
Chapter 69- Elnora

Chapter 69- Elnora POV

          Morning has finally come. The only reason I know that it is the morning is that I can smell coffee brewing. “Coffee is on,” Lawler calls softly to me as he enters his closet, drying his wet body from the shower. “What time is it?” I ask, sitting up and stretching. “Around 6, I would say.” “Any word on the boys?” I quickly begin panicking. “Yup. Hildi stayed with them last night. She said they were still sleeping and didn’t go to bed until around three or so. She said they were having some tummy trouble from all the sweets. She gave them a tea that was supposed to help. I just spoke with her as I was making your coffee a few minutes ago.” Relief floods me instantly when I know they are ok. “Thank you for checking on them. I need to get her a gift for the help.” I mumble as I snuggle back into my pillows and pull my blanket

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