
Why the moon roars
Why the moon roars
Author: Veeyah English

Black out

Baelakis POV

I heard a really loud thud. It was my body that made the noise, it took me a second or more before I finally felt the impact of my weight coming in contact with a floor made out of wood like a bag of unwanted trash. I can’t make a sound, I already feel enough pain from the past two days and the worst part is that I do not know where I am and neither has this fold been lifted off my eyes since I got captured. It seemed funny to me because my parents did not even have a penny to their name and if these godforaken kidnappers are trying to ask them for ransom, I’ll be dead in a few days because to start with, my parents do not have a phone which means, they cannot be contacted and it also means I’m done for.

Wait, didn’t these kidnappers see the rags I was wearing before kidnapping me? Why would they bother taking someone like me?

I hear a little sound near me. So faint as if the person is trying to gasp for air. Although I haven’t tasted anything for two straight days, I’m not fazed because I’m already used to going without food for days so I’m sure I’m not hallucinating due to hunger. Wasn’t I the only one here? For the past two days, I had been the only one in my kidnappers vehicle, I just felt it, the emptiness in the vehicle I was put in. Right now it’s different, I feel a presence here and right now. 

Next, the voice coughed. A really dry cough that sounded unhealthy “is… is…there…” another dry cough escaped the throat of the person I am now sure is a woman. She continued “someone new…am…ong us?” I could feel her pain from her voice, I knew that her throat wasn’t feeling nice right now but she still needed to communicate. 

Wait, did she just say “us”? Does this mean they may be more than two people here right now? Oh wow. I’m not the only one who has been kidnapped.

Who were these people and why did they take us? 

What are they going to do with us?

“Who else is here?” I asked.

“We don’t know how many we are but welcome to the party” another female voice responded with a shade of sarcasm.

As the reality of the situation sank in, a wave of fear and confusion swept over me. I couldn't comprehend why I, of all people, would be targeted for kidnapping. But as I listened to the voices around me, I realized that I wasn't alone in this nightmare.

The darkness seemed to press in on us, suffocating and oppressive. With each passing moment, the uncertainty grew thicker, like a fog enveloping my mind. Who were these people that had taken us? What did they want? And most importantly, how could we escape this ordeal?

Despite the fear gnawing at my insides, a spark of determination flickered to life within me. I couldn't afford to give in to despair. I had to find a way out, not just for myself, but for the others trapped in this nightmare with me.

But first, I needed to gather as much information as I could. I strained my ears, listening for any clues that might shed light on our situation. And as the voices whispered in the darkness, I vowed to myself that no matter what it took, I would find a way to break free from this prison and return to the life I once knew even if that life was equal to death, I’d rather see my parents.

“We set sail now!” I heard a husky voice very far from us, somewhere outside this room shout with authority.

Sail? We are on a ship! 

It took me a few seconds to process this new information. We are leaving Poland? What about my life at the farm, what about my poor parents? My blind father? Everyone? My friends? My mother? That woman could barely do anything without me. They are going to suffer more than they already do. 

“Ahhhh! Someone help me, get me off this ship! Let me out! Help!” I let out multiple ferocious screams in hopes of being heard and saved.

I felt an atrocious weight landing on my head. I think someone hit me ‘cause I blacked out.

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