
Mirror’s Answer

How surprised was Rose to come back and found the wilted flower she was about to take care has regained back its freshness, as though the time had turned back to that when the flower hasn’t been touched or sullied?

Not long after, Dominic came back with the tools she had asked him. Being meticulous, he hadn’t asked for the servants to help him, taking everything to his own hand.

Rose panicked when she heard the footsteps but relieved to see Dominic. As he came next to her, Dominic noticed the frown that settled on her forehead. He placed the tools down, looking at her before moving his gaze to find the fresh flowers she couldn’t quite hide with her small body.

“This…” Dominic’s words had stopped halfway as he was shocked to find the flowers becoming fresh again. He had seen and touched how the flower had wilted on his own then what was that? “How did this happen?”

Rose shook her head, hiding her hands behind her, “I… don’t know. I was thinking to bring some towel since I cut my finger
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Oh rose!!! Your magic shows!

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