
Chapter 27 : The Diary

Angela spent another sleepless night in the pink room after dinner at Red Elephant Restaurant. And Lara's enraged gaze that was fixed on her was troubling. Leonardo's decisions were centered on her, including his command. "Find Esmeralda's killers." Leonardo's voice was constantly reverberating in her head. And no matter how hard she tried to push it away to think about it later, it popped up now and then. So, at ten p.m., she decided to take a breather outside the house.

It was a cold night outside in the swing. Angela, on the other hand, was unconcerned. She wished to wash away the events of the restaurant. Leonardo's disparaging remarks about Lara and Lara's uncontrollable sarcasm about her are a silent war for her against Lara. But the hardest of Leonardo's statements to Angela that night was when he said, "No, it's not just an ordinary statement, it sounds more like a command. "Find Esmeralda's killer." Angela leaned against the swing's back support to think about what Leonardo had said to her. How could I find Esmeralda's killer when it happened a long time ago and the case was closed to the conclusion that she committed suicide?

"Good to see you in the distance with your knight and shining armor," Lara says slurringly from the back. Angela was unaware that Lara had returned to Vera's mansion. And she's relieved to see Angela alone on the lawn. "Pack your belongings in the pink room and return to your previous room," Lara said histrionically. She was high on something.

Angela couldn't think of anything to say to her that wouldn't make her explode in a rage. She didn't want to wake anyone in the house, but she had to do what Leonardo asked. "I cannot and will not."

"You're now the lady of the house, bitch." She said sarcastically.

"Name me whatever you want, but the pink room is already taken," Angela stated flatly. "It's now mine."

"What do you mean it's yours?" Lara exclaimed, "Who gave you the authority to claim it?"

"It was my boss's wish to give me the pink room, and I gladly accepted it. Who would have thought that a simple nurse like me would be given a room and things to enjoy? " Angela smiled again, "Leonardo, grant me, or let me say, give me all of Esmeralda's belongings."

"No! It's not going to happen. Because I am his fiancée, he must tell me what should be done in that room. I've also changed my mind. I'm willing to take up residence in that room and fulfill all of Leonardo's desires. So pack your belongings and exit that room. "

Lara vented her rage at Angela, but it didn't change Angela's mind about accepting Leonardo's offer. "Let Leonardo decide if you want to occupy that room."

Lara dashed inside, leaving Angela on the swing. Angela anticipated what would happen next and counted the minutes until she heard the banging of doors inside the mansion. She realized that Leonardo didn't give in to Lara's nagging.

Mrs. Gale came out of the house and joined Angela. "A war broke out inside the house once more."

Angela sighed, "I know, she wanted to take over the pink room."

"She can't possibly win against Leonardo." Mrs. Gale smiled as she said, "She'll end up yelling and cursing until she dies."

Mrs. Gale's statements had piqued Angela's interest. It expressed negative feelings toward Lara's demeanor. "She was always rude and irritating, and she despised Esmeralda's presence in the mansion." And she added, "It should have been the evil who died that day."

"What do you mean, Mrs. Gale?" Angela caught a feeling of obscurity in Mrs. Gale’s tone.

The old woman’s face got saddened as she stared out at the blinking light below. Even in the darkness of the night, her expression was visible, the sadness was unbearable, and she whispered something to Angela. "She was the princess in this house before that bitch surfaced." She was in distress.

"It’s you who discovered Esmeralda’s body on the cliff below the veranda, right?" Angela asked.

"Yes," Mrs. Gale said, "It was the most gruesome and depressing day of my life." Mrs. Gale murmured. The old woman’s face became pale and troubled. "And I couldn’t forget what happened that day." She cried and trembled, "Esmeralda was gay the night before, and in the morning things were different. She became restless and agitated, and I knew then that she was troubled by something painful for her to admit. And when I asked her what bothered her, she’d just cry and cry, and during lunch, she was gone. We all went to find her and combed the whole house but failed to see her. " She took a deep breath. "In the afternoon, I decided to climb up the studio’s rooftop, and from there, I saw Esmeralda’s body lying on the ground below like a doll." She cried hard and then got angry. "It should be Lara." She gritted. "She must be lying down there. That wicked woman should be the one who died that day."

Angela could sense Mrs. Gale's anguish at the time. She adored Esmeralda and sympathized with her plight at the hands of the man she adored the most.

"Go get your things, Angela," Lara yelled angrily as the main door swung open.

"I don't think so," Angela stated categorically. "No one can stay in that room while I'm here. It's late, and I need to sleep for my work tomorrow. " Angela walked out, not paying attention to Lara's ranting. She went by Leonardo's room and told him she wasn't giving up the pink room, to which he replied, "Good."

Angela dozed off as soon as her back touched the bed. Angela awoke in the morning to frantic door knocking after a sleepless night. It was Lara again, and when the door opened, she entered and looked around, then opened the drawer containing Esmeralda's clip collection and chose one.

"Return that," Angela demanded.

"And who are you to demand that I put this back?" She smiled cunningly, "Neither is this yours." She clipped her hair.

"Those things have been given to me since last night."

"Who gave you permission to own this hairclip?" Lara smirked.

"Leonardo has given me all of Esmeralda's belongings in this room," Angela stated flatly, "and if you have any questions about that, don't hesitate to ask. You can confirm it with Leonardo. Please exit the room now. As of now, this is my domain."

"You bitch, you'll pay me for this, the humiliation I endured," Lara exclaimed as she exited enraged.

Angela returned a few minutes later with a cup of coffee for Leonardo. He was freshened up and dressed in new house clothes, sitting at the edge of the bed. "I overheard your argument with Lara early this morning. What happened? "

"You have an alert hearing, huh?" She said as she poured the coffee. "The coffee is hot."

"Of course, who couldn't hear Lara's wail?" Leonardo stated, "Remember that our rooms were only a few meters away."

"She wanted to get some of Esmeralda's hair clips," Angela sighed and added that Lara was insistent on remaining in the room. She's no longer terrified of the room. "She wants to relive Esmeralda."

Lara entered with a cup of coffee after the door opened. "Here is your... coffee, Leonardo."

"I have one hot cup of coffee already, Lara." Return it to the kitchen. "

"What will I do to make you warm with me again, Leonardo?" Lara was fuming.

"Perhaps you should go home and return when I regain my sight, Lara." Leonardo said frankly, "That would be the best setup for us right now." He sighed, "But I can't go back in time. Please also leave us alone. I need to talk to my nurse about something important. "

Lara slammed the door behind her with annoyance. Leonardo exhaled a sigh. "She'd deteriorated."

"How do you feel about Lara, Leonardo?"

"I already told you that I loved and planned to marry Esmeralda," Leonardo sighed, "but Lara got in the way and ruined everything for us, and it was entirely my fault. And I want to give Esmeralda justice and atone for my sins. Also, to be at ease. I had to find out who killed her. And you need to find something important that Esmeralda had. "

Angela asked, staring at Leonardo. "What exactly is that thing?"

Leonardo declared solemnly, "Please, find Esmeralda's diary."

Angela saw hope in discovering what happened to Esmeralda after learning that she kept a diary. Angela considered a diary to be a personal possession that no other human being was permitted to open. "That's an individual's treasure, Leonardo. I'm not going to open Esmeralda's diary. "

Leonardo lamented. "There’s no other way to find the truth than to know the truth about what she felt and experienced in the past. I need to know how she suffered as a result of my actions, Angela. " Please find Esmeralda’s diary and bring it to me. "

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