
Chapter 2 His Mate

“I’m sure Ashley did not mean it to slap me.”

Ashley gasped loudly and opened her mouth to breathe. She never expected that Helen could be so shameless.

How dare she play tricks just before her!

Closing her eyes, Ashley felt anger burning in her chest. When she opened her eyes again, a hint of red circles was forming in her blue eyes.

“Get your hands off her, Philip! She is lying!”

“Ashley, honey. Don’t do this. Calm down.” Philip let go of Helen gently and walked towards Ashley to calm her down.

Ashley's powers were getting out of control. If not handled properly, she would burn the whole room to ashes. She had done it before and became well-known for burning things out of anger.

“Let go of me, Philip. Helen is lying. She was trying to drug me with that water. She was planning to take that chance to ruin me.” Ashley explained furiously while pointing her finger at Helen.

“What are you saying, Ashley? I’m your best friend. I would never hurt you.” Helen acted so sincerely and pitifully that Philip couldn't help frowning.

“Honey, I’m sure this was all a misunderstanding. This is Helen. Your best friend.” Philip said.

“Stop it, Philip! Why can’t you believe me! I’m going to be your wife. You are supposed to be on my side” Ashley said and pushed Philip’s hand away when he tried to touch her.

“What is going on? Why are you shouting, Ashley?” The sound of her father made them all turn to look at the door.

The moment she saw her parents, Ashley felt at ease a little bit. Finally she got someone that would hear her words. Yet unexpectedly, her mother walked towards Helen to soothe her heavy tears.

“Ashley accused me of trying to drug her. I would never do such bad things to her. Please believe me, Uncle Ashton.” Helen said while sobbing, making Ashley more like the bad person in the room.

Anger and grievance broke out in Ashley's heart. She just wanted to burn Helen's hypocritical face at once.

“Oh, you lying piece of garbage!” Ashley raised her hand towards Helen, yet Philip caught her wrist and pushed her to the floor.

“Stop this, Ashley!” Philip looked at her disapprovingly, "You are out of control now!"

“Philip, you pushed me?” Freezing on the floor, Ashley asked with a disappointed voice. Her eyes stared at Philip who was checking Helen’s condition worriedly.

Why did her fiancé seem to be care about Helen more than her?

"Ashley, stand up. This is just a misunderstanding." Ashton, her father demanded coldly, "It is your wedding tomorrow. Behave like a princess."

Ashley looked at her father in disbelief. When did he become so indifferent to her? Why did they all choose to believe Helen rather than her?

As disappointment and bitterness overwhelmed her heart, Ashley stepped away from her father and said with gritted teeth, “Why would I marry a man who does not even trust me?”

“Ashley, what are you saying?” Ashton asked in frown while Philip looked at Ashley with a confused face.

Yet now, Ashley didn't want to care about their feelings anymore.

Why should she walk into a marriage that lack of some basic trust?Why should she try so hard to restrain her power just to satisfy those miserly listeners to her?This is not who she is.

“I can’t do this.” Standing up slowly, Ashley removed her huge diamond engagement ring and threw it at Philip.

Before they could react, she casted a spell to make them all faint on the floor. Then, she walked away from the room with red flashing in her eyes.

It was not easy to walk away from the palace she called home, without being followed. However, Ashley could always succeed as long as she wanted.

She was driving madly in a tinted Porsche. A classic limited edition, which was also her father's favorite.

Ashley could imagine how terrific the look of her father would be when the car was found to be gone; but they should know more that she was hurting more.

She still couldn't understand why all of a sudden, her world turned upside down.

She was supposed to be the happiest bride-to-be, yet now turned out to be a stray dog with her broken heart.

Tears fell down her cheeks making her vision blurry. Something felt strange that her head was getting heavier and her eyelids were slowly shutting down.

“Oh Helen, you did drug me, you little b*tch! " Ashley whispered to herself with a laugh, "But you got the wrong timing to knock me down. Have you forgotten that I am a Witch? You needed more drugs to knock me down that fast.”

After not being able to see the road clearly, Ashley stopped at an unknown building that looked like a roadside hotel. She thought of getting a room to stay and clear her head for the night.

A warm shower would be good to have in the cold weather.

Getting some cash from the car, she walked towards the hotel lobby. The drug kicking in her head made her walk to the hotel seem difficult. At times she would slip down to the ground or balance her body to the nearest tree.

“Get up, Ashley. Come on. You can do this” She tried to cheer herself up before her body fell on some stranger who was much stronger than her.

“Get off me!” Ashley shouted and pushed the stranger away from her. Her hands were in the air trying to balance her body to walk straight.

Her eyelids were getting heavier with her body suddenly getting warmer.

‘What drug did Helen put in the water?’ Ashley thought before she fell again on the man's chest. He had a scent that was alluring and masculine. It was to her liking.

Ashley looked up to see his face but her sight was blurry to see his face clearly. “Who.. a-are.. y-you?”

Before more words could escape from her mouth, she felt his lips on hers. And he whispered some words that confused her more.

“Mate. Mine.”

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