
Chapter 2 Caught in Flagrante

Five years later.

The ballroom at The Grand Opulence Hotel buzzed with the sound of chatter and clinking glasses as guests mingled and enjoyed the lavish surroundings.

After making the obligatory small talk, Logan Wilde excused himself and went upstairs to the lounge, seeking a moment of respite from the crowd.

The lights were dim; the lounge was empty except for himself.

Yet, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of being watched.

He scanned the room, his jaw clenching slightly as he tried to pinpoint the source of his unease.

Before his investigation was complete, however, someone else entered the lounge. ‘Hi, there.’

Without turning around, Logan recognised the A-list actress by her famous sultry voice.

Olivia Anderson struck a pose in the open doorway, her long, flowing brunette hair cascading down her back, complementing her form-fitting black cocktail dress dotted with sparkling sequins.

Her captivating smile hinted at both confidence and mischief.

With calculated steps, Olivia approached Logan, her eyes gleaming with desire.

She reached out to gently touch his arm, her voice laced with seduction. ‘Logan, darling, I thought I might find you here. Care to join me for some... private entertainment?’

Logan’s expression remained cool and unaffected.

He stepped back, subtly avoiding Olivia’s touch. ‘Not interested, Olivia. I’m here to relax, not indulge in your games.’

Undeterred, Olivia closed the distance between them, flirtatiously swaying her hips.

She reached out again, this time aiming for his belt.

Sensing her intentions, Logan’s patience wore thin, and he firmly shoved her back, his voice filled with icy resolve. ‘I said no, Olivia. Respect my boundaries.’

Humiliation flashed across Olivia’s face, her eyes welling up with tears.

She lashed out, her words dripping with sarcasm. ‘Oh, Logan, can’t get it up for the s*xiest of women? Maybe there’s something wrong with you.’

Maintaining his composure, Logan met her gaze with steely resolve. ‘Save your theatrics, Olivia. It won’t change my mind.’

He watched as she hastily adjusted her attire and makeup, trying to regain some semblance of dignity.

Before leaving the lounge, Olivia attempted one last salvage of pride. ‘I was just playing with you, Logan. No hard feelings.’

She turned on her heels, making her way towards the exit, her shoulders tense with the sting of rejection.

As the lounge door closed behind her, Logan’s attention shifted to the thick curtain that concealed the hidden observer.

He spoke with authority, his voice carrying a warning. ‘Come out now.’

No movement.


Standing stiffly behind the curtain, with her back pressed against the French window, Alessia prayed that the man was just bluffing.

He couldn’t know she was in the room, could he?

‘You, behind the curtain. Come out. Don’t make me repeat myself again.’

Alessia’s hope was dashed by the man’s commanding voice, which seemed to have grown even colder.

She sighed and reluctantly stepped out.

And came face to face with Logan Wilde.

The first thing she saw was his strong jawline, since the man was a head taller than her.

Then she took in the rest of the man, a perfect blend of rugged masculinity and striking handsomeness.

Her eyes lingered a second longer on his remarkably long, dark eyelashes, which cast a deep shadow over his face.

That was about as much detail as she could make out, since the lights were too dim for her to see clearly.

Yet, Alessia was thrilled.

The feeling did not stem from his appearance; it was his identity.

As the mastermind behind Wilde Enterprises, a colossal conglomerate that spanned various industries, Logan’s influence reached far and wide.

His company was a titan in the business world, holding a firm grip on the city’s economy and impacting the lives of countless individuals.

Not yet thirty years old, Logan Wilde had built an empire that was the envy of many.

In the bustling metropolis of Veridian City, his name was synonymous with power and prosperity.

His wealth knew no bounds, with opulent mansions nestled in prestigious neighbourhoods, luxury vehicles that turned heads as they rolled through the city streets, and a lifestyle that exuded extravagance at every turn.

Logan’s elevated status was undisputed, and his influence permeated the social fabric of the city, making him a force to be reckoned with.

And he might just be the scoop Alessia needed to establish herself at BuzzBeat, the tabloid paper where she just landed an offer.

She had snuck into the hotel tonight hoping to get a scoop on Olivia Anderson, who’d just shot into stardom in the past year.

But the ballroom was too big, and Olivia was constantly surrounded by a knot of people.

After getting a few pictures of Olivia smiling and glad-handing the beautiful people, Alessia lost interest and came up into the deserted lounge to call her son.

She had barely reached the middle of the room when she heard footsteps coming her way.

Hastily, she ducked behind the curtain, hoping the newcomer would soon go away.

But another set of footsteps, this time a woman’s, soon joined the first one.

Alessia was resigned to the fate of getting stuck behind the curtain for a long time.

But who would have thought that the scoop she was searching for would just fall into her lap!

Just imagine—‘Sizzling Scandal: Veridian’s Billionaire Bachelor Logan Wilde Linked to A-List Actress Olivia Anderson!’

Alessia tried but failed to hide a grin as she thought about the huge bonus the editor was sure to hand to her once the story broke.

That was, if she could make it out of here tonight in one piece.

Forcing a smile, she hid the camera behind her. ‘Oh, hi there. Sorry for disturbing you. I’ll, uh, I’ll leave right away.’

Logan reached out a hand. ‘Give me.’

‘What?’ Alessia feigned ignorance.

‘The camera in your hand.’

‘Oh, this old thing?’ Alessia produced the second-hand mirrorless Nikon camera and then quickly hid it behind her back again. ‘It’s a relic. Doesn’t even work.’

She pointed to the invisible watch on her left wrist. ‘Oh, look at the time! I must have dozed off for quite a while! I have to get back to my friends downstairs. See you!’

Just as she was about to pass him, Logan shot out an arm and grabbed her wrist. ‘Delete the photos.’

Alessia struggled in vain to break free.

When she realised there was no way she could overpower a man almost twice her size, she relented. ‘Fine. But there was nothing newsworthy in the photos, anyway.’

She tried to delay the inevitable, moving her hand as slowly as she could manage. ‘You rejected Miss Anderson’s advances. Which is actually a good thing for your reputation if the story gets out. Just imagine the headline—“Shockwaves: Logan Wilde, Veridian’s Wealthiest Bachelor, Shuns Olivia Anderson’s Seductive Charms!” Your popularity with the ladies is going to soar!’

Logan sneered. ‘Tell me, which reputable news agency is going to print a headline like that? Miss, you just confirmed your identity as a paparazzo.’

‘Hey, the outlet I work for is pretty reputable!’ Alessia protested.

‘Oh yeah? What’s the name of your esteemed outlet?’


That drew a raised eyebrow from Logan. ‘The gossiper’s gazette?’

‘We publish serious news, too!’

Though, truth be told, the quality of journalism at BuzzBeat had sort of gone downhill in recent years.

It started off with the ambition of delivering a diverse range of articles and videos that covered a wide array of topics including news, entertainment, lifestyle, pop culture, and more.

But ever since the new editor-in-chief took over, more column space was given to showbiz gossip than to real news.

Alessia had hesitated when she applied for a position there; the difference between a tabloid reporter and a journalist was as wide as that between a two-dollar cheeseburger from a fast-food chain and an A5-grade Kobe ribeye steak.

But then, beggars can’t be choosers.

And even so, she had to fight for the position with half a dozen other interns.

Which was why she needed the scoop so badly—her three-month probation period was almost up.

If she couldn’t prove her worth as a gossip hound by then, she had to pack up and go home.

So she had to keep her job, which meant she had to get the scoop, which meant she had to keep her camera.

But what could she do to convince Mr Wilde to let her leave with the photos?

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