
The Tainted Wolf
The Tainted Wolf
Penulis: Kindled pen

Chapter 1

Levana’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes, the warm embrace of sleep gradually releasing its hold on me. As my vision adjusted to the soft morning light, I noticed streams of sunlight delicately dancing through the room. The sunbeams, like mischievous fairies, filtered and fluttered across the walls, casting a golden glow that brought the room to life.

But somehow, the unfamiliarity of my surroundings sent a flicker of confusion through my mind. And I blinked, trying to make sense of it all. 

The realization hit me like a distant echo, slowly reverberating through my thoughts. This wasn't my room. I wasn't in familiar territory. The memories from the previous night were still hazy, like fragments of a dream I couldn't quite grasp. I struggled to piece together the events that led me to this unfamiliar place.

I could make out his eyes — they were watching me like they were looking straight into my soul. But other things like — who he was and where the hell I had met him before then were an echo of confusion. 

I let out a puff of air through my nose before taking in the right amount of oxygen I needed. That guy…he was a mystery but still…I didn't regret spending the night with him. 

The thought of how wild he had gone with me last night made me blush scarlet. He was so good…although, I couldn't possibly have known since he was the first person to touch me. But there was this conviction within me that tells me that he's the best at what he does. How his mouth felt on mine…so soft and full of passion. And the way—

Wait. I'm forgetting something, aren't I? 

Where is he? He's supposed to be by my side. I looked around and just realized that I was all here by myself. I thought — no, there's no fucking way he would leave after what transpired between us last night.  

Then, I must have fallen asleep or just blanked out, for sometime, because when I woke up again, I noticed I was now in my room. 

I looked around the large room where I lived on my own. The space was huge, spacious enough to contain two people in, and there are also two more rooms other than this. Ever since my parents died, I had chosen to keep this apartment. Because I couldn't bear the thought of another family living in the space where I used to call a happy home. All those memories are still here, and I'd rather bask in them than leave it in the hands of those who wouldn't appreciate them. 

I gently got up from the bed and got down only to wince at the pain that washed over me. My thighs felt like they were smashed, and as I took a step, the pain increased. I knew it would take at least two days before I got back to walking properly. I made my way to the mirror where I checked my appearance. My normal full lips were bigger, with red stains that was enough proof of the tiger that ate me up. There were hickeys all over my body and as I checked them out, I found a folded piece of pay on the table beside my mirror. 

Curiosity piqued, I picked it up and read the two words written in a beautiful hand writing. 

Take care. 

It read. I squinted my eyes as the familiarity of the handwriting hit me like a block of ice. That hand — it belonged to Alpha Alessandro . I remembered it because there was a time he gave me a note to give to my dad, and being the curious type, I had taken a look. 

Horror filled me as I continued to stare at the words. Alpha Alessandro? He must have known I was the one then why did he do — wait, does that mean he had the intention of sleeping with me?

So that explained how I got to my room. Maybe his conscience didn't allow him to leave me at the club so he brought me home instead. 

The following days passed by like a blur. I spent the whole week right by myself — locked up in my house without engaging in the extracurricular activities that the pack members usually participated in. 

I guess Alpha Alessandro must have known the reason, that could be the reason why nobody bothered me. 

I was glad. At least, he was a little considerate. But that doesn't mean he's caring, no? He hadn't bothered checking up on me. Maybe he was angry at himself for even spending the night with me. 

Hurt filled my heart but I had no one to blame. This was all on me. If I had not chosen to go to that club just to get Dante's attention. 

But still…I had no regrets. 

He gave me what I needed but then again, a little hi or how are you could have been better than dumping me like some cheap slut. 

I heard the lock at the door turning. 

Panicking, I spun around to check who it was.


A smirk formed on his face and as he took a step towards me, I moved backwards and the process continued till there was no more room for me to run to. 

His wild, red and sandy hair shone in the light. His eyes which were the most lovely thing I liked about him were like doe…beautiful and alluring. 

“If you are done ogling me, can we have that lovely discussion?” He snorted. 

I shook my head and squared my shoulders, before flaring my hair. “We don't have anything to discuss. I believe you made it clear when you said we were over. Or, does it have a second meaning?”

He cocked a brow, “meaning? I can see your left side brain has been destroyed. No wait, I can't stoop that low by coming over to my vomit. Check me out,” he did a three sixty and I rolled my eyes to which he obviously didn't see. “I am a spec and if I need a girl, with a snap of my finger, they will come running to me.”

“What do you want to discuss? Please get done with it and leave me the hell alone.”

I frowned at him, my chest heaving as I tried my best to remain calm. Being violent wouldn't help me out, I knew that at least. If anything ever happened between us, no one would come running to save me. 

“Yeah, you are right. I don't have time to waste either. My question is simple, why did you go to the club that night?”

I stared hard at him before I cackled loudly. Wait, did he drink something perhaps? What is his business with how I live my life?

“And how's that your business? If I can remember, this is my life and I take no orders from anyone, okay? You can't break up with me and tell me how to live my life. If that's all, kindly bounce through the door."

That was one word to describe how he looked right now. I could feel his fangs elongating, the way his eyes suddenly darkened and his fast heart beat. I was scared of what he could do to me right now, but I didn't let him see it. 

“You do not talk to me in that manner, you wolfless demented girl—”

“Yes, you are right. I am wolfless. Everyone knows that so it's not news anymore. So what are you doing here if you are already aware that the moon goddess did not bless me with a wolf?” I said through gritted teeth, my gaze matching his, knowing I had hit a point. 

He narrowed his eyes and moved towards me. “I am here to tell you that I have something against you.” My heart skipped a beat. He could not have known that I fucked with the Alpha that night, right? “So what do you think the pack members would do when they happen to know how you seduced their Alpha and lured him to your bed?”

Oh goddess, I'm finished. 

 “What are you talking about? Alpha Alessandro only helped me in escaping you. You know how much I'm disliked by the pack, so how can you accuse us of something like that?”

“Oh no, don't pretend like this is all some baseless accusation against you! I should have known what a slut you are. It was barely a week that we broke up, and you were already running to another man's arm, and that same man happened to be your Alpha. Shameless. That's what you are!” I growled angrily. 


That was one thing I never expected to do. I slapped Dante, I fucking slapped him. I couldn't control myself when he said all those things to me. I just — slapped him. 

Dante raised his head to look at me, horror filled eyes glaring at me as if he couldn't wait to kill me. I moved slowly towards the door and he stormed towards me in anger. He raised his hand to hit me and I recoiled in the corner, silently waiting for his hand to land on me. 

I heard a loud shriek but it wasn't coming from me. Startled, I looked up only to see a shocking scene. 

Alpha Alessandro was punching him and Dante did not fight back of course. I stared at the Alpha's back and sighed, noting this was the second time he was coming for my rescue. 

“Never in your life come near her again, or I promise that you won't like the outcome.” He kicked him so hard that I swore I heard something break. 

Saying that, he opened the door before throwing him on the ground. I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding earlier. 

Someone snapped in front of my face, and I looked up to find Alpha Alessandro staring down at me with a frown on his face. 

He bent one knee on the ground, crouching close to me and I took a sniff of his scent. Delicious. Rich notes of amaretto and honey wafted into my nose, and I froze as I recognized what it was. 


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