
Undressed By The Feral Lycan
Undressed By The Feral Lycan
Author: Elizabeth Isaac

Chapter 1: You will never have a mate

“ Enzo?” I mumbled and staggered backward.

“ Why are you here?” Surprise laced my voice, my eyes bulging.

Enzo scratched the back of his head and tried to say something but at this juncture, I wasn’t interested in whatever he had to say. I am pissed!

“ Why would you follow me into the restroom?” I asked trying not to yell at him.

“ You are my girlfriend, Diana, I can be anywhere you are and…”

“ No! No Enzo, you can’t be anywhere I am. You are not my mate,” I cut him off before he could justify his actions.

“ I am a princess, Enzo, and people are watching me. Some things are not appropriate for me as a princess. My reputation is important. You know this better than anyone else.” I reprimanded.

Azeala Pack has rules governing the Alpha’s family. Strict rules governing the princesses and princes. intimacy between individuals who aren't mates is prohibited until one finds their mate. Anyone who brings shame to the royal family will have themselves beheaded.

“ Fuck the rules, Diana!” He snapped.

“ Everyone know the prophecy about you. You will never have a mate. That is your destiny. Besides, isn't that one of the reason we got together?”

My heart sank when he mentioned the prophecy and I couldn't help the sting in my eyes.

“ We’ve been dating for months now, and you were not convinced that it is appropriate for me to touch you and do things to your body?” He sneered and took an intimidating step forward, bridging the gap between us. At this point, I could feel his breath on my face, my heart palpitating in my chest. Something just doesn’t seem right.

I feel my body temperature rising, heat emitting from my body, and sweat breaking out of my skin.

“ I know you want me, Diana.” He coerced and tilted my chin upward with his gaze boring into my eyes.

“ It’s all over you,”

“ N…o,” my lips trembled. It can’t be true.

He sniffed the air like a dog sniffing for drugs and said, “I can smell it, Diana. I know you are fucking dripping down there.” His voice became deeper as he pulled me closer to himself by my waist.

His bulge immediately pressed between my thighs and my knees went weak.

“ No. Don’t do…” My voice turned into a mumble as he swallowed my words with his lips locked with mine.

I pulled away and pushed him away from me with my hand on his chest. He flashed me an evil grin and licked his lips.

“ I spiked your drink at the party.” he began and all my heart could feel was betrayal. My wolf warning in my head to get away from him.

“ it's just a matter of time before your body undergoes vigorous heat. YOU WILL BEG ME TO TAKE YOU.”

I rubbed my thighs together, trying to get my mind off the intense pleasure my body was craving. It gets worse with each passing seconds.

“ You were my chosen mate. We had an agreement, Enzo!” my voice cracked and my fingers trembled by my side.

His hysteric laughter infuriated me more. The heart that once felt love for him now felt hatred towards him.

“ Look over there, “ my eyes followed the direction his index finger pointed, and my jaw dropped when I saw it.

“ Why… how could you…” I was bereft of words. My heart sank deep inside my stomach and anxiety gripped me, but that didn’t stop the sensation between my thighs. The sinful pleasure my body was craving.

“ Everything that happened in here has been recorded,” he began with no ounce of remorse in his voice and my jaw dropped.

“ The reputation you are trying to protect so hard will be painted black, and you know what will happen?” He asked teasingly, a mocking smile on his lips.

“ Do not do that to me… Enzo!” I stuttered, frustration from the deprived pleasure radiating through me.

“ You were a potential candidate for the throne,” he continued and I scoffed inwardly. Not even the cats in the castle will believe that.

I am not fit for the throne of Azeala. Everyone knows that!

“ But after this video has been aired tonight, one threat would be out of Mathilda’s way to the throne, and that will be you, Diana,”

“ Enzo?" My voice broke, disbelief lacing my voice. How could he do this to me?

“ You are just a girl who is starved of parental love and attention. Your mother abandoned you and ran away without any trace. Your half-siblings don’t love you neither does the Alpha- king. Do you think I came into your life with the intention of loving you? I don’t love you, Diana. It was all an act.” He spat, and my heart squeezed like hell.

“ Sorry, I have no choice but to ruin your chance of having a better life. Forgive and forget just as you have always forgiven your father and talk so good about him despite him not checking up on you for seven years.” he turned to leave, but my feet made their way to where he stood and grabbed his arm with all the strength in me.

“ Please Enzo, don't leak that tape. Please. Mathilda and others can have the throne. I'm not interested, but please don't…"

“ You will never find a mate, Diana. Not even a chosen mate as good as me.” He wriggled out of my grip and door shut with a thud and his presence was gone.

I wish I could stop him but no, the heat in me is too much. My legs have refused to move. My heart has gone erratic.

The door opened again, hoping it was Enzo and that everything was a prank, but this scent was different. Earthly scent with a mix of tobacco. My wolf screamed in my head and my legs melted like ice.

“ Fuck that smell,” That voice almost sent me to the edge, but I couldn’t look up at him. I am fighting my demons and here another demon had just walked in.

“ What the fuck are you doing in the male restroom?” I could sense the frustration and disgust in his voice but if only he knew he was making things difficult for me.

I felt his scent become stronger and the next thing, he was squatting before me, concern lacing his voice.

“ You’re on heat?”

“ I want to …” Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a force propel me forward and the next thing I felt was the taste of alcohol mixed with tobacco as I devoured his lips like a hungry cub.

My hands found their way to his pants, trying to access his sinful third leg desperately.

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