
I love you, Blue


"You found my heart, Blue."

His eyes. It was those beautiful orbs of his, the way he had stared at me... of his own freewill showing me a glimpse of his true self— those bastardly beautiful eyes of his, had caused my insides to rupture with wants, one that I had tried to bury this past few days.

"You have to take responsibility, Wilder." I muttered, my breath unsteady.

His eyes gazed into mine, confused. "For?"

"You've made me horny, Wilder Reagan." I confessed, wrapping my hands around his neck.

"Then for that, I shall take responsibility." Staring at me with lust-filled eyes, his hands encircled my waist, grabbing me closer... and his lips crashed into mine without hesitation, his tongue plunging into my awaiting mouth as our spittle mixed.

I moaned in his mouth, as he pushed me against the wall in a rough way but yet still gentle. His hands parted my legs through my silk gown, as his fingers played with the opening of my vagina.

I wanted more... I wanted the piece of clothing gone, and his finger pushed deeper into my vagina.

Groaning in annoyance, I lifted my gown up, and he took the chance that I had created, to delve his finger into my hole after he had shifted my pant to the side.

I shivered from his intrusion, wrapping my legs around his torso as he added another finger inside of me.

His fingers went furiously in and out of my vagina, going deeper with each thrust. I groaned in his mouth, sinking my teeth into his lower lip, my body vibrating from the pleasure I felt.

"You..." he groaned against my ear, bringing the kiss to an end. "You make me feel things, Blue."

"You..." he groaned, placing gentle kisses down my shoulder blade, "you make me want to have you over and over again for eternity." He whispered, his gentle kisses becoming fierce, laced with passionate fire burning from the core of his soul.

"Then have me, Wilder." I grunted, raising my hands up as I surrendered myself to him.

The swiftness he had used to plunging into my womanhood, increased, as his mouth sucked on my shoulder blade with rapt attention.

"Ahhh... ahhhh Ah! Ohhh my... ahhhh." I moaned out, gripping onto the curtains on the wall, my head completely taken over by the sexual gratification he gave me.

My insides melted into nothingness as he softly bit down on my skin— I couldn't keep my hands to myself anymore, so I dug my fingers into his hair.

"I want you, Blue." He whispered huskily, gazing into my eyes with those dangerous orbs of his. "I crave you."

With lust-filled eyes, he lowered his face to my breast, his teeth grazing my protruding fleshy cleavage. He stuck out his tongue and licked my exposed cleavage, and then he sucked it slowly. His free hand reached out to my dress and dragged it down... tearing it in the process as he exposed my erected boobs to his hungry eyes.

His mouth latched onto my breast hungrily, his free hand groping and dragging the tip of my left nipple. While his mouth sucked on my right breast like a starved baby would on his mother's bosom.

I stared up at the ceiling, my mouth opened wide as I screamed with no restriction, tears falling down my cheeks.

He sucked my breast, roughly and yet urgently... his cold spittle sending shivers down my spine, my soul feeding on his passionate fire.

I grabbed onto the back of his head, slamming his face against my chest, causing his mouth to envelope the entire length of my breast.

"Yessssssss, yessss, ahhh, that feels so... ahhhh." I moaned out shamelessly in pleasure, my hands refusing to let go of his head.

Massaging and sucking both my boobs with intensity, while his fingers plunged deeper and deeper inside of me, and with each stroke and each turn, he delved inside of me faster, causing me to scream like a crazed woman.

Soon it began, rose up from the insides of me like a wildfire and then spread across my body as my entire being trashed against the wall and in Wilder's arms.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I screamed, my fingers groping onto Wilder's hair, as my orgasms came out of me in volume.

I fell in his arms tiredly, my head resting on his shoulder as my release came to an end. He enveloped me in his arms and while patting me softly on the back, he walked over to the bed and laid me on it with great care.

"Sweet dreams, Blue." He whispered, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. And as I was giving myself to the deep slumber beckoning unto me, I realized something.

Wilder didn't get to finish off!

I sat up in a jerk, my eyes flung open.

"Why?... is something wrong?" Wilder asked with worry etched in his eyes.

"You... you uhm..." I drawled, unable to complete my words.

"I... what?" He questioned, staring at me confused.

I inhaled, then exhaled before saying with utmost seriousness, "You didn't get to finish off."


I stared down at his pants, and he followed my gaze slowly, "oh, that." He muttered.

"Don't worry about it, and go to sleep."

"I don't think I can sleep knowing you are in that state. Please, let me help."

He stared down at his crotch then returned his gaze to me, looking unsure. "Okay."

I smiled at him gratefully, then attempted to get up from the bed, but the moment I stood on my feet, my legs wobbled and I fell on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Wilder asked, hovering above me.

"Yeah... yes." I answered, blushing.

"I think you are still weak from the—"

"Yes. I guess.. I am." I muttered, cutting him off. I didn't want to feed his already growing ego or the smirk forming at the side of his lips.

"You should sleep, Blue."

I nodded slowly, and he patted my head, then turned around, heading for the bedroom door.

"Wait!" I yelled.

"Yes?" He turned around.

"How about you lay down on the bed, and I— well..." I trailed off, hoping he gets what I'm trying to say. Because, I refuse to be straightforward.

"Oh. Uhm... okay." He nodded his head slowly in understanding, walking back to the bed. "Are you sure?" He asked earnestly.



He laid on the bed, and stared up at the ceiling... while I scooted over to him. I knelt down beside him on the bed and, with a shaky breath and hands, I reached out for his pants and unbuttoned them.

I exhaled, dragging his pants down to his knee level, and he actually had to raise his butt up when it became hard for me to do so.

Next, I pulled down his white shorts and was met face to face with his fully erected glorious penis. I stared at it in amazement, and the mere appearance of his penis got my vagina drooling.

My mouth became watery, as I couldn't wait to gobble it all up.

"You could touch it." Wilder whispered, "—I mean, you have just been staring at it for minutes now. It's a little bit... weird." Wilder voiced, causing me to end my short yet interesting reverie.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course, I should touch it and also suck it. I mean, that is what I said I would do. So touching and sucking." I let out nervously, stretching my hand out.

I breathed out shakily as I touched the tip of his dick, and it pulsated under my touch.

"Shit." Wilder groaned. If the room wasn't so quiet, I probably wouldn't have caught onto it.

With the tip of my finger, I slowly caressed the pinkish head of his penis, and whitish liquid stuff oozed out of it.

I felt curious, so I scooped a bit and tasted it... sour? Salty? It tasted weird, but somehow I wanted more of this weird stuff.

So I rubbed my hands up and down his manhood, with a task in mind. I had to get him sprout out the liquid whitish stuff.

I lowered myself down to the level of his standing manhood, then I stuck out my tongue and lapped off the whitish liquid on the head of his penis, and Wilder vibrated underneath me.

Encouraged by his reaction, I slowly covered the top of his manhood with my mouth, then gobbled up a few more inches.

I paused for a little while, as I allowed my throat to get used to the size of intrusion. I tried accommodating more inches of his penis, the full length. But I couldn't, so I made do with half of his dick and then started sucking on his penis slowly.

My tongue infiltrated the tiny hole in the pinkish head of his manhood, thrusting in and out of it. My mouth bobbed over half of his penis in quick succession as I tried to give him maximum pleasure.

I reached out my hand for his balls and I fondled them in my hands. I groaned in pleasure, as my mouth sucked on his penis faster, my vagina dripping wet.

"Fuck! Stop!" Wilder yelled, and I stopped immediately, raising my head up from his manhood.

He stood up from the bed, and then stood before me.

I looked up at him... "Did I do—"

I didn't get to complete my question as Wilder shove the entire length of his manhood into my open mouth, and I choked on his intrusive penis.

He grabbed my hair, thrusting his manhood in and out of my mouth. I gagged over and over again, spits drizzling out of my mouth and mixing with the beads of sweat on my face.

He paid no attention to my dilemma, as he penetrated my throat deeper.

At first, I had felt violated, but somehow, his roughness made my inside burn with pleasure. And as he spluttered his whitish liquid inside my mouth, my vagina quaked from my orgasms as it came out in more volume than before.

I slumped to the bed tiredly, and dozed off, but before willing myself to the sweet blossom of dreams, I could swear I heard Wilder Reagan say... "I love you, Blue."

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