
Chapter 2

Aurora attempted to rise, but excruciating pains coursing through her body kept her grounded. Some onlookers rushed to their aid, offering assistance getting them both up. Just then, Theodore's wife, Evelyn, appeared, balancing the food ingredients she had gone to buy on her head.

"What happened, my husband?" she exclaimed, dropping the food ingredients to the ground as her eyes saw the wasted engine oil and the mess in their office and apartment. Tears welled up in her eyes as she asked, "Who did this to us? What happened?"

"Harrison came demanding the money; where am I supposed to get such an amount from?" Theodore uttered, his voice filled with anguish.

"I'm sorry; let me help you inside. You need to clean up from this mess first," Evelyn said, guiding her husband through the cluttered entrance to their apartment. "I'm relieved they didn't reach the bedroom; you must shower first. I'll go prepare food for you right away," she added as she led him into the bathroom.

Hurrying to check on her granddaughter, who was making her way slowly into their apartment with flushed cheeks, Evelyn noticed her grimacing in pain, her right hand covering her swollen, reddened cheek. "Oh, Aurora, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Was it very painful?" Evelyn asked, tears pooling in her eyes and trickling down her cheeks.

"It's alright, Grandmother, I'll manage. I just need to go in and change my clothes so I can start cleaning up," Aurora replied as Evelyn gently examined her swollen, red cheeks to gauge the extent of the swelling.

"Excuse me, I need a half gallon of engine oil urgently!" A deep baritone voice resonated from their store.

"I'll go check if there's any oil left to sell," Aurora said to Evelyn, heading back towards the store.

"No, Aurora, go inside and change. I'll handle it. Later, I'll prepare a delicious meal for us," Evelyn insisted, giving Aurora a comforting pat as she hurried to attend to the customer. Tears welled up in her eyes as she surveyed the chaos around them and the extent of their losses.


Around 7:30 pm, the entire family gathered at their small, modest wooden dining table, covered with worn Shivon materials. Evelyn had prepared spaghetti, broccoli, and small pieces of chicken. Aurora famished after exerting herself against hefty opponents, wasted no time devouring her food eagerly. However, though hungry, Theodore had little appetite for the meal before him.

"My husband, what's wrong? Please eat; you need your strength for your medication," Evelyn implored Theodore, prompting Aurora to pause and worry about her grandfather's reluctance to eat.

"I can't eat until I hear the conditions Harrison has set. He insists I must fulfill one, or we all know the consequences. If the conditions are acceptable, I'll eat," Theodore explained. "You need to calm down, dear," Evelyn reassured him, glancing at the wall clock with concern.

"It's only 7:35 pm; it'll be 8 pm soon. Let's wait until then," she added, and Aurora set her fork down, halting her meal. "Come on, Aurora, eat up. I know you're hungry," Evelyn encouraged her, giving Aurora a reassuring glance. "It's okay, Grandmother, we're in this together," Aurora responded.

"I think I need to use the restroom," she said, excusing herself from the table. She made her way to her room, pondering how to help her family. At exactly 8 pm, she returned to the dining table, where Theodore was already on the phone with a caller.

"I have only two conditions for you, Theodore. You should be able to fulfill one, or else! You know the consequences. In three days, you must repay me my fifty million dollars, or I will marry your granddaughter, that fighter, and give you an additional ten million dollars for your business. If you can't meet either of these conditions, I will ruin your wretched family! Understood?" Harrison declared his tone firm.

"Yes, sir," Theodore responded, his voice trembling.

"Excellent! You have three days to give me a response," Harrison affirmed before abruptly ending the call.

"Granddad, did I hear him correctly?" Aurora asked in a soft, angry tone. She felt an overwhelming urge to confront Harrison and tear him apart. Theodore could only groan deeply, resting his head on the table. Evelyn, unable to find the right words, remained silent, grappling with Harrison's demands. She resolved to discuss it further with her husband in private, away from Aurora's presence.

"Harrison may be old, and Aurora is of marriageable age. If we agree to this, our lives could change, and we might find a way to rebuild. Besides, many young girls marry older men," Evelyn contemplated, seeing it as a potential opportunity for transformation.

"Grandfather, I heard what that man said, but he should know I will never marry him. As for his money, I'll repay it in two days as he demanded," Aurora declared, surprising Theodore and Evelyn. They both looked at her with shock, their eyes wide open.

"I know this might come as a surprise, but it's true. There's a competition I've been participating in for days now. The winner will be announced in two days, and the prize is 50 million dollars. I've always won and been the best in this competition. It's obvious I'll win again. Once I receive the prize, I'll use it to pay off the debt," Aurora explained. Theodore sat up, nodding in agreement with Aurora's plan, considering it a viable option. However, Evelyn remained indifferent.

"I understand your perspective, my granddaughter, but consider this: what if you win the 50 million dollars, give it to the family to boost our business, marry Harrison, and we gain more wealth and social connections? This could be our chance to shine. Besides, you're old enough for marriage," Evelyn finally expressed her thoughts. Aurora and Theodore were stunned, gaping at her in disbelief.

"Grandmother, I can't believe it! Are you saying you value money more than me?" Aurora exclaimed angrily at Evelyn. "Granddad, I promise I'll find a solution. Everything will be fine," Aurora assured Theodore before storming away in frustration, abandoning her half-eaten meal on the table.

"Evelyn, why would you speak to our granddaughter like that? She won't marry a man of my age; I won't allow it. Let Harrison do his worst; I won't stand for it," Theodore declared angrily, his hunger temporarily forgotten as he began eating his meal with little regard for the situation with Harrison.

"We'll see. It seems neither of you is tired of our miserable lives," Evelyn grumbled, feeling resentful. Theodore ignored her complaints, focusing solely on his food.

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