
Chapter 14

Amelia's POV.

What could be the reason for Kayla's rejection? My eyes couldn't hold back my tears anymore, as I cried silently in the car

"You don't have to be so dramatic". Simon uttered giving me the handkerchief he brought out from his breast pocket casually. Can't this people ever be humanly how was I being dramatic here.

"Thank you" I muttered, taking the handkerchief from him, and cleaning my tears with it.

"What do you think her reasons may be?". Simon asked, a little bit less concerned, after a bit silence in the car.

"I'm not sure" I said with a shaky voice, still wanting to cry more. He nodded his head, and faced his gaze to the car window, although the windows were up but we could still see outside from inside.

I couldn't help but wonder what they did to her, I've always known that Crescent moon park are of no good. But this time I wouldn't let them get their way. I must figure out what went wrong, and what she was threatened with, but how I'm I going to achieve this?

I paused for a while and looked at Simon, who is so focused looking outside the window like he's lost in deep thought. Should I tell him to help me figure it out or I should speak to his brother the Alpha.


Jackson's POV

I love being at home finally, I mean I get to see Amelia's pretty face. But why can't I see her here around the living room? Why does it feel like no one's home? "Anyways" I mumbled as I walked upstairs to my room to freshen up and come down for dinner.

Amelia has been the reason for my smiles lately and now that I have found out that she's not actually an orphan but from marti park, I feel delighted. At least she's going to happy and delightful, but I wonder what her response will be like.

I moved to the mirror after having my bath and keep smiling to my self, being deep in thoughts that I didn't realize that my inner wolf took over my reflection on the mirror.

"What's wrong?" my inner wolf asked like he doesn't know what the matter is. "Well it's a good thing you like her". This in particular jerked me off of my thoughts.

"Hey! No way!" I defended

"Says someone who has been thinking about Amelia since he got back, get over with your ego and admit already". My inner said with a stern look.

"My ego?" I asked pointing at myself not expecting to get an answer exactly. "Forget it". I moved away from the mirror, put on my cloths and walked downstairs. Did I just walked out on my wolf? "Oh God" I muttered on my way down stairs.

I sat at the dinning table with the food served but no one around "Kiara! Kaira!" I called our maid and she answered after the second calling.

"Yes Alpha" she said bowing her head

"Explain this to me now!" I asked furiously standing up from the chair like I'm losing it. Could it be that Amelia has left? No it can't be. "I'm talking to you right? Why is Amelia not here"

"I'm so sorry Alpha, madam Amelia left with sir Simon earlier today, but I wasn't informed on where they were going to" she paused for a while "But I know they were in a haste a bit" she concluded still bowing.

"What! Leave"

She scurried away immediately. Where did they go to together, I hit my fist on the table, picked my phone and was about to call Simon but it turned out they have arrived already.

"Having dinner without us". Simon said moving close to me. I furrowed my eye brow, pretending I wasn't concerned about their well being, especially Amelia's. I looked at her and I was engrossed by her look, but I realized it seems like she'd cried her way back here.

"Amelia what's wrong". I hurriedly moved to her direction, holding her right hand, which she struggled to pull away.

"I'm fine".

"You look like you've cried for a long while" I said concerned but not trying to show it. She shakes her head slightly and finally pulled her hand out of mine, then walked upstairs.

"A...A...Ame". I tried calling her but I stopped myself from doing that, in such situation I don't need her to be irritated, how can I tell her about her identity now. I cursed beneath my breath. "You have a lot of explanation to do" I turned around facing my brother Simon, who had started munching on his food.

"Huh! About what?" He said with his mouth filled with the grilled chicken that was placed in the dining table. I couldn't help but to grab him by the collar.

" What did you do to her?" I asked raising my fist at him.

"What do you mean?" He stated trying to gulp the chewed chicken in his mouth "please be calm, I can't obviously talk like this". I removed my hand from his collar and straighten his cloth. " What has gotten into you".

"You better start talking".

"It's not a big issue, she's just trying to save her friend from being at the crescent moon's park but her friend refused leaving there, reasons best known to her" Simon said sipping the orange juice he had poured earlier in a cup.

"Find out why". I said and moved upstairs, if Amelia isn't hungry, I've lost my appetite as well

"Brother why me". That was the last thing I heard Simon said before I went out of sight.


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