
Chapter 4

Eleanor pushed Sebastian away with a force she didn't know she had, her palms stinging from the sudden impact. Her eyes widened in shock as the door swung open, her gaze meeting the small figure of her son crawling into the room.

She sighed a sigh of relief as she lifted him, his tiny hands wrapped around her neck, and stared back at Sebastian, whose gaze was fixed on her son with confusion. "Leave!" she shouted, pointing to the door, her voice echoing through the room. "Now!"

She watched as Sebastian tried to approach her again as she stubbornly waved him away, her hand trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "I don't want this to ever happen again. I have a new life now, and a family. Please, I want you to respect that." Sebastian looked from her to her son, his eyes lingering on the little boy before he turned and left. Eleanor sighed in relief as she sat down on the bed, exhaustion washing over her like a wave.

"Mom, who's that man?" her son asked, "He's your father's friend, that's all," she replied, caressing his dark brown hair. "Go play with your twin, Mommy will join you shortly."

As her son ran off, Eleanor felt a sense of unease wash over her. She couldn't continue living like this. She had to do something.


Eleanor didn't know what gave her such discomfort as she got down from the Car alongside Lucas, she felt a sense of unease wash over her. The warm evening air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, but it did little to calm her troubling thoughts. She had been thrilled when Lucas invited her to a dinner date for old-time sake, but now her worries were threatening to consume her.

She walked into the restaurant as they showed them to the table reserved in their name

As they collected their menu, Eleanor smiled at Lucas

He was her everything, he had helped her and her parents when they were struggling

Had been her strongest supporter when she needed support the most

She couldn't let the past jeopardize the future she had worked hard to build, she had to act fast

“How did you meet Sebastian” she inquired as their food was brought to the table

"Well, my hotel in Africa needed some creative touch, so I asked my PR management to find me the most renowned, best exquisite artist in the whole of New York City," he paused, taking a sip of his wine. "And I found Sebastian Anderson."

Eleanor nodded her mind racing with worries. She tried to focus on the conversation, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Sebastian and Marcus.

“Have been meaning to inform you”, she paused trying to grab Lucas's attention. “I want to start working again, I want to go back to my job as a fictional editor”.

Lucas stopped eating and she watched as his expression darkened

“There's no valid reason for you to go back to work when you can get whatever you need with just a snap of your fingers”.

“Lucas, you understand quite well that's not why I want to continue working”, she stared at him tensed “I love my job and you know it”

“You can't go back to work, I can't allow what happened before to happen again, can't tolerate another pervert boss assaulting you again and besides I bought your writing firm” he stated nonchalantly

“You did what?!”, her voice sounded pissed as she faced him squarely ignoring the buzzing incoming messages on her phone “You don't own me, Lucas, and just simply because you have so much money that doesn't simply mean you can throw it in my face”

He stared up from his food at her “There's no problem with working under me, Mrs. Kim”. “I'll just simply be your boss boss's Boss”. He said jokingly as his humor hit her hard

“You're so despicable” she scoffed as she stood up glaring at him annoyed and hurriedly walked in to the restroom to pick up her phone call

As she entered the restroom the soft hum of the breeze from the window and the quietness of the restroom calmed her down

Eleanor took a deep breath, As she picked up her call, she removed the cell phone from her ears in haste to avoid her best friend, Tessa's voice from damaging her eardrum with her scream

"Girl, you better start spilling all the tea... what's going on in your life?" Tessa asked, her voice booming through the phone.

Eleanor laughed, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "It's a hell of a rollercoaster, Tessa. I'm so exhausted. I need one of those spa massages you normally organize, and get my hair done, nails done, and look like the sexy ass Eleanor of before."

Tessa squealed with excitement. "Yes, girl, that's what I'm talking about! I miss you so much, Else. It's been so long."

Eleanor smiled, feeling a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry, I promise I'll visit...," she trailed off as a someone entered the restroom.

“Babe, are you there, Don't leave me hanging” she heard her friend say over the phone as she looked over at the person who entered wearing an ash hoodie, dark cargo pants, and a mask. Eleanor's heart raced as the masked figure began to washing his hands in the sink.

“I'll call you back, Tes”, she whispered “Give me a minute” And with that she ended the call

She scanned the restroom, realizing she was the only one there besides this mysterious figure.

Calculatively, she took her bag, adjusted her black long curvy armless gown, and was about to leave when the figure pulled her back by the hair. "Where do you think you're going, Elle?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.

Eleanor struggled as she realized it was Marcus, he dragged her hair tightly locking the door to the restroom “You're coming with me”.

Eleanor struggled, trying to free herself, but Marcus grip was hard on her hair, dragging her towards the restroom window. It was a two-sided window, with one side facing the restroom and the other side opening onto a small balcony or ledge. The ledge was just large enough for someone to climb out onto, and Eleanor knew that was exactly what Marcus had planned.

Using her heels to hit him on the groin from the back, He let loose of his hands on her hair as she sprinted to her bag searching for her panic button, Lucas had bought for her

Marcus regained his strength back and grabbed her hair from behind once more

Slamming her head onto the mirror glass in the restroom, he sneered, "I said come with me, can't you see I love you? Can't you see we're meant for each other?" Eleanor's head spun, her eyes closing from the loss of blood as he landed a slap on her cheek twice, angrily. "Do you want me to tell your little secret to the whole world? Huh?!" she heard him say, his voice echoing in her mind as she struggled to stay conscious

Eleanor became a bit relieved as she heard the noise from the entrance of the restroom, as they tried to break through the restroom door

She tried breaking free from his grips as she bought time for them to open the door before he could drag her out through the window

Abruptly, The door burst open with a loud crash, as Lucas charged in alongside his security team, "If any of you move any closer to me, I'll kill her!" Marcus snarled, his voice low and menacing, as he held a pocket knife close to Eleanor's throat.

The cold metal pressed against her skin, making her heart race with fear.

Lucas's voice was firm and commanding, his anger visible. "Let go of her, Now!!" he thundered, his eyes blazing with intense

Marcus's gaze darted around the room, realizing he was surrounded, a sly smile spread across his face. “I'll come right back for you,my sweet Elle," he whispered, his hot breath on Eleanor's ear making her shudder.

With a sudden movement, Marcus threw

Her towards the door as he jumped right out of the window, Eleanor landing hard on the ground, the wind knocked out of her.

Lucas rushed to her side, his strong arms lifting her, "Find him, search every nook and cranny, Find that scumbag!" Lucas growled, his voice echoing off the walls, as he gazed out the window where Marcus had escaped

Eleanor's strength was fading, her vision blurring, and she tugged weakly on Lucas's arm. "Don't.." she pleaded, her voice barely audible. "Please don't go after him." Her hands slipped from his arms, and she felt herself falling, but Lucas caught her, holding her close.

"Tighten security around the perimeter, make sure no one goes in and out of the estate without proper check," Lucas instructed, his voice firm and commanding as his security team scattered everywhere causing commotion around the restaurant.

"Eleanor, stay with me, we'll get you to a doctor soon." Lucas reassured her, As he attempted to stand up, Eleanor clung to his chest, her fingers digging into his shirt. "Lucas, don't leave me, please don't leave," she begged, her voice trembling.

“I won't go anywhere”, he whispered “I promise,"his voice soft and reassuring, as he held her tightly. Eleanor felt a sense of safety wash over her, as she smiled up weakly at her husband, her eyes felt heavy as she felt herself drifting away, she took a calm breath and sighed letting the darkness slip her away.

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