
Chapter 2

What do hit men do with a problem, they annihilate it.

What am I going to do to get out of this alive? No fucking idea.

Will it be too late to pray?

"Stop saying nonsense and go check it out." I bellow annoyed.

"I'd better hire Scooby-doo," Edrien joked, "relax, the noise could have come from anywhere. But for you to be calm, I will check the place."

"You better, see you." His shadow moved away and I saw my opportunity to see who it was, and I also had to get out of here. I took a book and ran fast asking my sandals for discipline so as not to have a second slip.

Leaving the drama section I sit at the table closest to me, open the book and pretend to read, after a few slow seconds; a boy comes out of the gothic narrative section, I wouldn't look, it would be very suspicious to do so, but when he passed by I knew who he was.

Eliecer, his brother.

What trouble has he gotten himself into?

Not in a problem… He had committed a crime.

And Edrien knows it…he was helping him.

Who was the victim?

Would they be the only ones involved?

“Stay out of trouble, Rose." My eyes fell on Edrien, sitting on the other side of the table, and it was strange to perceive him as a complete stranger, everything I know about him became questionable.

I nodded and closed the book, setting it aside.

"How do you know my name." I rested my body on the chair, relaxed.

"I investigate the people who persecute me" he attacked indifferently, "nothing personal."

"Sure, if you say so." I shrugged, going back to my book, telling him; indirectly; that I was not interested.

Edrien was a quiet and objective boy, he doesn't always have something to say and when he does speak he likes to be attentive to his every word. Getting information out of him would be difficult, but if I apply my knowledge of what he hates, I could get somewhere.

"I'm not interested."

"Yes, yes, whatever you say." I didn't even look at it.

"I'm serious, Rose."

"Of course."

I exhale thunderously. His tolerance was running out.

“Be more tolerant, Edrien." I laughed, and his eyes collided with mine, his hard face cutting my roll. I was angry.

"What are you playing, huh?" He rested his hand on the table, leaning over me.

"What game would I be playing?" I used the book to push him away a bit. Too close was wrong.

"I do not know you tell me. It's your fucking game after all."

"I don’t know what you mean."

"Yes you do, stalker."

"I repeat, I don't know what you mean." I looked away.

"I repeat, stay out of trouble, Rose." he warned before turning away and leaving the library.

What had just happened to me?

I took my cell phone out of my backpack and immediately dialed Abby, she would have to find out.

"Abby, we need to talk."

"Rose, don't scare me, I haven't done anything wrong… well, I only watched The Originals without you…"

"Treacherous." I whispered hurt.

"I'm sorry."

He snorted loudly, downplaying it.

"Abby, we have a mystery to solve."

Three hours later…


I told him the summarized version of what happened without censoring anything.

"I know, it's something very serious."

"Seriously my panties, Rose, this is very serious, there is a body, by God!"

"Calm down, there is a witness who saw everything."

"He witnessed the events, but..." he got up from the sofa, pacing from one side to the other, analyzing things, "... Where is the crime?"

"It's waiting to be discovered... I think." I objected doubtfully and dizzy from his zigzags.

"I don't think it's good to meddle. I better tell dad about this."

Abby's father was a police officer, it was her greatest pride.

"We needed evidence to talk to him, Abby, it's a mystery and we're the ones to solve it."

"Don't know." she alluded stunned.

Abby and I have always been fans of mysteries , we were both cunning and liked to look for clues and discover the truth. Ever since we saw Sherlock Holmes, we've been solving puzzles... And we both considered Scooby-doo a bad joke.

"What happened to Rose Holmes and Abby Watson, um?"

"That without one the other is useless." he smiled.

"I'm going to need your nonsense, Watson."

"I am not stupid." He contradicted erasing his smile.

"I still need you."

"Any indication of the crime?" I smiled.

"Mistake #1 written on a note in red letters."

"And that the Peck brothers are up to their necks in this business."

"Evidence must be collected to incriminate them, Watson."

"Don't tell me."

"I already said it."

"What will we do? spy on their behaviors?"

"No, I have an idea. Do you know a Hacker?"

We spent the afternoon thinking and studying what we would do the next day, everything was under control, we didn't detect any flaws... except that it never occurred to us to see Aly's dying body, inert, with an opening in her abdomen covered in crimson liquid. , lying at the gates of universality... With the note "Error #1" on it.

The Institute was closed, the policemen were investigating the case and the forensics were studying the body. I was still in shock.

Aly was the victim.

How could it be possible?

"How unfortunate about Aly," Gus murmured evenly, watching the scene, "Who could have committed such an atrocity?"

Abby and I exchanging glances, knowing who the prime suspects were.

"We should tell him."

Whiten my eyes.

"We have no proof, just words without validation."

"I hate that you're right." I snort.

"What are they whispering? In case they hide something from me."

"Of course not, Gus." We both repeat at the same time.

"What do they know."

We have been caught, Gustavo knew us very well.

"You don't happen to know a hacker." topic change; conveniently; Abby.

"What? A hacker. So that?"

"Answer, Yes or No." I pressed pointing at him.

"Quick, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock." Abby followed me.

This made Gus nervous, he had a personal problem with timers.

"Yes, I know Peter of the FourShadows."


"Four Shadows?" I stressed interested.

Gus looked at us as if we were aliens from another universe and we were asking him what is the difference between mucus and saliva.

"Duh, everyone knows about the FourShadows, where they've been lately."

"We ourselves don't know." my friend commented.

"Tell us, what is it or who are the FourShadows."

"It's a group of weirdos made up: Peter, Diego, Robert and Grean. The new transfers."

Both Abby and I blink in astonishment.

"They say that strange things happen in the corridors at night, and I don't know about you, but I think that this little group is hiding something very serious." Gus looked down at Aly's body and back at mine. That was a very direct hint.

"You're implying that the FourShadows have something to do with Aly." I whispered to all three.

"I don't know, everyone has a profile that matches the person behind all this, except Grean."

"How can you be so sure of that, Gus?" Abby spoke.

"I hear rumors, okay? Most believe that they are psychopaths with perverse fantasies to fulfill. The other night they found a butchered rabbit in the lab and according to the security guard he saw about four boys."


What if the FourShadows were behind this?

"Will you introduce me to Peter?" I inquired curious.

"It's not convenient for now."


"They are being questioned by the police."

Yes, the accusations of the students towards them were serious.

"And Green too..."

"No, he's out."

"What else have you heard about Aly?" inquired Abby.

"There are many suspects, but it is known that he is from the Institute because; according to the coroner; Aly knew the attacker because she did not defend herself."

What did he die of, judging by the perforation on his back. Bled to death from a stab wound.

The question was how did he die? Answer that only the witness knew.

"Something weird?"

"The royalty do not appear. Nor Edrien who was her ex-boyfriend."

"Eliécer, have you seen him?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, I saw him a few moments ago in the parking lot. What's with him?"


His face was a rogue poem.

"You like Eliecer." He danced his eyebrows.

"Do you practice saying stupid things or do they come naturally to you?!" I yelled getting a lot of attention from the others.

"Okay, calm down."

"Okay, don't be so stupid."

"Gus, and that bracelet?" Abby took her bracelet-decorated wrist; actually a short black ribbon, very minimalist.

"Uh... I bought it." he said nervously.

"They are very fashionable in the Instinct, I want a blue one, where can I get them?"

It was true, the bracelets of that style were the new sensation among the students, very few had the black ones, the majority were white.

"Um…well." Her voice trailed off and her gaze caught on something behind us, "Look, Monica showed up, I'm going to give her my condolences."

I turned and confirmed it, Mónica was crying like Magdalena, without comfort, she was dressed all in black, in mourning for her best friend, she was wearing expensive dark glasses that prevented her from seeing beyond them, I saw how Gus comforted her and…

"How long have Gus and Monica known each other?"

"Since when Gus stutters?"

We shared a telepathic look, and hers said, Gus is hiding something from us.

"I'm going to try to get information from my dad."

"Well thought. You know where the interrogation area is."

"I think in the main hall. What will you do?"

"I'll find this Peter guy." I informed bumping my fist against his shoulder, ready to look for the Hacker.


With luck I managed to infiltrate the Institute, apparently the officers were more attentive to Professor Hood to do their job, they were not judged by the history teacher, she was single and well preserved.

The first room was located after the student cafeteria, one block from where I was. The empty corridors felt gloomy and the electrical failure in some two light bulbs flickered horribly, making me walk with pauses and ready to sing the Hail Mary.

Walk fast.

I hastened the step with cold feet and hands, I was terrified, I was going through the lockers and right at the end the bulb exploded sparkling, burning one after the other, stopping me completely because the rest of the way would be under the blackness blurred with the dim rays of sun that They provided the windows.

What was missing.

I worked up a bit of courage and urged my feet to continue, now at a slower pace thanks to fear, I sighed, pulling out of me all the memories of horror movies I've seen and determined I enter the darkness. Bad idea, crash into something or someone; very strong as rock; returning to the starting point, only on the ground rubbing my bruised forehead.

Who put that wall there?

"Be careful, little one, you haven't been told that monstrous things happen in the dark." said the wall, in a thick voice.

Do the walls speak?

"Who are you?" I backed away, scrambling away from the darkness.

"I am the hidden truth."

"Leave me alone."

"Eh-eh," he hissed, "too late, little one."

My eyelids widened at what I saw, he was tall, stocky, hooded, all in black and his face... I couldn't see it, because it was covered by a buffoon or puppet mask, I couldn't tell you exactly what it was.

"What do you want of me?" I was dragging myself scared on the ground, my legs were weak to get up, useless to run.

He took a step, laughed, took another, laughed and was five feet away; my heart was pumping blood at rapid rates; said:



"Scream scared, show me that you fear me." he asked, bending down and tilting his face.

Yes, I was afraid of him and a lot.

"Leave her alone, Robert, she's had enough." I heard another voice, another boy came out of the hall, short, long brown hair, light blue eyes under very marked eyebrows, pale complexion and acne-prone cheeks, dressed all in black. I looked compassionate and my eyes wavered from that sexy being.

Finally, a bit of kindness and… masculine sensuality.

"You never let me have fun, Peter." the cruel Robert mumbled, removing his mask and lowering his hood.

Damn, that was cute.

Greenish honey eyes, medium lips, Greek nose, not so bushy eyebrows; with a cut on the right, brown hair, medium complexion, perfect teeth.


I looked at the good-natured boy who still looked pitying on me.

"I'm Rose."

"Peter," he said dryly, pointing his chin at his friend, "Robert."

"Call me Houdini." He narrowed it down, smiling.

"Sure, Loki."

"I like him." said another boy with a very peculiar look, fire-red hair styled in a messy swirl, a piercing on his left eyebrow over green eyes, a fair complexion and a round face. Serious and expressionless, but just as handsome as they are.

God, what mysterious charm did this trio have?

"Diego." Peter introduced boredom.

"Not so nice to meet you guys, thank Robert for that." My sweaty hands were still shaking.

"It's nothing personal, I like to have fun and scare you." He smiled like Cheshire, it would be his new little toy. fantastic.

"What are you doing here?" Peter asked, "I understand that entry is prohibited."

"Um… I was looking for you."

The bewilderment spread through those three cute little faces.

"Peter? Oh really?" Robert raised his severed eyebrow, brightening up the 'You're fucking me' face he had.


"Yes, you, Peter, I need your help."

They exchanged dialogue glances with information that was unintelligible to me.

"What can I do for you?"

Lots of things, Peter, lots of things.

"You know advanced computing."

"A hacker." Diego mused, serious.

"Illegal troubles?" Peter smirked.

Ok, this boy likes trouble.

"Not at all, it's just that I urgently need to access an email, there is very valuable information, Peter."

"Hack an email, nothing else?" He lowered his small smile returning to bored mode.

"Umm." I nodded needy, I urged his help.

"On Wednesday after chemistry, in the computer area, be on time."

"I will be there." I assured taking Diego's hand to get up.

"And let's get out of here before they catch us." We agreed with Peter, he seemed the most rational of the three, like the father in charge of those two.

"Why the mask?" I asked Robert, pointing to the accessory he was holding.

"Everything looks better behind a mask," I whisper intriguingly approaching me, "You like the blood?"

"It's disgusting." I answered, remembering my hematophobia.

"I do, how much blood will your skull hold?" he disturbed, hitting my head briefly and I moved away from him as much as I could.

"Leave her alone or we'll check how much is in yours." Peter threatened and I turned off him, I felt that he would protect me from that Loki-joker.

"Is it always this disturbing?"

"He really likes to horrify people, especially girls."

I glanced at Richard out of the corner of my eye and he smiled macabre and then laughed.

"I'm scared of it. "

Peter chuckled softly, "We too, we don't sleep with a knife under our pillow for nothing."

I laughed nervously.

"Deep down, he's a good boy."

Good boy, remember the knife under your pillow, Peter.

"Guys, is everything okay?" Grean said as soon as we stepped outside, his broad back supported by the wall behind him, his gaze flicking over each one and focusing on me, "Hello." He greeted smiling amused. did he have monkeys on his face or what?

"How are you? I'm Rose." I extended my hand to him, which he looked at and did not hesitate to shake.

He smiled without releasing my hand, he pulled it, pushing me very close to him, due to the difference in height I had to crane my neck to see it, it was like looking at the sky, gosh, it's more than I thought!

"Enchanted, Rose." He moved his face to the side of mine and whispered in my ear, "Grean, available for when you want."

"Enchanted," I felt my cheeks red, I separated instantly, avoiding eye contact, "Welcome."

"Good." He shrugged taking another drag from his cigarette.

"Super," I replied, not knowing what to add or say, "I have to go, my friend is waiting for me."

"Clear." Grean said, blowing smoke.

And there were those four guys:

Peter. Neutral, compassionate and defender.

Michael. Quiet, serious and bloody.

Robert. Disturbing, handsome and unique.

And Green. Intelligent, altruistic and introverted.

The Four Shadows.

"See you guys."

"See you." They all fired in sync.

My eyes searched for Abby carefully, I saw her father, but nothing of her, suddenly I thought to look in the parking lot, we had left our bikes there.

My feet moved in time with the song I was humming; Charlie Puth 's How Long ; I heard it twice and it stuck in my head for life.

"How long has this been going on?... You've been creeping around on me... While you're calling me baby…" I was going to the chorus when a supernatural force grabbed my arm, dragging my body with it, they covered my mouth, closing off my cries for help.

I was led to a secluded alleyway from the parking lot, feeling a firm chest on my back, it was definitely a boy, but who?

He pushed me against the wall with rage, and I was free, he no longer had my arm and my mouth wanted to scream, plus the face of the hooded boy in front of me paralyzed me.

Dark hair, deep brown eyes, strong bushy eyebrows, medium nose, tight thin lips, fair complexion and hardened countenance.

"Elicer?" I said barely inaudibly.

“I know you heard the private conversation between Edrien and me."

A thousand times shit.

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