
Chapter 7

Abigail's p.o.v;

When I came to my house, it was empty like always. The air was cold and smelled of death, but I don't mind. It was just me and that stupid thing called the world. Sometimes when I feel lonely I'll take a peek at what's left of the world, but that doesn’t seem right either.

I headed to my room and dropped on the bed being tired of taking pictures of the school campus , I just wanted to sleep. But there were things that I'd rather forget and they haunted me every night in my nightmares.

Things that I didn't want anyone else to see. I grabbed the picture frame from my drawer and stared at the face that had been in there for years. My mom. She's dead because of the stupid thing that killed her, she shouldn't have died and we would have been happiest family right now. Instead, here I am and nobody cares about how I feel. I'm alone again.

"What are you doing?" someone asked from the door way. It's dad's voice.

i kept the photo aside and asked him, "When did you come back?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "A while ago."

He walked over to my desk and picked up one of the photographs. It was a picture of mom and me during our first date. We look so happy and we're laughing with each other, she looks radiant. "She loved you, you know? Always talked about your future together with you. And when you said you needed some space after she..." He took a deep breath before speaking up once more. "I knew it would hurt like hell, but I also knew you wouldn't be alone forever."

I turned my head away so he couldn't see my tears.

"She loved you." Dad repeated. "I can only imagine the pain and sadness you must be feeling right now. And I promise to never leave you alone ever again, okay kiddo? No matter where you are or who's around, I will always be there to love and support you." He pulled me in for a tight hug, letting me know that this isn' s goodbye, he's still gonna be here for me even if he has to spend all day watching my every move.

I smiled against his chest and nodded. "Thank you dad." I whispered into his shirt.

He gave me another squeeze before pulling away. "Get some rest little bro, tomorrow is going to be an emotional day."

I gave him a sad smile then got up and went into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I put on some PJs and climbed into bed. Before closing my eyes though, a thought crossed my mind... even though i cross this day every year, i still couldn't get used to it.

As soon as I woke up the next morning, I could feel the weight of today pressing down on me like a giant mountain. I sat up and looked out the window, I saw the trees were still bare, meaning that the leaves hadn' t yet fallen. It made me miss Mom. Today was the day, mom got killed by that heartless werewolf.

Mom was my rock. Whenever I felt bad, which wasn't very often, I'd go to her room to cry until my throat was raw. She told me that no matter what happened I could tell her whatever was bothering me, she understood. And she did.

That's why when I saw her body on the ground, with blood pouring out of her mouth and pooling under her lifeless body, everything inside of me shattered. I screamed so loud you should've heard me a mile away. Then I ran. I ran from the scene and away from my father. Away from my friends. But somehow, someway I ended up here and I'm not exactly sure why.

I sighed and rolled out of bed. A cold chill went through my bones as I went downstairs, I guess it would snow soon.

"Good morning, kiddo. here's your breakfast." My dad handed me a plate full of eggs and bacon. It smelt nice and warm and i couldn' t help myself. I stuffed the food in my mouth, barely remembering to chew. Once I was done, dad ruffled my hair as usual. "Have a good day at school, alright? And don't get into trouble."

I smiled at him and walked out of the house. As I reached my front door, I remembered one last important fact. I turned back around and gave dad a big grin. He chuckled and waved goodbye before I closed the door.

When i got to the school, I walked to my morning class. The teacher told us that we would be getting a project from our parents and teachers this year. He then told me that the project would be due at 2pm, which was in less than an hour away. So I thought about what kind of project it will be and how long I have left before I can finish my homework and study for tonight' test.

While thinking over the questions, I noticed that I had already finished everything on the last section of question one. It's not like there are any problems that could come out of that, so why did I feel such frustration over something as simple as math? That must've been my fault because I always get frustrated over small things when I start writing essays; I am just not good with them.

Then my brain reminded me about my current predicament, meaning that I had less time to complete all my work. Well, maybe if I went home early and started working right now, I wouldn't have so much trouble with it. But then again, I really hate having to do these assignments by myself, especially because I usually end up failing most of them because I didn't even bother to read them properly.

I looked at my watch and saw that only 3 minutes remained until the next period began. This is going to be hell. As I sat down in my seat, I realized that I still haven't gotten the answers from the previous week's worksheet. I grabbed my notebook and started filling in my answers. Once I finished I noticed that the room has filled in, meaning the students have arrived. I then checked my watch again. There's still time.

Luna poked on my shoulder and asked, "Why are you nervous?"

"Because I'm gonna fail." I said with a sigh.

Luna laughed at that statement, "Oh yeah? Then I'll help you!" She exclaimed. She took my notebook and saw my assignment sheet. After reading through some of the notes, she found the problem. With a big smile on her face she explained the solution.

Once she finished, I stared at the paper for a couple seconds before starting to write down the answer. As I wrote, the bell rang and the class was dismissed for the day.

"Thank you." I said. Luna nodded and smiled. She then stood up and gave me a hug, which I gladly returned. We both walked into our next classes together.

As I headed towards science, Luna followed behind me like a little puppy. Once we reached science, she stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"Hey! Don't forget to eat lunch!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Yeah, yeah. I know."

I then proceeded to walk into the classroom. When I entered the classroom, I saw that everyone else was already seated. I walked over to my desk and sat down. I pulled out my notebook and started to fill in the answers. About ten seconds passed before I heard the door open. All of the students turned their heads to see who came in. My gaze met with two familiar faces. One was Noav and the other was one of her acquaintances I guess. Before I could say anything, Nova made her way over to me.

"Hey," she said while sitting down across from me, "what's with your hair?" She then noticed my new haircut. A smirk appeared on her face.

I sighed and decided not to tell her that my dad cut my hair and let it grow out. Instead of explaining myself, I simply responded, "It's my own decision."

Nova looked back at the person beside her and they started talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I then looked back at my notebook and continued to fill in the answers.

After a few more minutes, the teacher finally showed up. He introduced himself as Mr. Kwan and he told us that today we would be doing a project. He also said that there would be a lot of people assigned different roles so there wasn't too much work, just some easy stuff like reading stories and answering questions. Since I wasn't sure what to do, I asked him if anyone wanted to play a game. He told me to pick a partner based on my grade and I picked Nova.

Nova took a seat beside me saying, "You made a mistake by choosing me as your partnt." And smiled at me.

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