
The Scorned Silver Wolf
The Scorned Silver Wolf
Author: Helen Margaret

Chapter 1


The Silver mist pack bustled with festivities, the people were gathered together, eating, drinking, laughing and jesting. It was a beautiful sight to behold, the atmosphere was a beautiful one too. It was obvious, everyone was happy because at long last, the Alpha King finally had a child to call theirs after so many years of waiting. Although, it wasn't a male pup as the people thought it would be, but whether male or female, a child will always be a child.  

The dancers danced as loud music was blasting through the speakers and the people moved their bodies to the rhythm while cheering the dancers who danced tirelessly. 

Wolves from different parts of the pack trooped in, in their hundreds and thousands, to felicitate with the Alpha and Luna. Some were truly happy while some came to see if it was true that the Luna had finally given the Alpha, a child. Murmurs could be heard from different corners but no one dared to speak ill, out loud, of the Alpha's family. It was a crime to disrespect the Alpha, the Luna or any heir to the throne and the Alpha's family at large. If such was heard, such wolves would be banished with immediate effect and his or her family would be banished too. Despite the love they had for the royal family, they still feared them because the punishment for any crime was not in any way palatable. 

The people were still enjoying themselves when they heard a loud noise, it was the sound of the gong of silence which signified that an important event was about to take place. After hitting it the third time, the guard stopped and immediately, silence filled the air and the attention of all were on the old figure who stood on the high platform with a child in his arms. 

Alpha Elder Davon was the oldest living member of the Silver mist pack and royal family. According to tradition, the oldest member of the royal household would name the youngest, newest member of the royal household which was what was happening at that moment. The child was carefully wrapped in a shawl and placed in his hands, sleeping peacefully as he addressed the Silver mist pack.

"Citizens of the Silver Mist Pack". He started, and they gazed at him quietly as he continued. "We all are gathered here on this great day for a purpose,which is to name our beloved princess, the daughter of Alpha King Charles Silver and Luna Isabella." He stopped and sighed before he continued again.

"As you all know, this is something we all have been expecting for a very long time and today we have it; a princess added to the royal family. And today I, as the oldest member of the family, have been tasked with the sole responsibility of naming this child and it gives me so much joy. " He spoke weakly, given that he was very old but he spoke with so much authority.

He lifted the child up into the air with both hands as he began to mutter some words while the people watched on in sheer silence. He had only done this for a few minutes when he stopped abruptly and shouted;

"By the power vested in me by the moon goddess and as the oldest member of this royal family, this child shall be called, VERONICA CHARLOTTE SILVER, DAUGHTER OF LUNA ISABELLA ROSELYN AND ALPHA KING CHARLES ERIC SILVER OF THE SILVER MIST PACK. Citizens of the Silver mist pack, behold your princess!" He declared authoritatively, and the people cheered happily.

"Now, let the festivities continue!" He said finally and then handed the princess over to the Luna, after which all the members of the royal household walked back into the inner court of the palace in one single file according to tradition. After the last member of the royal household walked into the inner court of the palace, the people began to dance and celebrate once again.

Luna Isabella laid the baby in her cradle, in the nursery and then asked her maids to keep watch over her while she went back into the inner court to meet the Alpha, who was with the other members having their own celebration.

"Congratulations once again, Luna. I must say, you birthed one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen." One of the members, Killian said, raising a glass, while others nodded in agreement and raised their glasses too. 

"What about me? Won't you all congratulate me too? I mean, she wasn't the only one who made the child on her own, right?" Alpha Silver said, with a smirk on his face and winked to his Luna, making everyone burst into a round of laughter.

"That's true. Congratulations to you too, Alpha." They all chorused and laughed again afterwards.

"Thank you so much." He said with a big grin. "Let the celebration continue." He added, and they all cheered as they drank and ate with so much happiness.

Suddenly, the wind began to howl, the trees swayed back and forth, ferociously, the loose housetop sheets clattered and clanged, and the opened windows of each house shut with a loud bang. All forms of electricity was suddenly cut off and the people began to run helter-skelter, every wolf calling out to their pups, to take cover from the impending doom. The cloud began to darken, and in no time, there was no sign of light. 

Every single being in the Silver mist pack shook in fear of the disaster that was about to happen at any moment.  

After some minutes of so much turmoil, peace and light was restored and everyone began to come out of their hiding places, checking for ruins and wondering what could have happened.

Suddenly, there was a very loud howl from the palace and the ever-peaceful Silver mist pack was thrown into disarray just in the twinkle of an eye once again. 

"The princess!!!! I can't find the princess! I can't find my baby! She is gone!" The Queen Howled.

The powerful sorceress, Caterina, had entered the palace and tragedy had struck! The princess had been kidnapped!

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