
3. Weird Emotions


I stomped through the woods back to the Palace I had to get away from Kayda and the scent of her arousal I had wanted to do so much more to her. I had almost lost all resolve at the sweet taste of her. However my desire to dominate the brazen Kayda out weighed any primal need I had to fuck her. This was the exact definition of what I wanted from her I wanted to pound that girl so hard she screamed my name.

"Shit." I roared pausing to hit a tree and it splintered beneath my fist. "What is wrong with me?" I said aloud to no one in particular.

"Nothing. That was hot." Jagger my wolf mused in my head.

"That was wrong." I responded to him.

"Oh I thought it was so very right." he growled.

"She is my father's Gamma's daughter, my sisters best friends kid sister." I sighed.

"So? she's not your fucking kid sister." he snarled.

"I have viewed her like that over the years."

"Like fuck you have. You hated looking out for the younger kids you resented them but her you always looked out for her extra closely." he smirked. "Go back and fuck her over that tree log." he added.

"Piss off." I muttered putting up my mind block and tuning him out as I went home. I had to shamefully sort my serious case of blue balls in my bedroom shower and whilst I tried to force myself to invision Amira in my mind, in the end I relented and found my release imagining the little dragons raw arse in the air as I reddened it. The sounds of her moans and groans rang in my ears. Kayda had done a real number on me and this was not going to end well.

Later that evening I found my father on the Palace steps.

"Off out?" I asked him.

"Just about to take a run to the pack border by the lake apparently the lake and village border patrol there thought they saw a rogue." he replied.

"Is the rogue gone?" I asked.

"Yes its just a description report" he nodded.

"Cool I can go. You go spend time with Mom, David and Victoria I need to stretch my legs." I told him.

"You sure?" he asked I didn't normally volunteer to do this kind of work.

"Yea I am sure, go." I sighed as he clapped me on the shoulder and turned to leave.

"Son are you okay?" he asked.

"Course why?" I asked. He regarded me closely clearly trying to chose the right words.

"You seem different, almost less tense." he told me truthfully. I shrugged before I walked into the forest I took off my clothes stashing them in a bush and shifted to Jagger we ran to the boarder and took the report. On our way back Jagger caught her scent

"Smell that it's Kayda." he grinned.

"No do not follow her." I said to him but he was already bounding in the direction of her familiar scent. "Do not do this Jagger." I warned.

"Tough I'm in control." he laughed as I fought for control Jagger laughed. He allowed me shift back and it was then when I stood up I realised I was only feet from her. I had been so engrossed in Jagger and our inner struggle I failed to realise he had set me up. She stood butt naked in front of me her hair wet as she had clearly just come out from skinny dipping in the lake. My eyes froze on her ass cheeks which were still red swollen and even bruised in some areas I swallowed at my brutal handy work. I wasn't sure if she had felt my presence yet so I stepped slightly forward and she turned gently glancing at me over her shoulder.

"Don't even think about it Prince." she snarled and my heart fell she was mad at me for hurting her shit I had gone too far.

"Leaving me hanging like that was mean." she continued and my heart leaped she was pissed I hadn't given her a release. "So unless you are here to kiss my ass better then I suggest you f*ck off." she added in a dead pan tone as she turned her head away . As if something was controlling me and at the sight of her naked body I did something I had never done for any girl before. I moved forward slightly and fell to my knees and my gaze was now level with her marked perky buttocks. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on a very raw area. She froze slightly apparently she had not expected me to kiss her ass literally despite her her smart mouth. She was holding her breath slightly as I placed another soft peck on her other cheek.

"Wow the Crowned Prince is kissing my ass." she blurted smugly.

"Shut up for once Kayda." I murmured lost in placing soft kisses on her beautiful bum. I licked a particularly sore area and she wiggled a little.


"Shush" I cut her off holding her firm. "Alpha saliva has healing properties." I told her. She relaxed into my kisses and tender licks. I was being really gentle with Kayda now after being so rough earlier I really was a mess. I never normally cared much about a she wolf and their sexual needs. Sure with Amira I wasn't too rough but she wasn't tough like Kayda she was a timid submissive lady and Amira seemed to take her pleasure from just pleasing me. Kayda pushed back at me, challenged me, refused to submit and that drove me to weird emotions. After awhile she turned around and I was now level with her core I froze but then with out much more thought I placed a delicate kiss there and that drew a lust filled gasp from Kayda.

"Eoin?" She asked surprised as I looked up at her from my knees. "You really shouldn't kneel in front of me or anyone for that matter you're a Prince." she whispered and any resolve I did hold onto now melted away.

"I owe you a release right?" I smirked as I tossed her leg over my shoulder and licked her core. I plunged my tongue into her sweet core and her legs buckled slightly so I held her tightly nipping at her sensitive little bud and she moaned. She tugged on my hair roughly and the pain spurred me on and she tasted so amazingly sweet on my tongue. After a few moments her body shuddered and she called out.

"Oh my god Eoin I am going to come." she cried as she completly shuddered her juices spilling over my tongue. I gave her a moment to collect herself before I put her leg back down and she steadied herself as I stood. Her eyes glanced at my arousal but I stepped back slightly.

"See you for training in the morning little dragon." I forced myself to say as I stepped back from her. I shifted quickly and ran into the woods leaving Kayda naked at the lake. I couldn't let this continue could I? This was just me blowing off a little steam before settling down with Amira. Amira was still the perfect choice for my Luna and Queen this was just a weird fling with Kayda. She was just barely eighteen she would soon find her mate and forget me easily. We couldn't be mates right we were too different Kayda was too head strong, too stubborn to listen, too stubborn to serve a King or a Kingdom. No Amira was the perfect choice and I just needed to keep this thing with Kayda light and fun and under wraps because if her father Danny found out I was a dead man but then again if her mother Dottie found out she would tear my head clean off my shoulders. My own mother would flip out so none of this really could be revealed. Kayda and I needed to agree on one thing and that this was a secret.

I darted into the arena locker rooms to shower not wanting to risk anyone in the Palace smelling Kayda's familiar scent on me let along the sweet smell of her arousal that clung to my skin. I almost made it when I had grabbed a towel and my shower gel from the locker and spun to come face to face with my smirking Beta James.

"Well well well." he smirked folding his arms. He made a large show of sniffing the air "Is that a she wolfs arousal?"

"Don't be a disgusting man whore." I muttered pushing past him and rushing to the open showers. He sat on the wooden bench flipping through his phones social media.

"So are you going to tell me or do I need to pretend to not know who it is and sniff around and investigate?" he mused as I washed the soap from my hair.

"Or you could actually be my Beta or better yet my best friend and just drop it like it never happened." I suggested.

"As your beta I think I need to know so I can protect you completely but as your best friend I just have a personal interest and will let it go." he laughed.

I finished washing and was almost sad that her scent was a distant memory but I shook this silly thought away as I turned off the water.

"I made a mistake can we just let it go please?" I asked wrapping my towel around my waist.

"I guess you don't want to hurt Amira." he concluded. Guilt washed over me I really didn't want to hurt Amira but we had a mutual agreement that we would wait this year out and look for our mates and then if still we hadn't met our fated mates we would mate. So technically I wasn't a complete asshole right?

"You're an asshole." Jagger answered in my head answering my inner thoughts and I sighed. I quickly dressed and grabbed my phone. I found my father and gave the report on the rogue. I then full of guilt drove into town to meet Amira and we had a nice dinner and a movie I made my excuse not stay overnight with Amira as I didn't want to be a total player and if Amira was hurt by my early night she with her impeccable manner and submissive demeanor said nothing excepting my goodnight kiss with grace.

I groaned when my alarm clock sounded and hit the five minute snooze before I dragged myself out of bed. I dressed in training gear and avoiding waking any of my younger siblings I tipped out of the apartment and went to the pack dinning Hall. Kayda was at the buffet serving station with the warrior from yesterday they were laughing as Kayda placed a poached egg on her plate.

"Sure I would love to go Nick." she was saying when I came into ear shot.

"Great I will pick you up at seven in the foyer." he confirmed as they continued to joke around. Kayda carried her plate and coffee taking it to the table and sat Nick grabbed the seat next to her. I was mad and I didn't really know why as Jagger suggested I take the warrior out. I forced Jagger down that was not a helpful solution.

I gathered my usual bacon and pancakes and a glass of juice and went to sit across from the two giggling teens. She wore her white zip up top, a pair of tiny black lycra shorts and just the hint of a bubble gum pink sports bra was on show. She had braided her hair into a pair of pigtail French braids. Her face was make up free but flawless her full plump lips however were glossy suggesting the hint of lip gloss or a lip balm. I resisted the urge to place my lips on hers to find out. They continued to chat and laugh as I glared the young warrior became slightly aware and increasingly uncomfortable under my glare.

"I best head out." he mumbled.

"But you have barely eaten?" Kayda protested.

"Saving my appetite for dinner tonight." he smirked.

She lit up and smiled up at him, jealousy raged trough me only I should make Kayda smile like that.

"You're an idiot." Jagger snapped in my head.

"Great can't wait." kayda cooed as he left giving me an uneasy glance. I had to admit he must have felt my displeasure rolling off me at his conduct with Kayda but the boy had balls to withstand it enough to ask her out. It didn't make anyone overly suspicious I was historically protective of Kayda we had always been that way when they were younger too.

She turned back to eat and felt my stare on her so she looked up.

"What?" she snapped.

"What Prince Eoin." I corrected her and she rolled her eyes.

"Kayda you are such a child." I snipped and in return I got another eye roll this girl was so disrespectful she had some sort of a death wish. She needed to be mated to someone strong just to keep her saucy mouth and facial features out of trouble.

"I think you are aware of just how much of a woman I am." she retorted and that had me uneasily glancing around to see who was in ear shot.

"Kayda" I growled "you are not going out with some man whore warrior wolf." I suddenly blurted out with a slight commanding aura and a slow smile of realisation passed over her face.

"Nicks not some man whore." she replied casually munching on her toast like she hadn't just received an Alpha order from me.

"I mean it Kayda he is not your mate. I forbid it." I said my teeth grinding my Alpha aura pushing out onto her. She flinched ever so slightly but then I saw the that steely flame flare up in her eyes as she drew her tiny frame up to its full height. She held my gaze and leaned in

"See here Alpha." She rasped. "I talk to who I like. I kiss and flirt with who I like and more importantly I fuck who I like." she spat low enough for only me to hear.

"Kayda I am warning you." I growled trying desperately to keep Jagger down as her words frenzied him.

"See when it comes to pack matters you are my Alpha and King and i will obey you, but my personal life is not under your Alpha control is that clear?" she growled back.

"Finish up and let's go." I growled standing refusing to answer her. She annoyingly glanced at her watch and then rising her coffee to her lips took a sip whilst I just stood there waiting and seething.

"it's early yet I have time, training is at six am as previously agreed so I think I will finish my coffee." she responded.

"Kayda let's go now." I repeated.

"No thanks I need my morning coffee and i got up early enough to manage my time to have it." she simply replied.

"I said now." I knew now I was losing this when she looked up at me with a smug smirk.

"I would tell you to go kiss my ass Alpha but you already have."

I turned and blindly stomped out of the pack dining hall knowing Kayda had won this round and my wolf Jaggers laughter and admiration rang in my head.

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