
Chapter 3: Marry my son

I stepped into a serene environment. I don’t remember how long we have been walking but with Natalie D entertaining me with songs on the way, it felt like we’d just been walking for a few minutes.

I took a glimpse at my environment. Surrounded by tall trees, I expected Natalie’s home to be a hut but it turned out to be a three-storey castle-like building.

It was calm except for the chirping sounds of the birds on the trees. I followed Natalie’s lead and we were welcomed by a woman in the living room.

“ Welcome to my home, Melanin,” She exclaimed and I couldn’t help but glimpse around this beautiful gothic sitting room.

“ Theodore will help you freshen up and then we can talk.” She nodded toward the short woman who I presumed to be 4ft short.

“ come with me, Melanin,” Theodore said curtly and I parted my lips to say something but changed my mind.

I followed Theodore to the staircase then turned to look back at Natalie who gave me a reassuring smile.

We arrived at a room and it was a normal room. Nothing special about it.

“ If you need help, I’m just a foot away,” Theodore said while holding the bathroom door and I nodded at her before hearing the door slam.

Without wasting any time, I wriggled out of my dress from the party last night and immersed myself in the warm bathtub.

A soft moan left my lips as the water sooth my skin, relaxing my nerves and sore muscles. Whatever the short woman added to the water does magic to my body.

As a princess, I don’t remember having servants who prepared my bath for me. My father made sure I never had any servants to serve me even though my sisters had. I’m that princess who has always looked after herself in the castle since she was six. One reason I should enjoy this rare opportunity while it lasts.

After almost half an hour, I stepped out of the shower with a towel and stood opposite the mirror. My melanin skin glowed in the mirror, my forest-green eyes reflecting at me.

I’m no stranger to this part of me. The broken side of Diana. I grew up with this part and instead of hating it, I’m growing to accept it as it seems like my life will always have this part of me around. Joy seems very far from my existence.

“ Do you need help drying your hair? I can help you if you don’t mind.” Theodore offered immediately I stepped my feet into the bedroom and I shook my head at her.

“ I appreciate your gestures, Theodore, but my hair dries naturally.” I turned her down politely.

“ I will go get you something to chew,” She said and I frowned at her.

“ ch-ew?” I asked skeptically.

“ something to eat,” she emphasized and I blurted out an “Oh”

“ I will appreciate that, “ I told her and my intestines danced in excitement.

She disappeared and appeared in less than five minutes. At this time, my hair was already dried and I had hurriedly changed into a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt.

“ Our diet here is mainly red meat but I added some veggies and milk In case you don’t eat red meat. “ she explained and my mouth watered.

Who would grow up in a pack of wolves and not love red meat?

“ I will eat all,” I told her and took the tray of food from her. I placed it on the bed and quickly took a bite.

I didn’t realize I was this hungry. The alcohol I drank last night must have influenced this.

“Can I have more please?” I requested and gulped the glass of milk down.

Theodore disappeared and appeared with the same quantity of food. Whoever said delicious food doesn’t give joy should rethink. Food easily takes away my sadness especially when I’m super hungry.

“ Is Natalie still Downstairs?” I asked her while taking a break from chewing. Now I understand what she meant by (chew).

“ No. she is with her son,” Theodore answered and my brow creased.

Well, we just met so we barely know each other.

“ How old is her son? Is he a teen or a kid?” I couldn’t help but ask out of curiosity.

“ Her son isn’t a kid, neither is he a teen. He is an adult.” Theodore answered and her answer made me wonder why she didn’t mention his exact age.

Well, Natalie looks too young to have an adult son, unless she had him when she was thirteen because she looks thirty.

“ How is the food? Do you like it?” Came that familiar soothing voice and I turned to see Natalie standing in the room.

“ Don’t look at me that way. I just walked in some seconds ago,” she waved her hand in the air as if reading my thoughts.

“ you should finish your food. I will come back to check on you later,”

“ No..” I stood up from the bed and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

“ I want you to tell me,” I told her.

My heart pounded in my chest as Natalie signaled Theodore to leave us alone. A part of me wanted her to stay and another part of me wanted Natalie and me alone in the room.

The room became eerily quiet and the only thing I could hear was my unstable breathing and the pounding of my heart. If Natalie is a werewolf, she should have noticed the disorganization of my heartbeat because the beats don’t rhyme anymore.

“ I know you are scared,” Natalie began and took a step forward at a time.

“ you may be wondering what is it I want to tell you. Don’t be scared, darling. I will never hurt you.” She added and I could sense the reassurance in her voice. She sounded so genuine but what if I make a drastic mistake by believing everything she says?

“Did my father send you to bring me here?” I asked cautiously but she shook her head.

“ what I am about to tell you isn’t something of norms. It was meant to be carried out the other way round but in this case, it is very complex and you have to take responsibility for it.”

“ what.. responsibility?” I asked skeptically with a slight frown on my face.

“ you will have to marry my son, “

It was like a bombshell had been dropped on me. My lips quivered and my fingers trembled. Marry her son? No way!

“ How old are you Natalie?” I asked the first question that came to my mind but shouldn’t I be asking her why I should marry her son?

“ Real age or supernatural age?” She asked, a smile perched at the corner of her lips.

“ Real age,” I blurted and my nerves went across the roof.

“ 109 years,” she answered and my eyes twirled. Fuck!

Natalie must be a liar. I must be weary of her.

“Why do you want me to marry your son Natalie?” I asked the most important question.

“ I’ve never met him before and I don’t even know him. Is this some kind of contract marriage or arranged marriage?” I probed further because I didn’t want to get myself into any more mess.

“ both of you have met.” Came her curt response and my mind screamed ENZO. No, she can’t be Enzo’s mom. Could it be Enzo is trying to take responsibility for what he did to me last night? What about the awful and heart-wrenching words he said to me? It can’t be him.

“ last night, at one King Ezra's birthday party, you had an encounter with my son. You were on heat and forcefully had your way with him. I’m not going to use the R-word. He couldn’t stop you because it seemed like that was what you wanted at that moment.” She paused and took in deep breath before continuing.

“ well, your encounter with him has unleashed his demons. My son has gone Feral.”

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