
Chapter 2

Alessandro POV

I sat down in my room with my laptop, going through the reports of the pack, checking things out. This was my routine at the end of the month. I made it a duty to glimpse through all the files of my pack members so that I would know how we have been improving, and any slack, I'd correct it immediately. 

A knock sounded at my door when my eyes stopped at the file of the motherless babies, and I quickly noted to myself to get them full supplies of all they'd be needing all through this week before I turned towards the door, and asked whoever it was to come in. 

They knew it to be important before disturbing me from work. 

The door flew open and Carlos, who was both my Beta and best friend, walked in like he owned the place. 

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, and I instantly knew that he was up to no good. 

“Spill it out. Now.” I ordered with a frown. 

If he was affected by the tone of my voice, he didn't let it show. Instead, a smirk graced the sides of his lips, confirming my earlier suspicion. He shut the door behind him before walking towards me in slow, sluggish steps. 

“Argh, you are working again.” He grunted out, annoyed. I rolled my eyes and he immediately chucked, with his head tilting back a bit. 

“Shouldn't I be working, Carlos? If there's nothing you came to say, now get the hell out of my room and shut the door behind you.”

“Fine. I want you to close your laptop and go and have some fun tonight.” I opened my mouth to talk but he held his hands up. “I'm not hearing a no. Goddess! When was the last time you got laid? When was the last night you had a good fuck with a fuck? It's been seven months if my calculation is correct.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. “So when did it become a bad thing to work and forget about sex? It's not like I have found my mate. And you know as well how I had been coping with work. I can't forget work and fuck because I just want to have a good day.” I argued, giving him room to contradict my words. 

Carlos hit his hand on the table, so close to my laptop that I gave him a chilling glare to which he backed away a little bit. “Yes, my point exactly. Listen Alessandro, I'm not asking you to forget about your work. All I'm saying is for you to let off some steam. Just for a night. It wouldn't hurt anyone if he took a day off from work and enjoyed yourself a bit.”

That was how I went to that party. He had provided me with a girl, who according to him was experienced. I made it a duty for myself and all the males in my pack never to fuck a girl of our pack. Anyone could have a good time but not with an unmated girl from the pack. Since then, we have respected that rule. 

I stood at the corner of the club while waiting patiently for the one who Carlos paid to please me to arrive. It was already twenty fucking minutes since I arrived to the party, yet she was no where to be seen. 

Checking the time on my wristwatch, I let out a groan. I thought girls were supposed to be here on time considering it was their job and they needed the cash. Or could it be that she changed her mind after collecting money from Carlos? 

Girls and their weird behavior. You can never understand them. I slipped my phone inside the pocket of my trousers, making up my mind to go back to the pack house. It was all for the best. The moon goddess must have seen how Carlos pressured me to be here. 

As I took a step towards the exit of the club house, I stopped in my tracks as I felt the presence of the one person I couldn't stop thinking about. 

My mate. 

Vanilla and honey made its way to my nose as she entered the hall, dressed in nothing but a see-through gown. I bit hard on my lower lip to control myself from doing something harsh. 

“Mine. Go and cover her properly now!” My wolf, Tiger growled in my head. 

I ignored him completely because I couldn't afford to let her know or anyone for that matter that she was the one that the moon goddess made for me. For a solid reason, I couldn't accept her as my mate. She was without a wolf and as Alpha of a large pack as mine, it was my responsibility to get myself a strong Luna who would rule by my side. Someone who could go into battle with me and help me protect my people. 

Looking at her, I knew she couldn't afford to protect herself, talk more of other people. 

I watched her silently as she made her way to a table secluded from the rest. She turned back as though noticing my stare on her. I quickly averted my eyes, and pretended to be watching the couples dancing their hearts away on the dance floor. 

My heart lurched with pain when I realized what her business in this club dressed so provocatively could be all about. Maybe for a hookup? Or maybe this was what she did to sustain herself since the demise of her parents. 

I shook my head off the conflicting thoughts, watching as a bartender approached her. Being an Alpha, I was able to pick up on the words that were being said. 

The bartender smiled at her before running off to get her the wine she had ordered—California Cabernet. 

I frowned slightly, noting her intention. What could possibly be wrong for her to want to get drunk… especially in that dress? 

Feeling the urge to approach her, I quickly suppressed it and leaned against the wall, my gaze fixated on her. Soon the bartender returned with the wine and she gulped down its contents. 

I noticed other men watching her and I gave them a glare before they quickly looked away. 

“If you don't want her, then you should let others enjoy our goddess.” Tiger snorted and that got me more mad. If I expected anyone to support me, it'd be him but here he was, siding with his mate. 

“You know why I can't claim her as ours.” I cried out painfully. 

“I'm not aware of your silly reason. She's ours and is perfect just like she is. Do you think that the moon goddess didn't do well by mating us with her? If so, you are indirectly calling her stupid.”

I hummed in denial and didn't respond to his never ending rants. I adjusted my weight on my left foot, watching as a man dressed in a red blazer approached her. I grinded my jaw in anger but refused to go over there to my Wolf's dismay. I noticed her discomfort in his presence and I narrowed my eyes as I listened to their conversation. 

The man grabbed her jaw and she shuddered in fear. Before I knew it, I was standing at their back and I gave the dude a blow. 

How dare he touch what is mine? My eyes blazed with fire as I pushed him away from her. I gave him another blow and he held his jaw before angrily walking away. 

I looked back at my mate who was staring back at me with wide eyes. I could see the confusion in them then the desire glinting so obviously that I felt my cock twitch in excitement. 

“We can do whatever it is that is on your mind.” I winked at her. 

I had taken her to her house and left a note after that night. But the urge to go see her have been disturbing since that night. I needed to see how she was fairing at least. Too late because I had already suspended all work and was in front of her house.

I stood in front of her house, contemplating why I was going there again. It was not as if I would tell her she's my mate then what? Maybe to see how she was doing. After that wild night of pleasure with her, I know how she must be feeling right now, and knowing that I was the first to pop her cherry, I knew she didn't deserve it. 

Suddenly I heard a commotion inside her apartment, and rushed in. The sight that greeted me wasn't a pleasant one. The same guy that I had found with her that night was beside her, raising his hand to hit her. 

I rushed him and kicked him away from her. I began punching him so hard that he began to whimper in pain. 

I picked him up with a finger and glared at him. He could feel my aura changing and he looked away in fear. 

“Never in your life come near her again, or I promise that you won't like the outcome.” I opened the door before throwing him out. 

I turned to face her and caught her lost in space. Snapping my fingers in front of her, I saw her eyes widen in shock. 

She was seated on the ground, her back to the wall as she watched me with her mouth hanging open. 

I suppressed the urge to shut my eyes as I took in her pleasant scent. The way her heart was beating, and the way her eyes widened in shock…I knew she had realized the truth.

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