
Chapter 7

Eleanor's gaze was fixed on Sebastian as he stared at her, his eyes locking onto hers before a charming smile spread across his face. "Oh, this is just an urgent matter between I and my clients," he said, his voice smooth and calm. But as he stuttered and placed his hands in his pockets alongside his phone, Eleanor's face turned skeptical. She gazed long and hard at him, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Sebastian forced a laugh and walked closer to her,

"You're being paranoid, Eleanor. It's nothing really," he said, his voice low and reassuring.

But as he tried to touch her, Lucas walked into the entrance door, Eleanor’s movement away from sebastian was faster than a bullet.

"Mr. Anderson,I hope I didn't take much of your time. I got your text; I was running a few errands," Lucas said, his deep voice filling the room. He turned to Eleanor and kissed her softly on the cheek, his lips lingering for a moment. "It seems you and Mr Anderson are getting quiet close." He watched as Eleanor smiled

“yess”, she responded, “he was just entertaining me about his finest work, I'll leave you to it then, let me check up on the kids” he watched as she smiled at him then stole a glance at Sebastian before leaving the living room and up the stairs.

Lucas gestured for Sebastian to follow him into the study room, Lucas's mind wandered back to where he had been earlier, Good thing he got there early he thought as he nodded at Sebastian who was briefing him about their almost newly launched art gallery, he couldn't afford to let anything go sideways, not at this time.

“So we will have to schedule a trip to Hawaii for the opening of the hotel and to finalize any other thing needed” He jolted out of his thoughts as Sebastian finished his sentence

"Let's first finalize your role as my business partner before that, Mr. Anderson," Lucas responded, his voice firm and decisive. "I thought about your proposal and have considered it. You, alongside me, will oversee the art galleries and hotel resorts. Mr. Anderson, you are a competent man to be my business partner”. He extended his hand, his firm handshake sealing the deal “Welcome to the team, Mr. Anderson."

Sebastian's face beamed with excitement, his eyes shining with gratitude. "It's an honor, Mr.

Sinclair, and I promise, you won't regret partnering with me," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Lucas smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"I hope so, you'll be invited into the board of meeting soon to finalize the business agreement and your position in the company."

As they both got down from the study room, Eleanor emerged from the kitchen, And Lucas couldn't stop staring at his wife, her hair was tied up in a bun, a few strands framing her face. She looked gorgeous in just an apron and a messy bun, her soft lips landing on Lucas's as he smiled, deepening the Kiss and pulling her closer. His bulge rose, stimulated by the scent of her and her firm breast pressed on his rib.

He watched as Sebastian looked from him to her and smiled “ i should take my leave now, it was am incredible meeting we had today, Business partner”

They both laughed as they shook hands and gave a quick hug

Eleanor looked from him to Sebastian with a little panic in her eyes “Business partners?”

“Eleanor say hello to my new business partner”, Lucas said as he looked down at Eleanor smiling,

“Mr Sinclair, Mrs Sinclair, have a pleasant night” Sebastian did a courtesy bow as Lucas gestured for the butler to walk Sebastian out.

As momentarily as they were both out of sight, Lucas pulled Eleanor towards him, crashing his lips onto hers pouring out all the inner arousal he had kept for long in the kiss. His hands moved towards her bum, and he groaned as she let out a soft moan.

"Lucas... Lucas...wait… I'm going back to work tomorrow," she said, her words breaking him out of his increasing arousal.

He stared at her, annoyed and confused. "Eleanor, what are you spouting out of your mouth now? We haven't had sex in months, and just when I'm in for it, you talk about work? Fuck!" He brushed his hands through his hair, frustrated.

"I'm sorry this came out at the wrong time, but I can't really think of the right time to tell you, Lucas," she said, her voice soft and apologetic. "You've always been so busy and always ignoring the topic, I just had to tell you now because I have to get there tomorrow."

He howled at her, his voice echoing through the living room. "Elea, there will be no going there tomorrow because I can't have you in danger again, just because of some work!" He walked away to the drawing room, Eleanor following him behind.

"Lucas, don't walk out on me. We aren't done with this conversation yet," she said, her voice firm but gentle. Lucas sighed, his hands dramatically pointing at the paintings, furniture, and elegant room. "They all belong to you, every one of my properties, my possessions. What do you still want to work for, Ele?"

"Because I love my job, Lucas, and you know that," she said, her eyes sparkling with determination. He clasped his hands around her cheeks, his voice softening. “Can't i somehow Change your mind”

“No, Lucas i really Don't like staying at home all day, playing princess” Her voice cracked.

Lucas sighed “If that's what makes you happy, Eleanor, then I can't stop you." He watched as her eyes lit up. "But on one condition” Her brow frowned” you'll have a bodyguard following you everywhere for your safety."

"But—" she started, but he cut her off. "No buts, Elea. This is for your own safety."

“Alright”, She nodded, her lips meeting his in a soft kiss. Lucas returned the kiss with intense, his hands trailing up her thighs. "So, where did we stop, Mrs. Sinclair?" He whispered, his voice husky with desires.

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