was flirting with Nick. "Now." he raged. I shrugged at Nick and rolled my eyes at Dad before tossing them a wave and following an annoyed Eoin toward the training arena. Eoin however marched past it and I was now curious as I ran to catch up the few paces he had put between us.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Forest clearing my father doesn't want fire damage to the arena. I owe him alot in broken gym equipment without setting some on fire too." He grunted.

"Why are you breaking the gym equipment?" I asked slightly amused.

"It gets in my way." he snapped. "I don't mean to it just happens." he added lowly as we now stopped at one of the forest clearings. I stood waiting as he walked a few yards away from me.

"So are we sparing our what?" he sarcastically snapped as I took off my zip top. I did not fail to notice his eyes racking over my small shorts and sports bra. He regained composure and pulled his own shirt over his head tossing it aside leaving himself in his basket ball shorts. I almost swooned which pissed my dragon off.

"Wow there tough girl your drooling." she laughed.

"Fuck I know." I retorted in our mind link disgusted that one look at Eoin's broad shoulders , perfect pecks, massive biceps and a chiseled six pack that dipped into a deliciously defined v that vanished beneath his shorts waist band reduced me to a molten mess. His tattoos really suited his perfect body he screamed clichéd bad boy and I hated myself for being another girl sucked in by a male macho definition.

"Alright there little dragon?" he smirked as I shook myself from my desire and lust of wanting to shamelessly lick his abs.

"Course." I swallowed. I cursed myself for my earlier antics that had now brought me to this worked up hell.

"Sure then show me what you got? no fire today" he said as he crouched into a defensive stance. I moved forward I was well able to fight my father trained me well and out of my sisters I was the strongest, fastest and most willing to learn from my father. I moved flawlessly blocking his punches and even landing a few of my own. He was not going easy on me but I could see a slight flicker of concern when he did catch me with his elbow and my lip split, I took his moment of concern and pause to kick his legs out from under him. His size ment he hit the ground hard and I scrambled on top stradling him and pining him beneath me.

"This isn't wrestling." he grunted. "I could easily throw you off Kayda." he added.

"But you haven't." I grinned shifting my hips slightly.

"Because I don't want to hurt you." he said. " get off." he added through gritted teeth.

"Nope Prince Eoin." I smirked emphasising his title Prince and popping the P disrespectfully. "Besides you already hurt me so kiss it better." I smirked leaning dangerously low to him and pushing out my split lip.

"Kayda." he growled in warning. "Last chance get off me." he warned. I didn't move and instead wiggled my hips a second time.

"And if I don't do I get that spanking?" I asked lowly.

Eoin snapped I saw it happen in his eyes I had pushed the wolf to his limit. He swiftly stood up with me in his arms and using his speed walked a few paces. Before I knew it he had me bent over a fallen tree log on the edge of the clearing my head and upper body over the log and my butt in the air.

"No way he is going to spank us." my wolf now spoke in my head before I could answer I felt and heard the smack to my right buttock.

"Shit." my dragon laughed in my head. "Seems Kayda is getting that spanking." she added.

I was about to answer when another smack rang out and my buttocks stung.

"Is this what you wanted Kayda?" Eoin asked in a lust filled growl.

"Eoin." I rasped.

"Lets start there." he smirked leaning over my body with his to whisper in my ear. "Whats my name Kayda?" he asked as he straightened back up and I whimpered at the loss of his body heat.

"Eoin." I replied but I earned a new smack to my left buttock the pain shot through me but it was closely followed by a pleasure bolt to my core.

"Wrong." he growled as he brought his hand down again and I cried out.

"Prince Eoin." I shouted then I regained my composure.

"Good." he smirked as he rubbed my buttocks my lycra shorts were a thin layer between us. "but its not good enough Kayda. You have been begging for this since yesterday." he added grabbing my shorts and panties and pulling them down. He inhaled suddenly as I am sure the sight of my reddened skin excited him.

"Lets start with kissing that boy in the alley way shall we and refusing to go home." he murmured but I was lost in his hand rubbing my buttocks cheek. "Five for that." he added as his hand left me only to come back in five sharp slaps. I gasped as the pain bit through me and the pleasure followed as he stroked my stinging skin soothing it.

"Five for lying about me agreeing to train you." he growled after a few moments of the pleasurable stroking. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack each landed with a sharp sting that now had my core soaking I knew he could scent my arousal. Again he rubbed and massaged my reddened hurt skin across my ass his fingers teasingly close to my core. I ached for him to touch me there.

"So responsive to me." he growled as I moaned under his touch. He used his knee to part my legs wider apart and pushed my upper body down further making my butt arch up even more. I blushed knowing he now had full sight of my most intimate area. In this position I was completely vulnerable to him completely spread for him alone. I had never allowed myself be so exposed but yet I wasn't scared despite the fact this man was spanking me.

"and lastly ten for teasing me and kissing the damn warrior this morning." he growled a deep lust full rumble that made me gasp. "Count them out Kayda or I will keep going." He snarled. The first slap landed and these were harder then the ten before. "Count Kayda." he warned.

"One." I managed to rasp out. Another and another landed by nine I was a mess not knowing if I should sob from the pain or come from the sadistic pleasure.

"Nine." I said. Eoin moved closer to me from behind I could feel him. He plunged his thick finger into my wet core and I cried out at the sudden fullness of the intrusion.

"Ten." he growled pulling me up roughly flush against his body. I could feel his arousal against my lower back. He kept his finger still inside me for a few moments whilst I silently prayed he would move it I was on the brink of release but Eoin didn't make any movement he just left his finger filling me as he sniffed my neck and then gently ran his lips along my neck. Suddenly he was gone his closeness left me and he swiftly pulled his finger from my core. He spun me to face him roughly and harshly his eyes locked on mine he brought his finger to his mouth and licked it as I had done the spoon this morning. He cleaned my juices off his finger as he stepped back smirking.

"Wrong little Dragon." he said. "Could of used a little honey." he smirked as he turned and walked into the trees leaving me gasping with two red bruised arse cheeks and my shorts and underwear around my ankles. Annoyed I reached down and yanked them up.

"You played with fire Kayda and boy did you get burned." my wolf laughed in my head.

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