
You found my heart, Blue.

Blue's Pov:

"Blue! Blue! Blue! Blue!!" Sarah's voice invaded my dream, waking me up with a jolt. "Yes." I answered, opening my eyes slowly as I yawned loudly.

"The Lords, they are all here." She informed me with a smile.

I sat up with a jolt, blinking my eyes rapidly as I tried to have an understanding of the message Sarah just passed across. "What?"

"The Lords, they are in your meeting room as we speak." Sarah voiced once more.

"I.. I heard you the first... the first time. But how? I thought they didn't want to see me. I mean, they had obviously ignored my call yesterday."

"I also have no idea why they are here, and so early at that." She shakes her head sideways, also trying to have an understanding of why the Lords had come to me so early.

I mean— it doesn't make any sense.

I stood up from my bed, then sat down on the chair in front of my dresser. I took a napkin from my dressing table, poured a little bit of water from the jug on the dresser, and then used the napkin to wipe my face clean. "You saw them? With your two eyes??"

"No. But Rose did."

"Okay. Where is she?"

"She's right outside the door. I told her she should allow me wake you up,"

"Call her in."

Sarah bowed, then exited my room and in a few minutes, she came back with Rosemary.

"You saw them... the Lords?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Hmm." I let out, trying to make sense of it all. "And they are in my meeting room?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Hmm." I stood up from the chair, "well... get me ready to see them. I want to look intimidating, fierce and, lastly... take all the time in the world." I instructed, grinning.


"They made me wait, Rosemary. Certainly, as the queen, I am allowed to be a little bit vengeful."

"Of course your highness," Rose replied, she might have tried to hide it, but I saw it... a little side smile forming up on her lips.

Just as I had instructed, Rose and Sarah got me dressed in a painfully slow routine. And in two hours, I was finally done getting ready.

"I wish I could burn them to their death, but sadly... they are important Lords of the pack." I muttered, as I stared at my reflection in the mirror, "well... for now. Dressing to kill would have to be a replacement for murder."

"Let's go." I said, as I exited my bedroom.

"Give me the patient moon goddess, to only burn one of them and not all." I prayed in a little voice, before walking in.

With a graceful smile, I cat-walked into the meeting room. The Lords were seated round a table, and their faces held displeasure.

Nice! Mission accomplished.

"You can start by introducing yourselves." I said sharply, staring at them with a little bit of disinterest.

My gaze rested on one of the Lords. He let out a sardonic breath, shaking his head. "Is that necessary?"

" I insist."

"I am Lord Cecil and over there is Lord Marcus."

"Lord Ansel," Another answered.

" Lastly, I am Lord Conrad." .

They all stared at me in a manner that says, 'give us a knife, and we will drive it through your heart' or it could also be interpreted as, 'You are not welcome here.'

"Well, let us keep this short and simple. I would like to know why the people would have to pay ninety percent of their earnings as tax." I spoke with a subtle tone even if I was annoyed at that fact. "It is a rule I find ridiculous and overpowering."

They didn't answer uprightly, instead there were sounds of murmuring amidst them.

When someone finally decided to speak, it was Lord Edward.

"I am sorry, my queen. But it is not your place to interfere with what happens in the pack. Not even the king does so."

"You would do well, Lord Edward, not to tell me what is my place, and what is not my place. I choose to butt in, and butt in I shall."

He exhaled, staring at me with obvious anger, one that I enjoyed seeing. "The money is needed for the growth of the pack."

"Hmm. Okay. I would believe your words for now, but if I have to keep on believing those words of yours. I need to see the tax Ledger."

"We can't give that to you, your Highness," Lord Ansel voiced, with a serious look on his face.

"Well, I insist!"

"And we also must insist that you can't see the ledger." Lord Marcus joined in.

"Just because the king forced us to be here, doesn't mean we have to do what you say. In-fact, it is high time we take our leave," Lord Edward said, standing up swiftly.

But the moment he stood up, I set his chair ablaze, and he halted in shock. "It is not the king you should be afraid of, Lord Edward." I threatened, standing up on my feet.

My face lit up, my fingers sparkled with blue flames.

He growled, his eyes dimming yellow." Do you think I am afraid of a little fire?" He snapped at me between his canines.

"You can put it to the test." I smirked.

Furious or rather stupid, he launched at me as he turned into a full wolf, his long nails reaching out to tear me apart. I threw a fireball at him, and the fire enveloped his whole body and, in fear, he returned to his human form.

The Lords gasped in shock. Shocked by the fact that the fire, which had burnt the chair to smithereens, hadn't burnt Lord Edward yet or his clothes, instead it wrapped itself around him, doing nothing.

"You see my blue flame is a bit different from the little fire you know. It hasn't scorched you yet, because it is waiting for my command," I said, walking in slow steps to where he lay in fear, "and I should add. My fire won't burn your body, instead... it will crawl into you and eat your soul. And this means..." I crouched down in front of him, "no afterlife, and neither can you be reborn."

He closed his eyes, then opened them back. "Please, mercy."

"Who is in charge of the Ledger?" I asked, standing back up to face the other Lords.

"I, your Highness," Lord Cecil answered, standing up on his feet.

"Send a servant home to get it for you. And the servant had better be fast, or I might be feeding my fire their favorite meal." I went back to my seat, and sat down.

"I could teleport him back to his home," Lord Conrad muttered.

"That is even better. Be on your way then." I clapped my hands happily.

Lord Conrad stood up, held onto Lord Cecil's hand and they both teleported. In about fifteen minutes they both appeared with the ledger in Lord Cecil's hand.

He handed it over to me, and I handed it over to Sarah. "Thank you for your time, Lords. And bye." With that I said, I walked out of the room, after I had quenched the fire on Lord Edward's body.

"Wow. That was exhilarating!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Please don't say that, I was more afraid. What if Lord Edward had torn you apart?" Rose voiced, placing a hand on her chest.

I halted on my feet, turning around to stare at them as something dawned on me. "Lord Edward, he said... he said the king was the one responsible..." I trailed off as Lord Edward's words played in my head, 'Just because the king forced us to be here...'

In the heat of the moment, I didn't realize what he had said. Or take it into consideration. Why would the king help me?

"The king called on me yesterday, and I informed him that the Lords hadn't answered to your call." Rose informed me.

"I see." I nodded, walking once more... heading to my bedroom. But then I suddenly changed my destination to the King's Quarters. "Do not follow me, I will be back soon." I informed Rose and Sarah.

"I want to see the King." I said to the guards in front of the King's Quarters, as I passed by them briskly.

"Why did you help me?" I questioned, walking into the King's bedroom.

"It is not you I helped. It was the people of Night Shade pack." He corrected, standing up from his bed to meet my eyes.

"Really? You turned me away the other day, and suddenly you decided to be a heroic King." I eyed him, folding my hands below my breast. "Is that what you want me to presume?"

"Yes. Your heavy emotional words pricked my heart, and I decided to be a good king." He shrugged, turning away from me, his back facing me.

"Fine. If you insist, then I must believe you." I said softly, frowning.

Why won't he just confess that he helped me?

"Well, I will be on my way." I turned around ready to leave, but then his voice stopped me. "I lied."

I turned around, my heart in my throat.

"What?" I turned to face him, my heart thumping.

He teleported to where I stood, his fingers reaching out to caress my face, and I let him, leaning into his touch.

He held onto my gaze, his affection for me on display. "You found it, Blue." He whispered, his gaze intense. "You found my heart, Blue."

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