
Chapter Five: Thunderstorm

“ You are awake?” Came the ever-calm voice. I adjusted my vision to the dim light in the room and pushed myself up slowly, my back resting against the headrest.

“ here is a glass of water,” Natalie offered and I found myself accepting it from her.

I placed the glass slowly in my mouth and sipped from it. It has no taste. It tastes just like the conflict in my heart and the confusion in my head.

“ Alaris asked me to take care of you. He brought you back unconscious.” She explained everything I needed to know because I was already wondering how I got back to this room.

I gulped slowly, trying not to think about anything for now. Just want to keep a clear mind but it isn’t as easy as it seems.

“ How long have I been asleep?” I asked the only question that came to my mind. I don’t even want to think about the shit of me being ALARIS’S mate. That is not possible. I know that. We all know.

“ not more than three hours,” Natalie answered casually and took the glass of water from me. Our eyes met and I could tell that she had a lot of questions she wanted to ask but I wasn’t ready to answer them. I’m afraid, I don’t want to hear them.

She stood up, straightened herself, and sighed softly.

“ I will leave you to rest. If you need anything, just call me or Theodore.” She said and I nodded my head at her in understanding.

I watched as she walked gracefully out of the room and the door closed with a gentle thud.

I let out a huge long sigh which I knew wasn’t that of relief.

I’ve never been this confused in my entire existence. Everything doesn’t make sense. The encounter, the marriage agenda, and the mate thing doesn’t make sense. It looked planned.

I climbed down from the bed and walked slowly to the window, my arms folded on my chest.

I reached for the black curtains and pulled them sideways, giving the beams of light access into the room.

The air blowing on my face was so warm but it didn’t help matter. My anxiety grew with each breath that I took.

From my window, I could see the vast forest. The forest where Natalie found me and just looking at it makes me wonder how far it is from here to Azeala's pack and what lies on the other side of the forest. A town, pack? Vampires Den? I have no clue. I can’t go back to Azeala. Azeala should be the last place I should be thinking about. No one wants me there and even if I should go back, this isn’t how I envisioned it. So far, this seems like the only place I can live for now and think things through but at the same time, I don’t want to stay. I barely know these people with weird ages and they look too suspicious.

I drew in a sharp breath and watched as the sky changed from white to dark. It’s that time of the year. Guess I would just stand here and watch the sky cry.

I turned back at the barging sound and I saw Theodore standing in the room with an indifferent look.

“ There’s going to be a storm.” She said and started approaching me by the window side. Even a child would know that it was going to rain heavily judging from the color of the sky.

“ Windows should be closed,” she continued and the wooden windows locked in unison as if she had pressed a button.

“ Curtains should be closed as well,” she added and pulled the curtains closed the room was just a little away from being dark except for the lamp which was sitting at the far end of the room.

“ No touching of metallic objects,” she said and I frowned.

“ why?” I asked, not understanding all these rules. Back at the castle, I’d always sit or stand by the window, curtains aside, and watch the rain pour on the earth.

“ This place is reactive to lightning and thunder. There is a big possibility of being struck by lightning or thunder.” She shrugged at me and I just looked at her, lost in whatever she just said.

“ Listen, Diana. No matter what happens, you must not get out of bed.” She enunciated and my frown became even deeper.

“ why do I feel like whatever it is with this coming storm isn’t what you are telling me right now?” I couldn’t help but ask.

I fixed my gaze on her face, trying to find any change in her expression or even proof to support my gut feelings but.. nothing changed. Her expression was the same.

“ Follow my instructions, remain in bed, or doubt me and get struck by lightning.” She smirked and walked out of the room, a resounding slam on the door.

What the hell?

My lips trembled and I dug my incisors into my bottom lips, trying to stop it from trembling.

Why does she look so pissed?

I let out a long sigh and climbed slowly on the bed. I stared blankly at the wooden ceilings, my heart beating fast in my chest.

‘ why not go out and see if Theodore is in bed or she is just keeping you here in the room to prevent you from seeing something she doesn't want you to see?” Came Ocean’s voice.

Ocean is my wolf. She is never wrong.

I tossed the blanket aside and got out of bed. I tiptoed to the door and pulled it backward slowly before peeping into the empty hallway.

Everywhere seems too eerily quiet and it sparks my curiosity and anxiety.

I closed the door behind me and quickly made my way to the stairs.

Up or down?

Up we go.

Creeping through the stairs, I am eager to know why Theodore wants me in bed.

I arrived at the last floor and it was so quiet to be good. Not even a cat or rat is in sight.

My eyes darted to a brownish wooden door and I wondered what could be going on behind it.

I hesitantly reached my hand to the door and pushed it open slowly to avoid making any sound that could draw the attention of others.

“ Holy fuck!” I exclaimed as the breeze blew on my face. This place lacks description words. I walked slowly towards the edge of the roof, trying to keep my balance due to the wind.

Theodore lied. It’s not even raining. The cloud is just dark and there isn’t any sign of lightning or thunder.

I placed my hands on the bricks and tilted my head up to look at the sky.

My heart skipped thousands of beats, adrenaline rushing through me as the sky divided into two, revealing a blinding fiery light and the next thing I heard was the hissing sound of a lighting and the clapping sound of thunder.

“Ugh!” I groaned as my head hit the concrete, a burning hot sensation on my skin.

I lift my head and a scream left my mouth. My clothes are on fire. I am on fire.

“ Help me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and forced myself up to my feet before starting to run towards the door.

“ Fuck!!” I cursed loudly as my butt hits the concrete roof so hard by the effect of an unknown force.

I raised my head and saw something I had never seen before. Golden eyes, ugly teeth, animalistic figure, black furs, and three times my size.

“ A beast?” The words left my mouth, my heart in my stomach as I remained helpless and burning.

“ You disobedient girl! That is a fucking Lycan !!!” Came Theodore's angry voice.

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