
Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances
Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances
Author: Kimmy Tiger

Chapter 1

Lexi had come to the hospital today to abort her baby. She had registered at the counter and was waiting to see a doctor.

Several married couples sat around her. The women were pregnant, and their husbands kept them company. In contrast, Lexi seemed pitiful because she was about to abort her child, and she was there alone.

Lexi had accompanied Zachary on a business trip two months ago. They attended a cocktail party, which caused her to get drunk.

She was alone in the hotel room when she awoke the next day.

The smell of sex and sweat had filled the room while crumpled clothes were scattered on the floors by then. Among the items were Lexi's garments and Zachary's white button-down shirt.

There were even traces of Zachary's semen left on her body.

Lexi's heart beat wildly and exuberantly with delight at that moment.

Zachary had finally accepted her romantic feelings for him after all those years.

Her love for him ran deep to the bottom-most parts of her heart.

Alas, Zachary practically chopped Lexi's happiness into pieces with a cleaver last night.

Lexi had tested the waters by asking him what would happen if she were pregnant.

Zachary touched her stomach without much care while lightly scoffing. "Abort it, then. Also, I would never let you get pregnant."

Those steely, candid words caused goosebumps to prickle all over Lexi's body.

She had been his secretary for five years, loved him for numerous years, and had become his wife for two years.

Even a dog would have developed feelings for someone after all that time!

Lexi never imagined Zachary could utter such relentless words after all the time they had been together.

Lexi smiled disparagingly as she recalled the conversation with Zachary last night.

Before her smile faded away, she saw Zachary strolling toward her with one arm around the other woman.

She tensed and lowered her head out of instinct almost immediately.

"Isn't that Ms. Loyle?" said the woman, Yvonne Xenos. She removed her face mask, raised her eyebrows in surprise, and tugged at Zachary's shirt.

She motioned at him to go toward Lexi. "I'd like to speak with Ms. Loyle real quick."

"You should go and see a doctor first." Zachary's tone wasn't as unyielding and as cold as usual. Instead, there was a trace of gentleness in his voice.

"I haven't seen Ms. Loyle in ages. I just want to say a few things to her. That's all." Yvonne blinked her round, doe eyes at Zachary while poking his chest with one finger. "You don't have to worry so much. I only fainted because of menstrual pains and low blood pressure."

Lexi soon noticed that someone was standing in front of her. She looked up and saw her employer and husband on paper.

He stood unashamed as he hugged the woman around the waist.

Lexi froze, and the cogs in her brain were unable to turn like they usually did.

"Long time no see, Ms. Loyle. My, how pretty you've become!" Yvonne spoke with a delighted lilt.

Meanwhile, Lexi bitterly wondered when Yvonne, Zachary's first love, had returned to the country.

Unable to smile, Lexi pursed her lips. She spoke politely. "Indeed, it's been a while."

Yvonne pressed her lips together, too. She let out a dainty laugh before commenting, "Thank you for going through the trouble of looking after Zach these past few years. Only you could tolerate his nasty temper."

"Zach. Why's she talking as if she's close with him when they broke up four years ago!" Lexi thought.

Despite that thought, Lexi put on a slight smile. "It's no trouble. After all, Jenkins Corporation pays well."

That was when the nurse brought a wheelchair over. Then, Zachary gingerly helped Yvonne, whom he was hugging this entire time, into the wheelchair.

It was a surprising sight to Lexi, who realized Zachary only treated certain women with such gentleness.

Lexi's smile was thin. At the same time, she felt suffocated as her chest tightened.

Yvonne gazed up at Zachary to thank him before she looked back at Lexi again. "Are you here to see a doctor, Ms. Loyle?"

"No, I've already seen a doctor and am about to leave."

Yvonne pouted, tugged Zachary's sleeve, and leaned against his arm. She spoke with a honeyed voice. "I'm craving chocolate all of a sudden. I really want some."

"Go and see a doctor first." Zachary sounded helpless. In the next second, his bland gaze shifted in Lexi's way. "Ms. Loyle, please buy a box of chocolates and deliver it to the fifth floor later."

The hairs on Lexi's neck stood straight as she wanted to let out a self-deprecating scoff. She couldn't believe Zachary was making his wife buy chocolates for his ex-girlfriend.

Lexi's lips curled up out of the blue. She figured it was fine to get an abortion in another hospital.

Yvonne gave a gentle tap on Zachary's arm. She rolled her eyes as if she couldn't believe him. "Ms. Loyle must be unwell since she came to the hospital today. How could you order her to buy some chocolates? Gosh!"

"It's her job to do what I tell her to." Those words rolled off Zachary's tongue like he couldn't care less.

Even so, Lexi agreed it was her job to do as told. Upon hearing Zachary's response, she lowered her head to disguise the sorrow in her eyes.

The pride in her veins prevented her from looking too much like a loser in front of her competitor. So, she flashed a faint smile. "That's indeed my job as a secretary, Ms. Xenos."

After giving the two a respectful nod, she clutched her bag tight and hurried away.

Lexi went to a supermarket near the hospital to buy a box of chocolates.

Then, she returned to the hospital and took the elevator to the fifth floor. Once the bell rang and the doors opened, she saw Yvonne hugging Zachary's waist as the duo kissed.

Lexi's stomach turned at once. She covered her pale lips and couldn't help dry-heaving while placing a hand against the mirrored walls in the elevator for support.

The duo's eyes met hers in that instant.

Yet, the elevator doors soon shut.

Tears gathered in Lexi's eyes, and she was still dry-heaving in the elevator. Fortunately, she was the only person in the elevator.

Yvonne's eyes widened at the closing elevator doors. She had heard some hurling sounds, so she asked, "What's wrong with Ms. Loyle?"

Zachary's eyes were dark and solemn by then. He was deep in thought and reflecting on how Lexi had abruptly asked about being pregnant last night.

Lexi handed the box of chocolates to the nurse. She asked the nurse to take it to Zachary, who was on the fifth floor.

She drove home, and the first thing she did was pack her suitcase to move out the next day.

As Lexi expected, her and Zachary's two years of marriage were so flimsy that they crumbled after one blow. She accepted her fate. She knew it was time to end this dream she had been living in.

Zachary's grandma, Martha Inman, wanted to see Zachary get married while she was still alive.

At the time, Zachary casually asked Lexi if she wanted to get married with a prenuptial agreement. He even offered to pay Lexi a great sum to get married.

Lexi had a crush on Zachary for forever. Not to mention, she urgently needed the money back then. So, she agreed to the marriage contract.

Despite it being a contractual marriage, Lexi still gave her utmost sincerity to it. She figured her genuine love could one day win over Zachary.

Yet, Yvonne had returned to the country now, which made Lexi realize how ridiculous her former optimism was.

She snorted at herself for being so naïve.

Lexi forced herself to remain calm while waiting for Zachary to come home that night.

She wanted to resolve the situation once he returned. So, she waited from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm and even called Zachary several times. Alas, he never answered.

Zachary didn't go home that night.

Lexi received a message from Zachary's younger sister, Mary Jenkins. Mary had forwarded a post from Yvonne's Instagram account.

In the photo, Zachary donned a bathrobe as he helped blowdry Yvonne's hair.

It was late at night. Yet, he was elsewhere in a bathrobe. He was even helping to dry his ex-girlfriend's hair.

Lexi's gaze hardened at the photo. Her eyes burned as she blinked a few times. Then, she scoffed.

Emotionless, Lexi opened the drawer and searched for the marriage contract she signed two years ago.

Once she located it, she read the last clause in the contract. "The party who initiates a divorce before the five years of contractual marriage ends must pay the other party 200 million as compensation for liquidated damages."

When they got married, Lexi asked for 30 million as her dowry. To her surprise, Zachary transferred 100 million to her bank account right away.

Lexi calculated her bank savings. She had 90 million left after deducting her younger brother's chemotherapy costs. She didn't have enough for the 200 million compensation if she initiated a divorce now.

That caused Lexi to squish her cheeks with both hands in frustration. Eventually, she put away the marriage contract, got changed, grabbed her keys, and headed out.

There were many bars in Sootfort City.

Lexi had never been to such places before. Today, she came to a bar and ordered some alcohol, but she didn't drink it.

After thinking about the child in her stomach, she put down her glass. She pursed her lips bitterly. She was frustrated that she couldn't even vent her anger by drinking.

Lexi exited the bar and sniffled. She felt like an idiot for crying. Despite loving him for all those years, she ended up all alone.

A taxi was parked in front of her, its roof sign still illuminated. Thinking that it was vacant, Lexi opened the door and got in before speaking in a nasal voice. "Please take me to Flowerhill Estate."

The taxi driver looked at the man and woman in the backseat through the rearview mirror. He assumed the two were an arguing couple and offered some advice out of kind intent. "Sir, from one man to another, you should be more patient with women."

Then, the driver started the engine and drove ahead.

That was when Lexi snapped to her senses. She whipped her head to the side. Her red, swollen eyes blearily snapped toward the man beside her. The man wore a face mask, which prevented her from seeing his full face.

"Sir, please stop the car. I'm so sorry. I got into the wrong taxi," she said.

Speechless, the driver stopped along the road.

Lexi apologized several times before getting out. Then, her wandering eyes caught sight of the man in the backseat, who was also looking at her.

Zachary only came home the next morning to change into a fresh set of clothes.

He had noticed the few suitcases in the living room when he returned. So, he casually asked about it in his hoarse voice while unbuttoning his shirt. "Who's the guest that's staying over at our place?"

"Those suitcases are mine." Lexi's gaze snapped toward the lipstick stain on Zachary's white dress shirt. She pointed at it while stating, "That's a woman's lipstick."

Zachary pulled his collar lower and examined it. To his surprise, there was indeed a lipstick stain. For a split second, his features tensed.

Yet, he quickly resumed his usual frosty demeanor and didn't bother explaining himself.

"I knew he'd react like this," Lexi thought while scoffing.

A frown marred Zachary's forehead. "What's with the laugh?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I merely read a joke earlier this morning. I'm going to work now." Lexi picked up her handbag and subconsciously changed into a pair of flats while heading out the door.

Meanwhile, Zachary headed upstairs to the bedroom. He stripped and went into the bathroom but soon realized Lexi hadn't left a change of clothes for him in there.

It was odd because Lexi would always prepare a fresh set of clothes for him beforehand if he wanted to shower.

His eyes narrowed as he left the bathroom. He phoned Lexi while walking to the closet. "I forgot to ask you something."

He opened a drawer and continued, "You're not pregnant, are you?"

His voice lacked warmth as it rang into Lexi's ear, and it made her heart race fervently.

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