
Chapter 4

The wedding day arrived, and the venue exuded glamour as Harrison Monroe welcomed dignitaries from far and wide. Rumours quickly circulated that Harrison was marrying a girl young enough to be his granddaughter.

Theodore and Evelyn took their seats at the front of the lavish hall, appearing more radiant than ever. Theodore's heart swelled with relief on this day, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long while. Despite his strong objections to Aurora marrying an older man, he reluctantly accepted it as the only solution to settle the debt. Their faces radiated with joy like never before.

"Look at that poor girl marrying a man old enough to be her grandfather! It's infuriating to think that we might be related someday. But on the bright side, Caspian, Harrison's handsome son and heir to his business, has returned from Canada. I hope to meet him today and perhaps catch his eye. Who knows, we might even get married," Annabel mused with a hint of anticipation.

"My goodness, Annabel, Caspian is such a catch! It's been ages since I last saw him. I'm sure he's even more striking now. You two would make a perfect couple," Minty said, offering encouragement.

"She's not even that pretty, and the wedding dress doesn't suit her at all," Annabel lamented.

"Well, she's marrying an older man; she doesn't need to be drop-dead gorgeous. Maybe once she's swimming in money, her beauty will shine through," Minty added with a chuckle, casting scornful glances at Aurora.

Aurora sat anxiously, wishing she could disappear as she spotted her wrestling school students, including Annabel and Minty, among the guests. Even her friend Janet was there as her bridesmaid. Janet wasn't delighted about Annabel marrying the elderly Harrison, but it seemed the only way to save her family from his wrath.

Impatience steamed among the guests as they awaited the groom's arrival. They had all come to witness the spectacle of a young lady marrying a man old enough to be her grandfather. Finally, the Master of Ceremony announced the groom's presence, and he strode confidently to the podium, looking every bit the most handsome man in Montana.

All eyes were fixated on the young man approaching the podium, heading towards Aurora. Aurora stood silently, her mind racing with confusion. It wasn't until Caspian firmly held her hand that she snapped out of her thoughts, feeling a rush of emotions as she gazed into his eyes.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, my wife," Caspian's words pierced through Aurora's heart, leaving her momentarily speechless as she struggled to process everything. The unexpected announcement from Harrison only added to the chaos of emotions swirling inside her.

"Please, join my son with Aurora Sterling; I have found him the best wife. I wouldn't get married to a girl too young to be my granddaughter; all plans were for my son, Caspian." Harrison's declaration sent shockwaves through the crowd, leaving everyone bewildered. 

Annabel's disbelief pierced her as she watched Aurora marry the man she had always dreamed of. "Unbelievable! This wretched girl always takes what's mine!" she roared quietly, her frustration bubbling.

"I won't let this marriage last," she vowed, her words laced with bitterness. With determination fueling her, she stormed out of the wedding hall, her friend Minty walking behind her and offering words of comfort.


It's Aurora Sterling and Caspian Monroe's third wedding anniversary. Aurora approached Caspian in the sitting room, where he was engrossed in watching some business news. She carried the well designed cake she had baked, adorned with the inscription "Happy Third Wedding Anniversary," brimming with joy.

"Hey, my husband! It's our third wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary to us," Aurora said, offering a sweet smile, hoping to evoke a positive response from Caspian. However, he ignored her, his attention fully captured by the business news.

"My husband, happy wedding anniversary to us," Aurora repeated, but Caspian finally looked up at her, his expression filled with disdain.

"How often do I have to tell you not to refer to me as your husband? I married you because of my father's insistence; you were forced upon me, and I had no choice but to accept or risk losing my inheritance and position! If you bother me again, you won't like the consequences," Caspian snapped angrily, his gaze piercing through Aurora.

Since her marriage to Caspian, Aurora had been in constant emotional pain. She had fallen in love with him on their wedding day, and despite her efforts to please him over the past three years, his hatred towards her only seemed to grow.

"Today marks three years of our marriage, yet you've never looked into my eyes, hugged me, or shown any physical intimacy. Your father and everyone else think I'm barren! No one would believe that we've never been intimate. I'm tired of living this lie! I'll have to tell your father the truth; perhaps they'll stop blaming me!" Aurora exclaimed angrily, her frustration boiling over.

It was the first time she had spoken to him in such a manner. Her sudden outburst took Caspian aback. He rose to his feet, snatched the cake from her hands, and slammed it onto the meticulously designed marble floor.

"If you dare breathe a word of that to my father, mark my words; it'll be your last day on this earth. I'll personally strangle you, you old hag!" Caspian threatened, pointing a menacing finger at her.

Aurora was no stranger to this treatment; she was deeply hurt, especially after putting so much effort into ensuring the cake was well-designed for their wedding anniversary. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she bent down to the ruined cake. Suddenly, Caspian's phone rang, and his mood instantly shifted to happiness.

"Unbelievable, you're in Montana?" Caspian exclaimed joyfully upon hearing Mitchell's voice. Mitchell was Caspian's girlfriend in Canada, and it had been three years since they last saw each other. Despite speaking on the phone almost daily, Mitchell surprised Caspian with a visit to Montana. "Yes, I miss you," Mitchell's voice echoed from the other end of the line. "You know what? Send me your location right away! I'll join you soon," Caspian said with a radiant smile, anticipating a night of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Aurora remained unbothered, attempting to salvage the broken cake, tears flowing down her face. All she desired was for Caspian to reciprocate her love for him. She watched Caspian stride happily into his room, get dressed, and summon his driver. It wasn't the first time Caspian had spoken to another woman in front of Aurora; she had grown accustomed to it, but she still hoped daily for a change in Caspian's feelings towards her.

"My husband, your father, wants me to follow him to the hospital today for a medical check-up to determine why I haven't conceived yet," Aurora said to Caspian as she saw him preparing to leave. "I am not your husband. Do whatever you want, but don't you dare mention to him that we haven't had sex, or else you'll regret it," Caspian retorted before walking out, leaving Aurora to her tears.

With a heavy heart, Aurora tried to salvage what remained of the cake. Just then, her phone began to ring. She dragged herself sluggishly to her bedroom to answer the call, silently praying that it wasn't her father-in-law calling again. She wasn't prepared for another lecture on why she hadn't conceived yet.

"Hi, Aurora, you need to come home right now! There's a secret we've been waiting to tell you for years and now is the right time," Theodore's voice echoed loudly in Aurora's ear.

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