
Chapter 10

Amelia POV.

I didn’t really know what this guy was thinking. upon the condition he still wanted to marry me? Any other wolf would have rejected it immediately. The wedding went smoothly without a word from him. I didn’t really panic because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The rejection from Crane thought me a very big lesson.

During the reception as I was serving, his right-man came and dragged me out and gave me a dress to wear and asked me to go for the reception where I saw him call me his bride and mate.

When Eliot stopped us, I thought it was over but he held my hand and gave me a beautiful smile. I felt safe at that moment; like anything could happen and I would come out without a scratch. I looked at him as he spoke to Eliot and his brother.

He looked so confident, like he could do anything he wanted. I couldn’t help but admire the way he talks, the way he moved and that smile that exposes his white teeth. I didn’t really hear or see anything apart from him.

He held my hand and took me out of the Cresent castle. I was so engrossed in the moment that I forgot I had to tell Karla.

“Hold on, I need to do something first.” I said and ran to our room. Karla was sitting on the bed. I went to her and gave her a big hug.

“What happens now?” Karla asked with tears in her eyes.

“I will be going with but I will come and get you soon. I can’t leave you here with this people.” I didn’t trust them especially now that Eliot is angry. He might do something to hurt her.

“I will be fine. They will not do anything to me. Just find your family, okay?” she said and hugged me. I promised myself that I wasn’t going to leave her here. I would come back for her.

I packed a few things of mine and headed to carriage. I went outside. Drake was waiting to take my things. as I walked, I felt someone grab my hand. I turned and I saw Crane.

“I will wait for you.” Drake said and excused himself.

“What do you think you are doing?” Crane asked

I shoved his hands off. I looked at him. I know I still felt something for him and if he wanted me, I would agree but after what I heard yesterday, all I want to do now is find my family; find where I belong.

“Why are you going with him?” he asked again. “Amelia, I know that what happened between us was bad but that doesn’t mean you will just go off and marry anybody you want. Please think about this.”

I didn’t know what to say to him. I didn’t want to say anything. I simply walked away.

“Amelia. Amelia!” he screamed my name and ran after me. I walked as fast as I could to the carriage. I just didn’t want to look at him.

I hopped into the carriage and Drake stopped him. To my shocked, Jackson was there.

“What are you doing here?” I asked holding my chest.

“Going home?”

“We can’t share a carriage. It isn’t proper.” I told him. he had that grin on his face that was so annoying.

“Wolf, I came here with only one carriage and I am not going to get another while I have dozens at home. Besides, there is plenty of room in here.” He told me.

I didn’t want to argue. I just wanted a peace ride away from this place. But then it hit me; I will be leaving here for the first time. Finally I can leave this hell hole.




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