
Chapter 3 Taking Her

Alpha Nikolai never expected that a small business trip to Averna would yield him such a pleasant surprise.

After searching for the past many years, he finally met her.

His Mate. His Luna.

The cold wind was making her body shiver. Her nose and her cheeks were starting to turn red. But, not as red as her luscious long and soft hair with the scent that was making him lose his mind.

Looking at her intoxicating face, his inner wolf Blake, started growling with excitement.

‘Take her, Nick. This is what we have been waiting for. Take her. Mark her as ours!’

More than just tasting her lips, Nikolai wanted to taste all of her. But, not on the road in front of a hotel.

‘Why was she just dressed lightly in this cold weather?’ He thought as he noticed her freezing in his arms.

“Head to the nearby hospital." Picking up the woman, Nikolai demanded his loyal bodyguard Drake and walked towards a black limousine with tinted windows.

“Hmm.. you smell so good.” Ashley whispered in his arms.

“And you are so strong. Stronger than Philip.” She added with a giggle while wrapping her arm around his neck. She then saw a tattoo on his neck.

A symbol she thought was looking familiar.

“Who is Philip?” Nikolai asked with a frown forming on his face, hoping it was not someone that would take her away from him.

He was not going to let that happen.

“Someone that I am going to burn alive.” Ashley placed a finger on her lips and whispered, “Do not tell anyone about it. I will make it look like an accident.”

Entering into the car, Nikolai paused for a moment to sniff her scent. There was no hint of alcohol that he could detect from her.

Yet, she was acting as if she had been drugged.

“Why does everyone think I’m a bad person? I am a good person. I am a changed person.” Ashley kept on mumbling words that Nikolai did not understand.

“Who drugged you?” He asked Ashley while caressing her cheeks gently.

“That b*tch drugged me. I’m going to make her pay. She lied to me!” her eyes were closed but her mouth kept talking. Somehow, Nikolai only felt she was cute.

“Who was she?” He asked more questions, being interested to know more about the woman he just met and starting to like.

It was not like him to be so caring for a woman.

“I hate them. They are the true evil ones. Not me.” Ashley giggled and rested her head on Nikolai’s shoulders before she continued her words, “I once had my cousins Miko and Luna turned into piglets. They were much prettier that way.”

Nikolai frowned and saw Drake looking at him intensely. Drake asked Nikolai with a look of concern, “Is she a Witch? You do know what would happen if you Mate with a Witch, Alpha Nick.”

“Mind your own business, Drake.” Nikolai said with gritted teeth and pressed the button to raise the divider to separate him from both Drake and the driver.

“Change of plan. Drive to my penthouse. Fast.”

She was too close to him and that made Nikolai feel restless. He could feel his Wolf Blake was close to surfacing, eagerly wanting to have the mate bond with the red-hair beauty.

“What is your name?” He asked while cupping her face with his left hand.

“Have we met before?” She whispered her words breathlessly. Her hands moved to rest on his chest and slipped her fingers beneath his shirt.

That simple touch was electrifying to his body. His breathing was becoming more erratic as each of her touched on his skin.

After swallowing his saliva, he lowered his head with his face only an inch away from her, “For years I have been searching for you.”

Her eyelids lowered as her eyes were looking hungry for his lips. Ashley did not understand what she was feeling towards her mysterious man. It was weird but exciting.

“Shut up and kiss me, Mister Stranger.” Her right hand grabbed his shirt to pull his body closer to her. She was hot for him as he was for her.

The kiss was long and passionate with both not wanting to end it. Soft moan escaped her mouth as she felt his demanding tongue exploring her mouth. Both fighting to be in control.

As their kiss intensified, he pulled her body to sit on his lap facing him, “I f*cking want you. Tell me. What is your name, pretty one.”

She smiled as she teased him with her tongue licking his lips. “I don’t think you would like me if you know who I really am.”

“Well, I guess I would have to make you scream your name to me once I place you on my bed.” His words made Ashley bite her lips. Her heart was beating fast.

In the private elevator up to his luxurious penthouse, they two were kissing wildly and Ashley's dress already slipped down to the floor.

The connection Nikolai was feeling towards her was getting stronger by each second.

‘Take her Nick. It is time!’ His Wolf Blake kept pestering him to claim her as his. A soft growl escaped his mouth as his eyes were turning into shades of yellow.

At the age of thirty, Nikolai had many women in the past to warm his bed. But none could satisfy the desire he had in him.

That desire was to be with his Mate. Now, she was just before him.

“Let go of me.” Ashley suddenly pushed him back to separate his body that was controlling hers. One thing for sure, she hated being controlled by another man.

Feeling him pushing her back at the walls of the elevator again, part of her sense slowly came back with her eyes opened wider. There was something odd with the man.

“What are you?” She asked as he carried her out of the elevator and entered his penthouse. And her words only made him smile handsomely showing his teeth with his fangs growing slowly.

Fear was not what she was feeling nor was she wanting to cast a spell on him.

“What is your kind doing here in Averna? Do you know who I am?” With only her bra and panties left on her body, he carried her weak body all the way up the stairs to his room. He ignored her questions.

He was in fact enjoying her curiosity about him.

“You should be afraid of me, mister yellow eyes.” She whispered with her lips moving closer to his. Her mind was again out of control. Breathing fast with lust for his kiss.

“You should be afraid of me, pretty one.” He responded before crushing his lips on hers.

Ashley was not sure what he was. Her mind was in between the past and the present. Complicated and confusing.

The drug was finally working and her mind was slipping in and out of consciousness, “Are you going to hurt me? Are you.. are you a Wolf?”

Smiling at her, he whispered close to her ears, blowing warm breath making her tremble, “I’m never going to hurt you, pretty one. Do tell me your name.”

“Your name.” He asked again after pinning her hands above her head on the bed. Locking her tightly to him.

“Ashley.” She answered before he took her to be his.

She was all wet for him as he took her over and over again thrusting inside of her deeper each time.

He knew at that moment that he was indeed her first. And he wanted to make sure he would be her one and only.

“Say my name, Ashley.” He whispered as he pushed his erection deeper inside of her, making her moan passionately with her mouth slightly open to breath.

“Open your eyes. Look at me. Know that you are now mine.” He could not get enough of her and claimed her mouth as he increased the intensity of his movement.

‘Mark her! Nikolai!’ His Wolf Blake was panting breathlessly as he continued to make love with her not caring that she was falling asleep.

“Nikolai.” She whispered his name before he filled her with his seeds, which brought him a satisfied smile.

He promised while kissing her earlobe tenderly, "You are mine."

Nikolai never cared even if she was a Witch. Yet what he did not know, was the prophecy that coming for them, had just begun.

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