
Chapter 8

Abigail's p.o.v;

After school ended, I walked through the playground to escape from Mike's nagging. It didn't matter what I said; he'd keep talking no matter what. I wonder what's amusing for him to befriend a human. As I walked, my thoughts drifted. The wind picked up and the sky turned pitch black. I raised my hand and asked, "Is it going to rain?"

The wind began howling as if responding, so I ran towards the college entrance. When the rain started falling, I realised that I was completely soaked.

"This is just great," I cursed. If only there had been an umbrella.

I sat down in the bus terminal and tried to think of a way to get home since I couldn't spot any bus.


I looked up and saw a woman standing next to me. She smiled kindly at me and held her hands out. "Let me take off your wet coat. You're shivering."

"Thanks," I replied with a slight hesitation.

"Where are you headed?" she asked.

"Uhhhhh I don't know. Maybe somewhere?"

She laughed. "I can give you a ride back to your place if you'd like?"

"Really? You don't mind getting drenched in the process?"

"It would be better than letting you stand here all day, wouldn't it?"

I gave into the fact that it wasn't raining as much anymore. Besides, she did seem nice, so I shrugged off my soaking jacket. She took it, along with my purse and handed them both to her.

"Thank you for the ride."

"You're welcome!" With another smile, she walked away.

I walked back to the bus terminal and checked my phone. No messages. Great. Well, this was fine, I could catch a bus back home. I got on the first one that came by and sat down. I pulled my hood over my head to shield myself from the raindrops. While i was in the bus,

a voice called to me, "Hey! Wait for me! Don't go!"

Mike got on the bus and put his bag down in the front seat.He took out a red sweater from his backpack and put it over his Shirt.

"Didn't have time to grab another," he explained.

He scooted closer to me to make room for me to sit. After I settled into a seat, I removed my coat, placing it between us. His sweatshirt was way too big for him.

"Why are you sitting here?"

"Can't you see that every seat is soaked in rain? how can I sit there?" he said sarcastically.

"By the way, did you get off early? I couldn't see you at the college entrance?"

"Yeah, I used the other entrance to get rid of your blabbering mouth."

"You're the first one to say that to me. Do you know how girls flirt with me?"

"You flatter yourself if you think they actually want to spend time with a guy like you? they are just being around because you belong to spirit walkers and you're an alpha. not for you."

"Excuse me?!"

"Sorry for telling the truth." He smirked. "Don't worry though. I don't really care about those things. What I care about are girls who love me."

I rolled my eyes.

The rest of our trip went pretty smoothly. I got off at my stop and walked to my house. Since the rain stopped, the atmosphere felt chill. I pulled my hoodie tighter around my torso while looking for the house key in my pocket. Suddenly, I heard Mike calling me.

"Is this the way to your house!!" he yelled.

I ignored him and continued walking to the house. He chased after me and grabbed my shoulder.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" I protested.

"You're walking past your house."

When i looked at it, yeah, i walked past my house but how did he know my house.

I asked, "Are you stalking me?"

His smirk deepened. "Yes!"

"What are you, some kind of stalker??!"

"Maybe." he chuckled evilly.

"What do you want then?" I demanded.

"To hang out with you, of course."

Suddenly, my dad's car stopped in front of us and he came out.

Dad asked, "Is this your friend, Abby?"

Mike teased me, "Abby, tell him who i am."

I said to dad, "A guy from my school, dad."

Mike put his hand over my shoulder and said, "That's not how you introduce your friend, Abby."

Dad, "Invite him inside the house." and walked to the house.

Mike, "Shall we go in, Abby?"

"Stop calling me that. only my dad calls me like that."

He nodded and walked into my house.

What in the hell is happening here! I let out a sigh and walked into the house. I walked into the house and saw Mike talking with my dad like they know each other already. I went in and sat down next to Mike who's grinning ear to ear.

"How's school going?" dad asked mike.

I sighed. That was an understatement. School is terrible, but I'm used to it.

"It's okay," he answered back and smiled widely at him.

"Dad, he's a werewolf."

Dad, "So what?" He turned to him and said, "Don't mind her."

Mike gave me a smile when dad took it as a casual. He gave an intro about himself to my dad and they talked.

"What are his powers?" That was his first question he raised on Mike.

I stood up and said to my dad, "I have homework to do so I'll…"

Mike stood up from his seat and said, "Thank you for having me over but I gotta go or my mom will be worried about me."

After Mike left the house, dad asked, "Did you get into a fight with him?" His voice was calm and casual. But his eyes were piercing and full of concern. The question was directed at me but I wasn't sure whether he meant for it to be. It felt like a trap. I didn't say anything though. So the answer was yes. And even though my dad had just found out about all the shit I've been up to, it wasn't something that would change much if he didn't know. He wouldn't care either way.

"It's fine."

He looked at me and gave me a small smile. He patted my shoulder and then turned his attention back to the TV where they were playing some game I didn't recognize.

I walked upstairs and went into my room. I closed my door behind me and collapsed on my bed.

an hour later, i got up from the bed to do my homework. Once I'm finished, I went straight to bed.

The next morning, while I was on my way to my school, Mike said, "Hey, your dad was so nice. I thought he'll be like you but he's different. He's really cool! Do you have any siblings?"

I looked up at him, not knowing why I was smiling. Maybe because of what a good person he was, or maybe because that was the most random question he'd ever asked me. I smiled again and said, "No, I'm an only child." The smile left my face as quickly as it had come.

"Do you have any siblings?" I changed the topic before we ended up talking about me.

Mike didn't seem to mind the change in conversation. "Yeah, I have a brother. He's also in the same school as us."

"Really? What's his name?"

"Don't act like you don't know him. I saw you talking with him before."

While I was confused, he said, "He's the representative for the first years."

"Do you mean Aiden..."

"Yeah, Aiden Whitlock."

"you're brother's?"

"Guess he didn't tell you about me."

"No... he didn't mention anything. we're not that close to talk about those things."

"Since we're talking about those things, does that mean we're close?" he asked jokingly.

I rolled my eyes at him. "No, not at all. I wouldn't even know what to say to you if you were."

"What a shame."

I just ignored his comment. I was too busy thinking about how these brothers are so different from each other. one always surrounded by people whereas the other left alone.

When I got to school, Mike went ahead of me like usual. While I was walking through the playground, I saw Aiden playing football with others on the ground. I stopped and looked at him playing. He caught me off guard so I continued walking to my class.

Aiden, "Do you have something to talk about with me?"

When I heard his voice, it reminded me of the voice before. I walked to him and asked, "Can you please repeat it?"


"It's you. it's your voice for sure."

"I don't get it."

"You're the one who said cute right?"

"Did I get caught red handed? sorry, i saw you with your friend taking pictures, wanted to talk with you but i couldn't since i was with my friends..."

I smiled and said, "It's fine. you don't have to explain it anyways."

he gave a nod and asked while pointing at the students who were playing football in the ground and asked, "Do you like football?"

"I'm not a big fan." and smiled.


"By the way, do you have a brother? I heard people talk about him in my class."

I asked him like I don't know Mike because he wanted to keep it a secret.

"Yeah, he studies in this school too. we're not the same. He's more popular than me."

When I heard those words, I felt bad for him and said, "Well, you look a lot more handsome than he is."

"Have you seen him?"

I looked on either side and whispered, "Since I know you mindread me, I don't wanna lie to you and get ashamed of it." and told him everything.

he let out a laugh to my surprise and said, "He's always like that. Moreover, I don't read people's minds without their concern."

"But you did that day."

"Because I didn't know it was you."

"that sounds suspicious, you know." and we both laughed.

The bell rang, making me go back to my class and he went to his.

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