
The Ruthless Billionaire's Wife Returns
The Ruthless Billionaire's Wife Returns
Author: Doyinna

Chapter 1

"Aurora! Aurora!" A scream shattered the peaceful environment, and a car screeched to a halt beside the roadside; two young ladies emerged and rushed towards two girls who were chatting and laughing. "Aurora!" She called out again, and as the girls turned in their direction, she shoved one of them forcefully, sending her tumbling to the ground.

"You, you poverty-stricken girl. Do you think you can push me off the stage and get away with stealing all the applause and praise that rightfully belong to me? Absolutely not! How dare you think you can outshine me?" Annabel roared as she glared at the helpless girl on the ground.

Undeterred by the fall, the girl got back on her feet, dusted herself off, and was about to walk away with her friend when Minty, Annabel's friend, grabbed her in anger, accidentally stepping on her leg.

"You stepped on me?" Minty raised her eyebrows in disbelief, glaring at Aurora with her mouth agape.

"How dare you step on my friend?" Annabel snarled, her hand rising to land a slap on Aurora's soft cheek. A loud smack echoed through the air, causing cringes all around.

Janet watched in shock as Aurora held her left cheek without a word. "How dare you slap my friend, you monster!" Janet exclaimed furiously, facing Annabel.

"You, you ugly bitch with a foul mouth, you better shut up, or you'll regret ever being born," Annabel retorted fiercely, deeply provoking Janet, who raised her hand to strike Annabel. But before she could, Aurora intervened, knowing Janet wasn't one for fighting, and she didn't want Annabel to harm her friend.

"How dare you stop her? You should have let her!" Minty interjected. "You poor kids with wretched clothes; I wonder how you were even allowed into the wrestling school; what a disgrace!"

"Shut up! Everyone knows you're Annabel's lackey. Enjoy the scraps she throws at you, and never speak to us again!" Janet fired back at Minty. "How dare you speak to my friend like that?" Annabel said, raising her hand to strike Janet. Suddenly, Annabel felt her right hand firmly held by a stronger hand, and she looked around, wondering whose it was.

"You can slap me all you want, but the day you lay a hand on my friend will be your last!" In a soft voice, Aurora uttered as she jerked Annabel's hand away, sending her stumbling to the ground. Her friend, Minty, rushed to help her up. "I'm sorry, Janet. Let's go. Let them be!" Aurora said to Janet as they walked away, out of sight of Minty and Annabel.

"Damn! That grip felt like a brute's. I thought it was some thug's hand," Annabel muttered as she stood up from the sandy ground. "That girl is as good as a man; just leave her be; we'll deal with her later," Minty reassured Annabel. Annabel brushed herself off and glared at Aurora and Janet, who had already moved on ahead of them.

"You think you can win the 50 million dollars? I promise you won't. And you certainly won't be selected as one of the wrestling community representatives! You bastard!" Annabel's voice rang out, drawing the attention of everyone nearby. Upon hearing her words, Aurora let out a faint chuckle.

Aurora, a 20-year-old young lady, was not one for many words. She mostly communicated through actions. Ever since the demise of her parents, she had been living with her grandparents, Theodore and Evelyn.

Three years ago, Aurora was granted a scholarship to attend the Maviz Wrestling Academy due to her exceptional performance in a free wrestling competition. Despite facing bullying and rejection from her peers, she remained resilient and always strived to excel.

The announcement of a new wrestling competition, with the winner receiving 50 million dollars, felt like a dream come true for Aurora. She vowed to win to help her grandfather, who was burdened with debt from her late mother's illness.

After her parents' marriage, her mother, Cassandra, was diagnosed with Leukemia, which worsened before it was detected. Unable to conceive, Cassandra and her husband, Harry Smith, opted for a surrogate through whom Aurora was born.

Two years after Aurora's birth, Bruce Smith died in a plane crash, exacerbating Cassandra's illness. Theodore exhausted all his savings trying to save her, eventually turning to family friend Harrison Monroe for assistance.

Despite Theodore's efforts, Cassandra passed away. Theodore continued borrowing money from Harrison, accruing a 50 million-dollar debt. Upon realizing her family's financial struggles, Aurora resolved to win the competition to pay off their debt and lift them out of poverty.

"Don't mind that spoiled brat. You are the best; if you don't win it, who will?" Janet asked Aurora rhetorically, offering her encouragement. "I couldn't believe you defeated that proud, arrogant child. Annabel always thinks she's the best; she believes the world revolves around her. I'm so proud of you today, my girl," Janet said joyfully, sending a warm shiver down Aurora's spine.

"Does your cheek hurt? I'm sorry about that! You should have taught her a lesson," Janet asked Aurora, checking on her reddened cheek. "Oh, it's fine, I'll be okay," Aurora replied as they embraced tightly. When they reached their respective homes, they shared a heartfelt goodbye hug.

"Goodbye, Aurora. I'll miss you. Don't worry; the winners will be announced in two days, and you'll win that fifty million dollars. You'll also represent our team abroad. I believe in you," Janet's cheeks flushed as she spoke to Aurora, her smile carrying a touch of sweetness. "Thank you, my friend. I'll see you tomorrow," Aurora's eyes lit up, and a bright smile spread across her face as she spoke and watched Janet skip towards her home. "She's such a cheerful girl," Aurora's steps were light as she made her way home, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

Aurora had trudged a considerable distance and was utterly exhausted. However, her eyes widened in disbelief as she approached her home, a surge of shock coursing through her spine at the sight before her, nearly stealing her breath away. Inhaling deeply, she quickened her steps to get a clearer view of the chaos unfolding in her house. She saw her grandfather sprawled on the floor, clutching the feet of a man she couldn't care less about, their engine oil spilling and staining the ground.

Her eyes flashed red, her mind consumed with thoughts of using her wrestling skills to take down the bodyguard, wreaking havoc on their business and household belongings. Discarding her bag, she sprung into action, racing towards the bodyguards with unprecedented fury. Onlookers from a distance became increasingly intrigued, wondering what would unfold.

Harrison had barged into Theodore's house, demanding the 50 million dollars he was owed. As Theodore pleaded for mercy as usual, Harrison ordered his bodyguards to dismantle Theodore's small engine oil production business ruthlessly.

Aurora fiercely attacked a bodyguard about to pour oil from a gallon. "You despicable jerk!" she exclaimed, delivering a powerful blow to his jaw with her fist, causing him to tumble and roll in the spilled oil on the sandy soil. Before Theodore could react, he noticed some bodyguards abandoning their tasks to converge on Aurora.

Aurora moved with agility despite her slender frame, dodging and striking the bodyguards, using their momentum against them. They writhed and groaned in pain on the sandy ground, leaving bystanders, including passersby, stunned by the sight of such a seemingly delicate woman overpowering hefty bodyguards.

Harrison stood in disbelief, shocked by the young lady who had defeated his four bodyguards. "Unbelievable!" he muttered, his mouth agape and eyes wide as he watched the spectacle unfold.

"Aurora! Aurora, stop! You have to cease this; don't escalate the situation further, please," Theodore's voice reverberated, pleading with her to halt. Ignoring his pleas, Aurora continued her onslaught, intent on subduing the bodyguards. Suddenly, she spotted her grandfather rushing towards her as one of the bodyguards moved to strike him.

"Granddad!" Aurora's voice echoed loudly as she swiftly intervened, seizing the bodyguard's foot and causing him to tumble into the pool of spilled engine oil. "Granddad, I'm sorry. Are you hurt?" Aurora asked as she helped Theodore to his feet.

Three of the bodyguards approached Aurora, grabbing her by the arms, while another delivered a vicious slap. "You shouldn't have interfered," Theodore said painfully, tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Granddad," Aurora replied, her cheeks swollen and red from the blow.

"Please, don't harm her," Theodore pleaded as he struggled to stand. Crawling slowly on his knees, he reached Harrison, clutching his feet firmly. "She was just being childish; please, spare her. Don't let them hurt her," Theodore continued his plea to Harrison, desperately hoping for mercy.

Harrison, who had been observing Aurora's skilful display for minutes, was mesmerised by how such a young girl could overpower hefty men like his bodyguards. "Who is that girl to you?" Harrison asked in his deep, husky voice.

"She is my granddaughter, the only child of my late daughter! Please, spare her; I don't want to lose her too," Theodore pleaded, fully aware of Harrison's power and cruelty, capable of destroying his entire family in an instant.

Harrison looked on as his bodyguards continued to assault Aurora. "You cowards! Leave that girl alone! You couldn't even stand against her! You could learn a thing or two from her! Shame on you!" He criticized his bodyguards, and they reluctantly withdrew their hands from her.

Aurora stood still, bowing her head, feeling the weight of shame and disgrace upon her family.

"Well, my friend Theodore, I will spare you," Harrison said, sending a wave of relief through Theodore, especially at being addressed as a friend. "But on two conditions: if you can fulfill either one, I will spare your wretched family," Harrison added with a false grin.

Aurora raised her eyes, locking gazes with Harrison's aged eyes. Despite being in Theodore's age bracket, Harrison appeared younger. "Evil, wicked man," Aurora thought, disgust evident in her gaze as she stared at Harrison.

"Let me know the condition; I pray I can fulfill one," Theodore pleaded earnestly.

"By 8 pm sharp, I will call you and disclose the condition. Good day!" Harrison said as he exited Theodore's presence, his bodyguards trailing behind as they made their way to the three cars parked in front of Theodore's building.

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