
Chapter 34: Secrets in the Mountains

The aftermath of the battle left us weary but determined. The werewolves we had freed from Gabriel’s clutches were grateful, but their eyes still held shadows of fear and uncertainty. As dawn broke over Silverwood Falls, we gathered in the clearing, trying to piece together our next move.

Nathanial stood beside me, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of chaos. “We can’t stay here,” he said, his voice low but resolute. “Gabriel may be defeated, but his influence lingers. We need a safe place to regroup.”

A voice broke through our deliberation—a young werewolf named Clara, with piercing green eyes that seemed to hold ancient wisdom. “There is a place,” she said, stepping forward. “A sanctuary deep in the mountains, guarded by ancient magic. It’s a haven for our kind, a place where we can heal and gather our strength.”

I looked at Clara, hope stirring within me. “How do you know of this place?”

She met my gaze, her expression earnest. “My grandmother spoke of it often. She said it
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